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Student Anxiety Research Paper

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Since the 1950’s anxiety has skyrocketed for teenagers. A study by The Atlantic says that about 8 percent of students today suffer from some type of anxiety disorder. This is a major issue that needs to be solved in able to have all students perform at their highest potential; teenagers should not have to worry about their anxiety.
Anxiety has been affecting students for the past decades. Today more students are experiencing more home and family issues and it has not been helping when schools throughout the years have been more challenging. The Atlantic states, “Schools are more challenging, the stakes are higher, and pressure is alive and well.” Today in schools there is a lot more information because of the upswing in technology. Students become more stressed because of the high-performance expectations today in schools and sports today. Students stress over getting the right grade, especially in high school when students are competing to be in a top-tier college or university. The number of tests such as the ACT and the SAT causes stress in students, even more with students toggling with sports, extracurricular activities, or family …show more content…
A New Yorker, Morgan, suffered anxiety have of her years in school. She stressed over getting a 4.0 GPA in school and stressed over not being able to go to the school of her dreams, Colombia University. Five generations of her family have gone to Columbia University and that caused even more stress, though she says “silent stress” because it was not a obvious anxiety. Morgan felt that she shouldn't complain because was getting every opportunity to succeed while others were not given those opportunities. Morgan later found out that she did not get accepted into Columbia but said, “I felt like everything I had worked for was all a waste. But at the same time, I felt free for the first time in my life.” Morgan deliberately extinguished her

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