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The Transnational Security Threats from Failed States


Submitted By Alssolamy
Words 1317
Pages 6
Failed and weak states are posing greater security threats to the world than it were ever imagined. The collapse of autonomy and sovereignty among states is therefore a susceptible situation in the modern world. Developed states like the United States and other notable security sensitive nations are focusing their security efforts towards the failed states. This is mainly because these weak states have become breeding sites for criminal activities, and terrorist groups have established strong bases in such countries. The challenges posed by these failed states on security issues are far-reaching, and reliable measures have to be taken in order to safeguard the safety of the global population. Many forms of transnational security threats have emerged, and international peace has persistently been compromised by this trend. Solomon Islands, Somalia, Afghanistan and Sudan are good examples of failed countries that have contributed in several ways to transnational insecurity (Wyler, 2010). This essay explores the issue of transnational security threats from failed states. In detail, this paper illustrates the specific security challenges that failed states have posed on the traditional security concerns in the world.

While the failure of states is attributed to struggles for political liberalism, the lack of sovereignty and autonomy are the major factors contributing to collapse in some states (Bar-Joseph. 2001). Fragile or failed states are defined as nations which face extreme levels of poverty and development challenges (AusAid, 2005). Other characteristics of failed states include frail political governance, improper institutional frameworks and persistent conflicts. Thus, such countries face many forms of instabilities in economic, social and political aspects. On the other hand, transnational crime perpetrators take the opportunity of these conditions to

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