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Personal Narrative: What Do You Like Most About Canada

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What do you like Most about Canada?
When asked what I like most about Canada, it was harder to determine what I didn’t like about it. I mean, Tim Horton’s, ending every sentence in EH, over apologizing, residing in Igloos and our deranged ability to live year-round in a frozen tundra… Yeah, the annoying cliché stereotypes may not be remotely true but it gives us Canadians a chuckle from time to time when we hear about how other people perceive us. Among the stereotypes and overconsumption of beer during hockey games, the long bitter city winters and the brief but convivial summers spent country side is what I most admire.

What do you dislike most about Canada?
The cost of living and job wages have to be the number one thing I dislike the most. Hearing my mom talk about rent going up every year and experiencing working minimum wage with no annual raises puts people in a rut. Another major drawback for myself would be the steps it takes to get a driver’s license and that the government always finds a way to put outrageous costs on things we Canadians can’t avoid. Considering things won’t change with the government, it has become something we have been forced to deal with.

Is there anything characteristic, or distinctive about the culture generally shared by …show more content…
As a proud Canadian, I can gladly say that I have experienced the genius but widely claimed culinary invention, a Canadian classic, the poutine. Among Canada’s culinary discoveries, living in such a divergent city, cultural development in Toronto is vast and quickly growing. A strong example of this are the subdivisions in Toronto such as; little Italy, China Town, Greek Town and Little India. Year-round festivals within these subdivisions provide inclusion and foundation for our new age culture while still proudly celebrating our

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