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Central Europe Research Paper

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Central Europe’s historical importance as a region is defined by different aspects than other regions. Less focused on individual states, it is more centered around cultural aspects. These differing aspects include religion (mainly the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church), ideals held from past empires or kingdoms (Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of Hungary, and Poland-Lithuania), and multinationalism. (pg. 4) These three main aspects came together later when a fourth aspect appeared: delayed development when compared to Western Europe. Once the Middle Ages had passed, there was in uptick in modernization by the western part of Europe and Central Europe lagged behind. (pg. 4) This became a defining distinction of the region and the …show more content…
However, Central Europe's history is rich and just as important as any other region in the world. Central Europe's significance historically can be attributed to three main circumstances. First, its local, at the tripoint of Africa, Europe, and Asia making it important in travel, trade, and international affairs. Second, its involvement and ability for cultural and societal norms to withstand past major empires such as the Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire and, the German Reich. Third, being the epicenter of WWI, an event that drastically changed the course of history for countries around the world. These events cumulated to shape the direction of Central Europe and define it as a region of significant historical importance, possibly falling behind in early development, but definitely not falling behind in its impact on …show more content…
Austrian aggression in annexing Bosnia-Herzegovina was the straw the broke the camel's back. This move upset the Serbs as they saw the possibility of a Triple Monarchy Alliance between Hungary, Austria, and southern Slavs. Nationalism was growing in Serbia, a former client state of Austria-Hungary, and Franz Ferdinand was assassinated to kick off the World War. The assassination was not the only or even biggest cause. Many actors had stakes in this conflict. However, it was the catalyzing event that set off a chain reaction of diplomatic failures and war. The effects WWI had on global history are numerous. The partitioning of the Middle East and the Sykes-Picot Agreement created the tensions between the West and the Middle East that are still present to this day. The partitioning of Turkey lead to additional civil wars. Possible the biggest impact would be the effect this war played on Germany. The reparations and economic depression that followed were major players in causing the Second World War. The First World War also marked the first time the United States got involved in European Affairs. The changes are numerous and they are all results of an overzealousness and International relations of countries in the Central European

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