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Forgiveness: Family And Intimate Relationships

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The Role of Forgiveness:
Family and Intimate Relationships
Eliot Tracey
East Carolina University

Introduction Human nature demands utmost satisfactory from everything and everyone around us. The demand towards satisfaction dictates the relationship we have with other people. This feature is developed involuntarily as people create relationships from different perspectives and preferences. The existence of these relationships is greatly dependent on the kind interaction we have with people. Regardless of this natural selection, a healthy relationship is created by the inclusion of numerous factors that promote human satisfaction. For instance, kind and polite people tend to have numerous relationships as compared with rude and cruel people. The nature of the interaction determines the extent of the relationships. In an example, forgiveness is an involuntary demand that most relationships require. Maio (2008) describes forgiveness as a way of acceptance and tolerance of a person after committing a mistake. The author further point out that forgiveness is also demanded by the need to retain relationships and interactions (Maio, 2011). For this reason, one may point out that forgiveness is an important factor in family and intimate relationships. What is the main role of …show more content…
In addition, all couples with successful and lasting marital relationship cited that forgiveness is always an important factor in the relationship. Safarzadeh, Esfahaniasl & Bayat (2011) are of the assumption that forgiveness increases marital satisfaction of both couples. The authors further point out that, couples, feel more inclined to remain in a marital relationship if forgiveness if often practiced (Safarzadeh, Esfahaniasl & Bayat, 2011). Among other factors, the article is of the general assumption that forgiveness strengthens marital

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