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The Mars Generation Research Paper

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A couple days ago in class my class and I have watched a movie and we have also taken notes during the movie called “The Mars Generation”. In this summery we will talk about Nasa’s goals like when they went to the moon, and the apollo missions. You will read about Nasa’s history and mistakes like when shuttles are being launched but they go the wrong way. Also you will read about some of the most known people in Nasa like Wernher von Braun, and Neil Armstrong.

Today Nasa is currently trying to find a way to make a new civilization on Mars because son he earth will no longer be able to take care of living things like us humans, dogs, cats, and insects. Nasa has found out that Does have a chance at taking care of living organisms because rovers that are named Curiosity, and Spirit have taken pictures of Mars and scientist saw in the photos traces of water, and water means that life is possible. Scientist are very excited because they think that if they can send people to Mars and make new generations and the popularity will rise. If they are able to do this then that means humans could …show more content…
It was founded because United States was in a race with Soviet Union to land on the moon. Nasa stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Although Nasa is filled with very smart engineers and have everything they need to make rockets really safe, sometimes big mistakes happen. In January 1896 The space shuttle disaster happened, on the challenger was seven people, these people were Francis R. Scobee, Michael J. Smith, Ronald Mcnair, Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Gregory Jarvis, and Christa Mcauliffe. What happened was that pressurized gasses were inside the shuttle and when it launched the a fire started in the shuttle and it has exploded in mid air. These people will always be remembered and no matter what happens Nasa will always learn from their mistakes and find new ways to make the people in space shuttles as safe as can

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