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Dental Anxiety Research Paper

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Dental Anxiety - Tips To Coping With Dental Anxiety
By William Huynh
Jun 23, 2014
A visit to the dentist isn't one of the things that many people want to do. For many, the mention for such an appointment will lead to an irrational, abnormal and persistent fear, one that would make them even skip a rather important medical appointment. The problem is that dental anxiety causes more than distress; it also affects every other aspect of a person's life. However, there are ways of dealing with such anxiety.

Routine dental check up

Fear and embarrassment are the most general reasons why people evade regular visits to the dentist. These reasons are quite unfounded, since by dwelling on them you could magnify a potentially minor problem …show more content…
At this point, you will likely need a more serious examination and dental intervention, and this is what causes dental anxiety in most cases.

Establishing trust with your dentist

It is important to talk to your dentist first about your own fear of dental interventions and your overall dental experiences. It is important to create trust between the two of you so you are assured that you can talk freely about it. With time, you will be able to establish a relationship with your dentist and be on your way to overcoming dental anxiety.

Use of sedatives

If the source of your dental anxiety is pain, then you can always ease the pain by use of the various sedatives that are available. Different forms of sedation allow you to be more relaxed during your dental appointment. The sedatives are easily administered, either through breathing in a sedative gas or via intra-venous administration. You don't need to worry about these sedatives, since they are usually mild enough and allow you to be awake and communicate with your dentist effectively, and your dentist knows the best sedative to give you depending on your

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