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Is Technology In Healthcare Paid Too Much Analysis

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Next, the abundance of technology in the medical field increases the instance of costly, unnecessary medical procedures. Anne A. Scitovsky, a health economist, explained in the Journal of Population Health and Health Policy that “national health care expenditures rose from 5.3 percent of the gross national product in 1960, to 7.5 percent in 1970, and then to 10.5 percent in 1982”. Economists started speculating over what was driving these increasing costs and according to Scitovsky, various studies show that hospitals spend a disproportionate amount of our health care resources on patients who are terminally ill. This spending is highly accredited to the fact that doctors have access to an expendable amount of technology that allows them to …show more content…
In the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, Dr. Kenneth Robertson claims that “technology brings with it opportunities to offer unnecessary care and reap unnecessary payment". The key word is “unnecessary”. That is because there is nothing wrong with using technology to save and improve the lives of people in need, it only becomes debatable when it is for an unnecessary cause. It is important that in an age where technology allows doctors to extend life beyond its natural limits, they need to consider the quality of life they are extending and whether it is worth the expenses. Not only is technology increasing the instance of unnecessary procedures but the invention and use of expensive medical technology is driving up the cost of health care overall. Technology is often known to decrease the cost in the workplace, …show more content…
The quality of doctor-patient relationships is significantly weakened by an excess of technology in hospitals and doctor offices. A strong doctor-patient relationship is critical for building a patient’s trust and reliance. Dr. Mack Lipkin Jr. and Dr. Susan Goold explain in their article in the Journal of General Internal Medicine that “a physician’s competence, skills, and good will” are just a few important qualities that build confidence in a person’s clinician. A study performed by Nuance Communications, a computer software company, found that “68 percent of U.S. and UK respondents expect everything from eye contact and a handshake to verbal communication when they visit their physician”. The study revealed that patients feel these attributes contribute the most to an overall positive experience with their clinician. Communication is key in the doctor-patient relationship becomes it makes the patient feel prioritized by their doctor and well-informed about their health. The benefits of an intimate doctor-patient relationship are shown in a study conducted by Harvard Medical Center at the Southcentral Foundation located in Anchorage, Alaska. “The Southcentral Foundation engages all of its 1,700 employees in continuous training in relationship-building skills” (Ellner and Sullivan). This training has been proven to have lasting effects as the city now

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