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Miami Dolphins Case Study

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With only six weeks remaining in the regular season, its time to start using your free bets to build your bankroll for the playoffs. There is plenty of best free bets being promoted by top online sportsbooks and you don't want to miss out on a single opportunity to get in on the action for those for free bets. Keep in mind, the best free bets are always the ones that lead to big winners.

As they look to be fading from playoff contention, the Miami Dolphins are still searching for answers for its defensive woes. Throughout the season, they have had great difficulty stopping the run and putting adequate pressure on the quarterback. Time and again, these problems have cost the Dolphins a victory in close games where a stop or two could have made …show more content…
In an effort to shore up a front seven that has been besieged by injuries, the Dolphins have picked up LB/DE Quinton Coples off of waivers after he was released by the New York Jets. In the Jets 3-4 alignment, he just never seemed to grasp playing at the line backer position, which led to his demise with the team. At 6'6" and 290 lbs, playing in pass coverage and trying to run down fleet wide receivers was something he just didn't seem to enjoy.

With the Dolphins, it is anticipated he will be placed back in his natural position at defensive end. The team is hopeful he can help put pressure on opposing quarterbacks while controlling the outside against the run. When asked about how he felt about the opportunity to get back on the line, Coples responded "Yes, my hand will be in the dirt. I will be rushing the quarterback instead of dropping in passes and playing linebacker."

With Cameron Wake, Koa Misi, Jelani Jenkins, and Spencer Paysinger all nursing injuries, Coples arrival couldn't have come at a better time. Despite the fact he only had 8 tackles and no sacks in 10 games with the Jets at linebacker this year, he did average 5.5 sacks a season from 2012 to 2014 while playing at defensive end. It's that ability to use his agility to get to the quarterback that the Dolphins are counting on as they try desperately to get back into playoff

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