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Why Show Pigs

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“Nothing worth having comes easy” that is why I want to be the best known show pig breeder in the country. It is definitely not easy trying to predict what pig is going to look the best when it puts on the pounds and go to the shows. I think it is worth having because you can make a career out of it, and it would be worth it to me because I love being around pigs. That is why my biggest hobby I have is showing pigs. Showing pigs is one of my favorite things to do in the world that is why I want to breed show pigs. Ever since I started working on a pig farm when I was in 4th grade I knew I wanted to do something in the pork industry. The summer after 4th grade was the first time I ever showed pigs. I was on cloud nine when I walked into the ring driving my pig. My dad and I always wanted to breed pigs but my grandma where we keep our pigs was against it, and my mom was even more against it. Finally last year time we told mom we just couldn’t get the pigs sold and that we are going to have to keep them because no one else wants them. It took mom forever it realize we actually were going to keep and she might as well give up on telling us to get rid of them. …show more content…
Once she stopped dad and I knew we needed to act fast before they started to fight with us again. We talked with my cousin and decided that it would be best for the pigs to farrow out there so grandma wouldn’t have to worry about them. We ordered semen from a couple of farms so we could get the pigs bred. The guy we bought the pigs from taught me how to artificially inseminate the pigs so when the semen came I could do it myself. I was really worried doing it by myself for the first time, but I knew I could do it. After they were bred all we had to do was

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