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Personal Statement: Hills Like White Elephants

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Weekly Short Written Statement: “Hills like White Elephants”

First of all, I want to mention that I was kind of confused after reading the short story. After reading it a second time, I decided to do some research. In found out that the story is about a potential abortion. Of course, I understood that they talked about an operation but I didn’t realize that this kind of operation was meant. Moreover, I was even more confused because the girl drinks a lot of alcohol throughout the whole story. That also goes together with the so-called Iceberg Theory. According to Hemingway, stories communicate more between the lines instead through the actual written story. However, I guess it is quite hard for some readers, especially for those who read Hemingway for the first time, to identify his intentions. …show more content…
I guess that there is a lot of space for several interpretations regarding this story. After reading some information about the iceberg-theory, it might be Hemingway’s intention to do so. It seems that he want the reader to think about the story a little bit deeper.

Furthermore, I found it very interesting that the role of gender is somehow stereotyped. The American seems to be depicted very masculine, whereas the girl really depends on the man’s opinion. That can be observed throughout the short story. I got the impression that she is very helpless but also indecisive since she seems to adapt her decisions on the American’s decision. Moreover, she often mentions that she doesn’t really care about herself but about him and his opinion/decision and that she wants to do everything in order to satisfy him.

Weekly Short Written Statement: “Young Goodman

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