...been thinking about for the past two weeks. You don’t know why you’re always so anxious in big groups. You may be feeling the effects of social anxiety disorder. Many people don’t know what this disorder is, how it affects people, or how to treat it. Social Anxiety Disorder--SAD--is a common disorder that affects more than 15 million people in the United States. A person who suffers from this condition may have an excessive and unreasonable fear of being judged or embarrassed in social or performance situations. The typical age for one to start showing symptoms of this disorder is preteen to thirteen years old. Though SAD is now common knowledge in today's world, it has been reported that “thirty-six presents of people who have symptoms wait ten or more years before seeking help” (Social Anxiety Disorder). Many brush off the symptoms and say things like, “Oh, she’s just shy.”...
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...Research paper on Anxiety Disorder Jeffrey S. Fletcher, M.A. Kathleen B. Stinger Psychopathology and Counseling, Coun 656 4, May 2014 Author Note Jeffrey S. Fletcher, Student, Liberty University. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Jeffrey S. Fletcher, Jfletcher1@liberty.edu Abstract This research paper is designed to review articles and books of professional journals in anxiety disorders, definition of anxiety disorder, review of current and past treatments of anxiety disorders, the new section and changes to anxiety disorder in the DSM-5, new treatments for anxiety disorders and medications for anxiety disorders. This paper will show spiritual considerations for treating anxiety disorders and how religion can improve one’s condition. It will show how CBT treatment of anxiety disorders have not been very successful and how medication has its limitations in treatment of anxiety disorders. This paper will also show what this clinician has learned and will take forward into the daily practice of treating adolescents with anxiety disorders. Keywords: anxiety, anxiety disorders, DSM-5, treatment Introduction When we talk about anxiety we have to distinguish between healthy anxiety or normal anxiety and anxiety disorders. It is normal to have a certain amount of anxiety for instance when one is in danger it is normal to become anxious. To have an anxiety disorder your anxiety would have to interfere with your life in a negative way. Anxiety...
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...Psychological Disorder Paper PSY/450-Diversity and Cultural Factors in Psychology Kimberly L. Herrington Due: Tuesday January 15, 2013 People decisions, attitudes, and beliefs are acquired from their cultural roots. Psychology has established social perception results from the individual’s cultural milieu. Social perception is a process that aids us to understanding others as well as ourselves. This paper will discuss anxiety disorder; examine the connection between human development and how this connection affects anxiety disorders. There are several types of anxiety disorders, some of the most common are; Specific Phobia, Panic Disorder, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. A person who has anxiety disorder may experience feelings of excessive fear, worrying or discomfort in situations where majority of others do not share those emotions. Left untreated, anxiety disorders may become severely damaging and may affect his or her relationships, work performance, and or study ability. As more research and studies are performed it has been concluded from severe cases that even simple tasks such as cleaning, shopping or leaving the house is a major challenge. In addition to inability to perform daily activities, anxiety may also cause decrease in self-esteem, drug abuse, and separation from loved ones ( Shiraev & Levy 2010) In the United States of America, the most common mental ailments are anxiety disorders. Statistics...
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...American children are more likely to develop Social Anxiety Disorder if parents emphasize the importance of others' opinions and push their children outside their comfort zones when it comes to socializing (Chang, 1997). In Asian countries, shy-inhibited children are more accepted than their peers and more likely to be considered for leadership. When Asians migrate to America, there is conflict as they are unaccustomed to “keeping up” with the socialization of Americans (Chang,...
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...Social Media & The Psychological Effects on Mental Health With the increase of Social Networking Sites (SNS's) dramatic increase in the past few years; there has been a growth in psychological research addressing the psychological impact of these online experiences. Consequently, there is a darker side to how social media can affect us. According to researchers, the more time spent on social media, the more likely you are to suffer from mental issues. This is especially true in children and teens; however prolonged and excessive use presents a danger to adults as well. Social Media Anxiety Disorder (SMAD) is a syndrome that relates to social anxiety and is presented when the participation of social media affects the mental and physical...
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...and Therapy The purpose of this paper is to discuss abnormal psychology and therapy. First this paper will define what abnormal psychology is. Then this paper will compare and contrast normal and abnormal psychology. Then the paper will examine at least two mental disorders from the perspective of psychology. Next the paper will examine two mental illnesses from the perspective of psychology. Finally the paper will discuss the similarities and difference among two different therapies in the schools of thought in psychology for treating mental disorders. Normal and Abnormal Psychology Normal vs. Abnormal Psychology The study of "normal" psychology is simply the study of someone who is in good health both mentally and physically. Said person adheres to and is responsive to social norms, and engages in activities that are socially acceptable and do not stray from the norm. Normal psychology is the study of the mind and the study of behavior. When unusual patterns of behavior, thought and emotion are studied, it falls under the branch of psychology called Abnormal psychology. The control and understanding of behavior that is considered to be deviant or aberrant either statistically or morally, has been the subject of much research and debate. Psychologists who focus on abnormal psychology identify the different causes of various conditions all while employing and discovering diverse theories that derive from general psychology theories and research. However this is still much debate...
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...Introduction This paper provides a brief overview of evidence based psychological treatments for anxiety disorders. It addresses the following questions: • How common are anxiety disorders? • What psychological treatments have empirical support? • What recovery rates can be achieved with these treatments? • How enduring are their effects? • Is there value in combining psychological treatments with medication? Psychological treatments can be delivered in a variety of formats. This paper restricts itself to the traditional, and most extensively researched, format of face-to-face contact with a fully qualified therapist. For most anxiety disorders the therapy sessions are once weekly for 60-90 minutes spread over a period of 8-20 weeks, with homework assignments in between. However, in specific phobias, the strongest outcomes have been obtained with a single, long (3-5 hour) session with a therapist, followed by a briefer follow-up session a week or so later. 2. How common are anxiety disorders? The most recent British Psychiatric Morbidity Survey1 estimates that 16.4% of the population have a diagnosable anxiety and/or depressive disorder. The diagnostic system that was used in the survey (ICD-10) is different from the diagnostic system (DSM-IV) that has been used in most trials of psychological treatments. For this reason, it is difficult to be precise about the number of individuals in the UK who have anxiety disorders for which there is an...
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...Anxiety, Mood/Affective, Dissociative Paper Christine Bernardo Psych 410 January 21, 2012 Sarah Wyckoff Anxiety, Mood/Affective, Dissociative Paper This paper will analyze the biological, psychodynamic, cognitive and behavioral components of anxiety, mood/affective and dissociative disorders. This paper will define the major diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. These all have one thing in common, the inability for a normal life and daily functions unless they are treated. Anxiety disorder is one of the more common types of upset. It is frequent worry and upset about activities and daily tasks. Some examples of anxiety disorders are posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD phobias and panic disorders. Biologically, anxiety affects the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, the limbic system, autoimmune processes and factors that are inherited that predispose an individual to anxiety. Emotionally anxiety disorders are due to underlying concerns or fears that have not been addressed and most of the time anxiety disorders are due to underlying sadness and upset. Anxiety can create negative views and pessimism in one's life and the person usually interprets situations incorrectly due to the haziness of the feelings they are having. There is a lack of self-esteem and emotional ability to do almost anything. The behavior that comes from anxiety happens very quickly and sometimes without reason but can feel larger-than-life and can leave you with unrelenting...
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...Anxiety, Mood/Affective, Somatoform Paper University of Phoenix PSY/410 Korneshia Parker Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the biological, psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral components of anxiety, mood/affective, and somatoform disorders. Anxiety, mood/affective, and somatoform disorders have many different components. These disorders while all detracting from normal social interactions and the day to day living of individuals who suffer from them have definitive signs and symptoms. Some of the disorders share similar signs and or symptoms and have varying biological, emotional, behavioral and cognitive parts. The field of abnormal psychology tries to determine what these signs and symptoms are and find a way to treat individuals suffering from them therapeutically. The components of anxiety disorders are biological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral. The biological components include the way the autonomic system functions in individuals with anxiety, as well as other factors that may make an individual genetically predisposition to have an anxiety disorder. The biological perspective views the activation or stimulation of the nervous system and its excesses or deficiencies. (National Institutes of Health, 2010). The emotional components of anxiety disorder address those issues an individual has not dealt with or has repressed. Many psychologists think that early childhood experiences or traumas could cause an individual too much sadness...
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...Let’s Talk About Mental Health by Reynaldo Cantu III Term Paper Engineering Management 52 Tufts University Medford, Massachusetts April 30, 2015 Executive Summary I wrote this research paper as a requirement for the class Technical and Managerial Communications taught by Amy Hirschfeld. The topic of this research paper is mental health issues. The purpose of this paper is to bring to light a topic that is not very talked about but is very important. Mental health is something that is generally brushed off to the side, but mental health issues can happen to anyone at anytime. In this paper, I explain that being mentally health is being in a state of emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Small changes to this balance such as life experiences or biological factors can affect a person’s mental health. The major categories for mental health disorders and how they are categorized are as follows: * Anxiety- too much inner turmoil * Mood- major fluctuations in emotion * Psychotic- major disruptions in brain functions * Dementia- major disturbance to consciousness * Eating- unusual eating behaviors The best way to deal with these mental health issues is to talk to others about it. That is why it is so important for everyone to know about mental health so that they can be comfortable talking about it. Table of Contents Executive Summary Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.1 Purpose 2.2 Scope 2.0 Overview of What is Mental Health...
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...Disorder Specific Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Interventions – WHM-M-030 Introduction The purpose of the paper is to discuss the current theory and empirical literature for using a transdiagnostic approach in cognitive behaviour therapy and it’s relevance in current practice. I will discuss the theory and evidence for using a transdiagnostic approach and highlight the main processes. A discussion on the strengths and limitations of the approach will conclude the first part of the paper. The second part will be a review of personal clinical work discussing the transdiagnostic process and its hypothesised effectiveness. To conclude the author will provide a personal reflection. There has been a long widely accepted claim for the effectiveness of CBT with prolific amount of evidence for it’s effectiveness for Depression, Anxiety and Mood disorders (Roth & Fongy, 1995) Models such as cognitive therapy for depression (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979), panic disorder (Clark, 1986,), posttraumatic stress disorder (Clark & Ehlers, 2004); and obsessive-compulsive disorder (Salkovskis, 1989) have led to disorder-specific interventions for treating common mental health problems. The benefits of devising a model on specific disorders is the high degree of research and comparable data involved; from that the therapist will be highly trained in the use of the model to deliver the approach for each disorder (Salkovskis 2002). Disorder specific models are seen to be easily delivered...
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...City SOCIAL ANXIETY A research paper presented to Mr. Fernando T. Tuliao Faculty of the English Department In partial fulfillment of the requirements Of the subject English IV By Ulrich R. Timan January 2014 Social Anxiety For some strange reason, Teenagers nowadays are more likely to be found starring at their Computer Screen, Logged in in their favorite Social Media Site. Is it just us or is it just the internet’s hooking abilities that’s caging us to this imaginary dome? Let me remind you that it’s normal for us teenagers to enjoy being at home while surfing the net, but somehow we’re missing something here; maybe it’s not the internet, what if it’s the teenagers itself that’s being the problem here. Let’s take a closer look. Social anxiety is a discomfort or a fear when a person is in social interactions that involve a concern about being judged or evaluated by others. It is typically characterized by an intense fear of what others are thinking about them (specifically fear of embarrassment, criticism, or rejection), which results in the individual feeling insecure, not good enough for other people, and/or the assumption that peers will automatically reject them. Developmental social anxiety occurs early in childhood as a normal part of the development of social functioning, and is a stage that most children grow out of, but it may persist or resurface and grow into chronic social anxiety. People vary in how often they experience social anxiety and in...
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...General Anxiety Disorder Andrea Murphy HCA 240 May 6, 2012 Fozia Ferozali General Anxiety Disorder I have decided to write my paper on General Anxiety Disorder because I myself have it, so I am more familiar with it. GAD (general anxiety disorder) is when an individual suffers from a psychological state where they have persisting thoughts of anticipation and fears that are overwhelming their mind and intern it affects the body as well. It is a disorder that is characterized by excessive, exaggerated worry about everyday life with really no reason to worry. There are many types of anxiety disorders which are panic, general anxiety disorder, phobias, and obsessive compulsive (OCD). Every one experiences anxiety at certain times in their lives, it is a normal part of the human emotion. Even though everyone experiences anxiety at one point or another in their lives, the individuals who suffer with an anxiety disorder suffer because the disorder interferes with their daily life. In this paper I will be discussing the history of the illness, the signs and symptoms, how it is diagnosed, the treatments, and how the diagnosis and treatments compare to the diagnosis and treatments of the past. Anxiety disorders is a term that was developed approximately around the end of the 19th century since that was when the psychiatric practice began to become more popular and increased. Even though there is no one cause to GAD, researches in the psychiatric field tend to believe genetics...
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...article offers the author's insights on the implication of technology for human lives. Topics discussed importance of technology for enhancement of communication, risk factors associated with technology used, and the effects of technology on human behavior. Moreover, it provides the outlook of American Catholic writer Thomas Merton and Pope Benedict XVI regarding modernity. 2. Ives, E.A. (2012, October 1). iGeneration: The Social Cognitive Effects of Digital Technology on teenagers. The purpose of this study was to examine and better understand the social cognitive effects of digital technology on teenagers' brains and their socialization processes, as well as to learn best practices with regard to digital technology consumption. An extensive literature review was conducted on the social cognitive effects of digital technology on teenagers and an action research project was carried out gleaning quantitative and qualitative research findings collected from forty-six high school students, ranging from ages thirteen to fifteen. The findings of this paper are broken into three categories: (1) positive effects of digital technology; (2) negative effects of digital technology; (3) and, best practices with digital technology. One of the positive effects of digital technology is in education...
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...Abnormal Psychology and Therapy Paper David Brown, Charles Hodge PSY/300: General Psychology Susan Bonnell June 2, 2015 University of Phoenix Abnormal Psychology and Therapy Paper Abnormal psychology is the study of unusual behavior, thoughts, and emotion by members of a society (American Psychological Association, 2015). To meet the definition of abnormal, the behavior, actions, or thoughts must be atypical of the culture (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). Herein is where the challenge lies, due to the fact that our world encompasses many cultures and definitions of normal are significantly different from one region to the next. The paper will provide examples of abnormal psychology in the form of mental disorders and illnesses. Additionally, treatments for these disorders and illnesses will be discussed. Normal and Abnormal Psychology Normal and abnormal psychology can differ by culture. One’s normal behavior is that which allows for a society to maintain a productive and relationship driven life that does not differ drastically from the normalcy of said society (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). When an individual’s behavior is maladaptive to the culture he or she belongs, others will then classify said behavior as abnormal, and then will attempt to change that behavior. Wen-Sing Tseng, M.D. (2013), described a Latino man who hit his body and yelled very loudly, alone while in public, upon hearing of his wife’s death. The treating doctor was unsure if the man’s behavior...
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