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How Does Low Socioeconomic Status Affect Student Achievement?

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Low School Achievement is an pervasive and dramatic problem in US Schools. There are numerous factors that contribute to low achievement in schools. Some of those factors are external to schools; while others directly relate to what goes on within school buildings. In this paper, we will explore both external and school based causes of low achievement.
Much research has been done on the impact of socioeconomic status on student achievement. The research clearly shows that there is a strong correlation between low socioeconomic status and negative school achievement. It is understood that it is not poverty itself, but the repercussion of poverty and the combination of multiple risk factors that have an impact on low student achievement. …show more content…
Caldaras and Bankson (1999) suggest that it has more of an impact than a student’s free and reduced meals status. Differences in test scores and overall student achievement can be strongly anticipated based on the parental educational level. In fact, studies suggest that a mother’s educational level is the best predictor of student success (Murphy, J., 2010, p. 89) A parent’s educational level has been linked to student achievement in math, reading, and school retention. Students from minority backgrounds are more likely to have a parent(s) with less educational experience than their white counterparts. Data from the U.S. Department of Education (2010) indicates that in 2008, Hispanic American adults had the lowest rate of high school completion at 62 percent. Whereas, 92 percent of White Americans, and 83 percent of Black Americans over the age of 25 had graduated with a high school diploma. Additionally, the gap in college education continues to widen as percentage of bachelor’s degrees attained by White American grows by 7 points, 6 points for Black Americans and 4 points for Hispanic Americans. Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups JULY

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