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Cja 84


Submitted By abbiemommy2010
Words 1256
Pages 6
Controlling Organized Crime

* In this paper I am going to discuss identify the problems presented and the various relationships established by organized crime. Describe the legal limitations associated with combating organized crime, including a critique of major federal laws and strategies that support this effort. Suggest a realistic solution to control organized crime by discussing and evaluating the effectiveness of organized crime prosecutions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There are several problems surrounding organized crime. This first matter would be defining organized crime; the number one question is who and why people get involved in organized crimes, and how the organized crime can be controlled and/or stopped. Although there is a lot of support from the public through their support of many of the illegal goods, and services, and then the communities expect law enforcement to keep up and control the organized crime, but how can they when the people of the community support them by buying their goods. Some of the citizen of the United States thinks that organized crime can’t be stopped, but it should be controlled a little bit closer because it has a big impact on organized crime and are business more than what people think it does. There is a big lack of agreement around the term organized crime , this makes a lot of confusion when trying to grasp the meaning, behaviors, and what characteristics goes with organized crime. * This section of the paper I am going to do a review. “Organized crime may be defined as systematically unlawful activity for profit on a city-wide, interstate, and even international scale. The corporate criminal organization is a far cry from the small-scale

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