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English Empire In North America

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The Development of the English Empire in North America
From the Restoration in 1660 to the 1750’s As the English colonies began to settle into their new life in the Americas, the process of forming a successful colonization did not appear to be as complicated as it turned out to be. Upon the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, bureaucrats in Britain attempted to impose unjust laws upon the colonies resulting in a war against them, with the aid of the Native Americans. Once King Charles II returned to the throne, he was able to transform the scattered colonies into an intimidating mercantilist empire. He distributed title to the lands of New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the Carolinas to a few English aristocrats. These were proprietary colonies that remained loyal to the Church of England, with the exception of Pennsylvania which was Quaker. These were …show more content…
Restoration Colonies: The lands distributed by Charles II to eight loyal noblemen. He gave the title to the lands of New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the Carolinas. These were proprietary colonies that remained loyal to the Church of England, with the exception of Pennsylvania which was Quaker. They were farming colonies whose chief exports consisted of primarily wheat, and the Carolinas capitalizing on rice, naval stores, and indigo.
2. William Penn: One of the eight noblemen that was given proprietary land. Penn was appointed the region of Pennsylvania, which he named after himself. He was raised an affluent man, but later adopted the Quaker lifestyle and thus did the colony of Pennsylvania.
3. The Glorious Revolution: (1688) A very bloody war lead by William of Orange, in hopes of overthrowing the hard-laced James II. William of Orange was supported by the Whig party and forced to impose their political ideals. This led to the creation of the Declaration of Rights and a constitutional monarchy that favored the House of Commons at the expense of the

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