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Genocide In Darfur

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Darfur: The Never Ending Genocide

The Darfur War is considered a genocide by many people and countries, but according to the United Nations ( or UN) what is occurring in Darfur and its’ neighboring countries is not genocide. Genocide is defined by the UN as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” (Ruffin). It is an ongoing debate that has been talked about since the first attacks occurred in February of 2003. The Sudanese government and the Janjaweed groups are able to keep “cleansing” (Ruffin) their lands due to the UN not declaring this a genocide. Located in Northeastern Africa, Darfur’s surrounding countries are trying to lend aid, but they are unable to reach all of …show more content…
Each party truly believed in their cause. The rebels rebelled for a reason, to stand up and fight for the rights that they believe they should be allowed to have. The Sudanese government believes that since they make the laws, no one should rebel against them. They think they know what is best for their country. And the Janjaweed strongly believes that it is their right to be able to capture, buy, and sell black people into the slave trade. They have been doing it for centuries, and is a main source of income for them. The civilians are just normal people like I said who are caught in the middle of this war and are having to pay dearly for just being in their home …show more content…
They have tried to get them to follow laws put in place ordering them to stop the killing, but have not ended it as of yet. The Sudanese president has many arrest warrants pending, but yet he still remains untouched (Darfur Genocide). There is nothing covering up any of the murders or attacks. The main people that are held responsible for the murders are the Sudanese government and military, and the Janjaweed. The Janjaweed and military are the groups doing the killing, raping, attacking and other atrocities, but the Sudanese government is the one who hired

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