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Essay On Darfur Genocide

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Mass genocides have taken place throughout history and still occur today. Darfur is the western region of Sudan with Arabs and Non-Arabs. With the mass number of civilians slaughtered during the Darfur Genocide you may ask yourself, why all the killing ? How is this mass slaughter of civilians carried out ? And what is done to help these victims of genocide. The Genocide in Darfur has taken over 450,000 lives and has caused chaos in millions. In Darfur, there are over 100 tribes and with this there is tension. The conflict in Darfur is one between Arab and non-Arab or Black African, not the tribes. Darfur’s many different tribal groups lived placidly with each other. But, the mix of Black Africans and Arabs have made it difficult for the …show more content…
The Government hired a militia group called the Janjaweed, which translates to “evil man on horseback” in Arabic. They go through villages on horseback or camel, brutally murdering and raping men, women, and children. The Janjaweed is no longer considered a militia, since they are a well armed and trained, they are an army. The force has gone up in size because the Sudanese army was recruiting any Arab man who owned horses. These men were promised a gun and a salary of $116 a month. The average salary in Sudan is $80 per month, so it is very tempting to take that pay. Raids by the Janjaweed are followed by aerial bombardments by the Sudanese air force. This is done to insure the total destruction of the villages and the death of the villagers. A 17 year old boy from the Darfur region of Sudan verbally expressed “ I was happy in Darfur. Darfur is a beautiful country. The president of the Janjaweed gave his Janjaweed forces weapons and ammunitions, vehicles and planes. The Janjaweed came on horses and camels and they burnt the villages and killed people. They raped our mothers and sisters. They stole our money and they displace to Chad. We found protection here in the camps, very miserable

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