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Anxiety Research Paper

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Introduction Anxiety is a normal part of life. Whether someone experiences anxiety from an upcoming test, or a job interview, a little bit of anxiety every once and awhile is not going to do a person harm. The difference between the anxiety someone feels on the first day of school and the anxiety disorders that disable people’s everyday life is that the disorder isn’t temporary. The three types of anxiety disorders, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety, constantly affect people’s everyday life making it hard for them to go about their daily activities. Anxiety is the feeling of worry or fear, and when someone has an anxiety disorder, this is constant and intensified. There are many ways to identify anxiety, and treat …show more content…
Some symptoms of Panic disorder include, attacks of strong fear, feelings of lack of control during a panic attack, fear of dying, constant, powerful worries of the next attack, and avoidance of places previous attacks occurred. Some of the physical signs are the same as for general anxiety, and consist of, sweating, heat flashes, shaking, chocking feelings, nausea, chest pain, chills, dizziness, shortness of breath, and numbness. These attacks are very frightening and usually last a few minutes, anytime and …show more content…
Some of the risk factors for anxiety disorder are, being shy as a child, being female, having little economic resources, being divorced or widowed, being involved in stressful events, having anxiety disorders in close relatives or parents. These risk factors can increase a person’s likelihood of having these three anxiety disorders.
Treatment for anxiety disorder include many medications and therapies that prove effective for benefiting someone with any of these illnesses. These different methods work differently depending on the type of anxiety disorder, and the person with the illness.
A therapy proven to benefit someone with General Anxiety Disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Many studies were done to show how CBT is more effective then behavioral therapy, with improvement shown over three or six-month periods. CBT is a psychotherapy that helps people with anxiety disorders, by teaching them new ways to think to solve their anxiety. The two main parts of CBT is exposure therapy and cognitive therapy. Exposure therapy deals with people’s fears to help patients overcome the thing they have been avoiding, while cognitive therapy works to eliminate unhealthy thoughts surrounding the

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