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Neil Armstrong Moon Ads

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On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to step foot on the moon with the iconic words, “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” The U.S. moon landing was an immense source of pride for Americans; it occurred during the Cold War, a period of political turmoil between the United States and Soviet Union. As more than 600 million huddled in front of their T.V. screens watching a group of American men made history, they were united under a national identity. Americans viewed the landing as a U.S. victory and the end of the Cold War.
Given that consumers make “62% to 90% of their snap decisions about products based on color alone”, the use of color in the moon landing advertisements is very conscious. In the first and second advertisements, complimentary colors red and green are used. The use of complementary colors provide “stark visual contrast” and are considered more “dynamic and pleasing to the eye”. The third advertisement, though not specifically marketing the moon landing, uses red, white, and blue. This creates a patriotic undertone, …show more content…
In the first and third sample advertisements, the fonts for the cereal type are bold, capitalized, and black. They are attention-grabbing and set apart from the rest of the design, this makes the brand one of the first things noticed when looking at the box. This perpetuates name recognition and brand loyalty because consumers are drawn to the names of popular brands. The huge Corny the Chicken on the first advertisement and the The Snap, Crackle, Pop cartoons on the bowl in the third advertisement are iconic Kellogg’s symbols. Similarly to the effect of huge brand font, the imposing mascot images carry the brand recognition to buyers. Since consumers “remember pictures more readily than [they] remember words”, using mascots helps the brand better remain with potential

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