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Prop 63 Research Paper

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Words 556
Pages 3
Victor Estrada
Ms. Bernal
Period 7
Prop 63

What is proposition 63? Proposition 63 includes the use and authorization of firearms, ammunition sales, and initiative statute. Proposition 63 would require multiple background checks, including the Department of of Justice having to authorize purchases of ammunition. Possession of large ammunition magazines would be prohibited. Stealing or gaining possession of another's firearms is also prohibited. In any case, if any firearms/ammunition were to be lost or stolen, they would have to be reported to the law enforcements. There is also an establishment of new procedures that prohibit people from having possession of firearms. All information on a prohibited person, is required to be sent to the Criminal Background Check System. Prop 63 would force you to submit to seizure of your legally-purchased magazines, your constitutionally-protected private property, by the government. This would render millions of firearms unusable, a violation of your Second Amendment. Prop 63 would extort …show more content…
So if you drive to a competition in Arizona and order several cases of ammo but don’t shoot it all, you cannot bring the remainder back into the state. Interestingly, it does not apply to nonresidents of California. So nonresidents have no restrictions on bringing ammunition into California, and they can sell to California residents if they go through a licensed vendor. Out-of-state terrorists, drug dealers, gang members and convicted felons can bring ammunition into California all they want. Who’s to oversee how much they bring into the state and how it is used? This tells you how fundamentally twisted this proposition really is. It will cause the police and the state to divert resources to monitor law-abiding citizens that are not causing any problems, but will do nothing to stop

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