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Immigrants: Direct Discrimination In The Workplace

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Direct discrimination towards immigrants inside the workforce.

Direct discrimination has been the cause for millions of immigrants and women to make 40% less than they should because of their race and gender. If you are a women or the color of your skin is not white, then you have a bigger chance of experiencing inequality in the workplace. Despite the laws that claim to protect workers rights, some companies will still take advantage of you especially if you are a single mother or an immigrant. Even though women and people of color are making more money than decades before, this issue has contine to arise because of the unequal wages for immigrants, harsh work treatments and it is affecting immigrant families.

Immigrants and women …show more content…
Immigrants “usually work without a contract or any kind of agreement, written or oral… they perform work that is physically pushing, involving heavy lifting, long hours, and exposure to… harmful cleaning products.” (Fredrickson 58) Barbara Ehrenreich, perfectly describes how immigrants are being treated inside the workforce. Immigrants not only experience this but may “ be subject to physical and verbal abuse by their employers.” (Fredrickson 58) Immigrants and women are treated unfairly because of the traditional idea or global belief that they are inferior. Or that women should stay at home, and the men should provide for the family. This belief/idea have continue to affect how women and immigrants should be treated especially in the workforce. For example, the probability of “women choosing a high-paid major… is 20% less.” (Boeri 99) Women have stopped aspiring to get high paying jobs because they know that even if they become a doctor, CEO, etc they will still be paid less than men. All these issue we have addressed so far are the reasons why women and immigrants continue fighting. They want to be treated equally because it may cause an impact to their lives or even to their families well

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