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Reykjavik Research Paper

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4 Awesome Things to do around Iceland’s Capital of Reykjavik
A country of marvelous contrasts and known as the Land of Fire and Ice, Iceland is famous for its dramatic scenery, smoking volcanoes, enormous glaciers, and plenty of geothermal activity. The capital city of Reykjavik is a terrific base for exploring the spectacular area known as the Golden Circle, and it is also quite a charming city to explore.

With wild and rugged landscapes on the doorstep, cute colourful homes and interesting architecture, great shopping, and loads of history and culture, here are some top things to experience when staying in Reykjavik:

1. Lunar-like terrain and intriguing geothermal hotspots
Driving through lava fields …show more content…
At 32 metres tall, the double waterfall is really a spectacular sight. It may not be the tallest waterfall you have ever seen, but the width and the large volume of water might make it one of the most impressive. The powerful water creates huge plumes of spray, and you may get a little wet if you stand at the front of the viewing areas. There is a fairly easy walking route that allows you to witness the incredible waterfall from several different vantage points and, if you’re lucky, get the angle right and you may see a shimmering rainbow in the mists.

Whilst many visitors head to the beautiful Gullfoss as part of a tour, independent visitors will be delighted to learn that there is no charge to enjoy the waterfall.

Seljalandsfoss is another popular waterfall close to Reykjavik. Tumbling 60 metres over a jagged cliff, take a walk behind the cascade, feel the spray, and experience what it’s like to actually be behind the water as it crashes into the pool below. This waterfall is also free to enjoy.

4. Imaginative and eye-catching buildings
The heart of Reykjavik is pretty compact and so really easy to explore by foot. Whilst many visitors spend most of their time taking trips out of the city to enjoy the nearby natural wonders, plan to spend at least half a day wandering around the city itself … there are some real gems to discover! With a rich …show more content…
The bauble-like Perlan offers great city views from its lofty hilltop location and in the winter months you will see a bright beam of light coming from the Imagine Peace Tower.

Other fabulous things to do in and around Reykjavik
Visit a wide selection of interesting museums and galleries, such as the Culture House and the National Museum of Iceland, peer inside curious rook-hewn buildings like Althingi, and wander around the atmospheric Holavallagarour Cemetery.

Discover charming nearby villages, feast your eyes on magnificent volcanic craters, and see where the earth has literally been ripped apart by seismic activity in the picturesque Thingvellir National Park.

There really are so many reasons to visit Reykjavik! What are you waiting for?! Book your trip and start counting down the days!

Blue Lagoon []
Geysir []
Gullfoss []
Hallgrimskirkja []

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