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Interracial Adoption Research Paper

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Interracial, transracial, or inter-country adoption has become a world issue within the past four to five decades; the three synonymous words above all mean that the child being adopted is of a different race from the parents adopting them. Due to our former present, Barack Obama, being in office, more racial issues came into play because he was the first African American man to be in office. This issue goes beyond him, sadly. As slavery ended in the north in the 1830’s, the African Americans had begun the journey of freedom within the government and having the fundamental rights that they were born with from the beginning. 1865 was the year that the thirteenth amendment was passed, signifying the end of slavery throughout the United States. …show more content…
This all relies on their upbringing and what their parents instilled in them as children. Sure, as a child they may have had Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, etc. friends, but the parents only saw the white and Asian children as more suitable playmates than the others simply because of their skin. People born during the era of the Civil Rights Movement or the Harlem Renaissance of white descent would feel like blacks and white should stay within their races, regardless of if it is de facto or de jure. De facto means incidental or without recognition of doing like walking into a classroom and seeing all the African Americans and biracial children on one side and the Caucasian children on the other; de jure means by law, so having the colored drinking fountains, bathrooms, restaurants, etc. The people who oppose see a problem with interracial adoption because they believe it will a) damage the mind of the child, b) confuse the child on what ethnicity he/she is, c) create an issue in schools and job opportunities, or d) will make the child socially unacceptable. Some argue that having a white family adopt a black child will corrupt and damage the mind because of the household and social change. The child would be taught the ways of said “white privilege”and would believe that they have that same privilege, but would not obtain any because the child is black. Children in mixed homes can sometimes suffer from anxiety or confusion for a while from not knowing which culture and racial identity they should cling to. Job opportunities or school papers will come harder for these children because they will also have a hard time filing out personal information when it comes to their ethnicity or family

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