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Animal Hunting Research Paper

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Hunting is a major sport around the world in many different cultures and countries. When hunting first came about it was to feed your family. Then when railroads started to develop “hunters” were killing bison and other animals because they were in the way of the train. When the train would go down the track and bison were in the way the train would stop and “hunter” would jump out and just unload their guns on the animals. That is not hunting; hunters today are trained to kill animals ethically and are conservationists who assist in managing the population of wildlife to prevent overpopulation; they keep the deer population manageable and they provide food for the hunter.
One role of a hunter is to limit the amount of animals in one habitat. …show more content…
“Invasive species are very destructive to the environment and they grow very fast as a population” (Eckler). The wild boar population is a bad population they destroy water holes and habitats. The wild boar eats food that other animals need to survive. “The wild pig is the most prolific large mammal on the face of the earth-but they are not “born pregnant”! The average is between 5 and 6 pigs per litter. Sows have approximately 1.5 liters per year” (Higginbotham). If a sow has 6 pigs every litter that she is able to have and there are 6 pigs that is 36 pigs born into a habitat. This shows that pigs are very invasive and rebirth quickly. “Average lifespan id probably between 4 and 8 years of age” (Higginbotham). If a sow lives to be 8 years of age and have 6 pigs in 2 liters per year that is 96 pigs for one sow in its life span. Now think of all the pigs in the United States. “Average weight varies but run 200 pounds for adult males and 175 pounds for adult females” (Higginbotham). For such a short animal this is a lot of weight. The wild pigs destroy the environment. “Approximately 85% to 90% of their diet is believed to be composed of vegetation and 10% animal matter. Small pigs eat approximately 5%of their body weight daily; larger pigs an estimated 3% of body weight” (Higginbotham). Wild pigs eat a lot of other species food that is why they are considered an invasive species. Wild pigs are fast and …show more content…
According to a professional in this field “learned as a society that we are responsible for conserving and managing the environment, including wildlife” (Eckler). If the environment is not controlled it will over grow and all the populations will be over grown and all the food will be gone. The environment is controlled by the human population. The human population goes in and cuts down trees that are older than other smaller trees to let the smaller trees grow. Over grown trees take nutrients from smaller adolescent trees. According to an article “as early as the 1940’s, Aldo Leopold, one of the founders of the conservation movement, was documenting the impacts of the human engineered explosion of deer numbers. He recognized what was happening as a disaster, one that he and other wildlife managers who participated in snuffing out of wolves and cougars had helped to create” (levy). This quote shows that if a predator is over hunted that that predators food will over produce and be over populated. That is why we should keep hunting

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