...is it factual? Columbus’s discovery of the new world led to victory and havoc, even though these two words appropriately describe Columbus’s expedition, they still oppose one another. In history and life, there are always two sides to a story, two different perspectives of the same story. Therefore, there are two perspectives of Columbus’s voyage, one told by the American Pageant and one told by Howard Zinn in A People’s History of the United States , both of which in retrospect are entirely different on the way they betray Christopher Columbus. Howard Zinn’s ideology of Columbus as a villain is contradictory in nature to the American Pageant’s view of Columbus as a hero....
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...and provide for material needs 7. Confucianism was nonreligious in character a. emphasis was practical, focused on this world b. did not deny existence of gods and spirits, but the educated elite had little to do with them Class Notes: C. The Daoist Answer (pg 195) 1. associated with the legendary Laozi (sixth century B.C.E.), author of the Daodejing (The Way and Its Power) 2. Daoism was in many ways the opposite of Confucianism a. education and striving for improvement was artificial and useless b. urged withdrawal into the world of nature 3. central concept: dao: the way of nature, the underlying principle that governs all natural phenomena 4. elite Chinese often regarded Daoism as a complement to Confucianism 5. Daoism entered popular religion a. sought to tap the power of the dao for practical purposes (magic, the quest for immortality) b. provided the ideology for peasant rebellions (e.g., Yellow Turbans) Class Notes: III. Cultural Traditions of Classical India (pg 197) Class...
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...Unlike during the Unmentionable Times, when men created “towers [that] rose to the sky,” it is an affliction to be born with powerful intellectual capacity and ambition in Ayn Rand’s apocalyptic, nameless society in Anthem. Collectivism is ostensibly the moral guidepost for humanity, and any perceived threat to the inflexible, authoritarian regime is met with severe punishment. The attack on mankind’s free will and reason is most evident in the cold marble engraving in the Palace of the World Council: “We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever” (6). Societal norms force homogeneity and sacrifice among all people. Laws and rules are crafted to prevent advancement and preserve relentless...
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...and the emphatic differentiation of cultural identity as a reaction. This structural dissonance in global relations has elevated inherently tense inter-state relationships and cleared a path for the rise of cultural nations within and across states seeking to solidify their distinctiveness and secure a role in the order of the new world. As the United States emerged victorious from the bipolarity of the Cold War era, so came her establishment as the hegemonic state of the world. This triumph of western liberalism symbolized what Francis Fukuyama deemed “the end of history” - the end of conflicting ideologies among the states which would lead to a world of perpetual peace. Fukuyama’s thesis is based on the Renaissance and Reformation of Europe and the Enlightenment experienced by North America and Europe (Packer. 2012.) Essentially, he argues that the progression of human history as a struggle between ideologies ends after the Cold War era; that the entire world will come to accept liberal democracy as the most desirable world order. The major fault in his theory, of course, lies in the simple fact that the Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment were largely experienced only by western civilizations and therefore do not necessarily carry much weight with other civilizations. This failure to appreciate the significance of differing ethnic and cultural identities and experiences of all states of the world explains the legitimacy of Samuel Huntington’s “clash of civilizations”...
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...Book Review of Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience Kyle Bonds History 3300, Dr. Kicklighter 09 October 2013 Kyle Bonds Dr. Joseph Kicklighter 9 October 2013 History 3300 Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience Review Collected and edited by Victor Davis Hanson, Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience is a collection of nine scholarly essays specifically about the Hoplite warrior: describing the weapons used, how the identification and retrieval of casualties was conducted, the style of phalanx battle from the perspective of the actual soldier fighting as well as sacrifices and battle rituals. He reveals a new experience to the reader using these works, one that sheds new light on the hoplite warrior. Born on September 5th, 1953, Victor Hanson is a military historian and columnist specializing in the study of the classics and ancient warfare. Most notably known for his contributions on modern warfare and contemporary politics for the National Review he has published a number of books on ancient warfare and the classics most on Greek warfare and the Peloponnesian Wars. Keeping his love for the classics intact he received his Ph.D in that field from Stanford University in 1980. Hanson recently relinquished his position and California State University where he began teaching in 1984 where his solely responsible for the creation of the classics program. He currently writes two articles per week for the National Review. Although...
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...Eastern Educational Philosophies Abstract Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism are compared for historical, ideology, and epistemology, searching for Eastern Philosophy compatible to Western Philosophy. A research for possible influences on Education of Philosophy discovered that it was impossible to bring comparisons and even difficult to separate them into the key issues. Colonialism and Nationalism brings the two philosophies together. Even though the Western mindset can appreciate the fascination concepts it may be impossible to blend East and West. However, it is possible to juxtapose the very different philosophies as it may be represented in the arts. Even Western Philosopher who have been influenced by Eastern Philosophy, it is reasonable to believe it is the philosophers attempt to interpret Eastern Philosophy. However, it is impossible to replicate it. Instead the product is a hybrid and independent of either East or West. Eastern Educational Philosophies Eastern philosophy has a long and varied history. Asian ideas are among the oldest in the world. Great thinkers of the East have developed sophisticated cultural and political systems that have influenced other religions as well as western philosophy. This paper will examine ideological, epistemological, and historical differences in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Ways in which these philosophies have shaped higher education theory and practice are of major importance to educators. ...
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...Ophelia, in Pan’s Labyrinth, while seemingly powerless in her environment, embarks on a personal quest to return to what she considers her real home, a dream-like kingdom below the ground. Throughout the storyline, she is taken advantage of by various foil characters such as Captain Vidal whose evil nature lies in stark contrast to Ophelia’s inherent innocence and righteousness. In one scene, Ophelia sacrifices her dream of returning to her kingdom for the sake of her baby brother, who would have been killed in the process. In Spirited Away, a frightened, young girl Chihiro is also taken advantage of, but by a deplorable witch by the name of Yubaba. Her quest is to return home to the human world from a fantasy world of spirits and magic. In one scene, Chihiro gave up a lifetime of wealth in order to save the life of her good friend Haku. Ultimately, both Chihiro and Ophelia accomplish their quests in their respective stories, even as ordinary young girls, and display incredible acts of humility and...
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...Daniel Walker (1554) What was the short term significance of World War One for Britain’s Empire in India? The First World War (WW1) would prove to embody the climax of British colonial ideologies and strengthen India’s international profile as an evolving nation. The Indian contribution to the war was extraordinary and Gandhi’s conscription efforts for the British Army was based upon the premise of fighting for ‘the good and glory of human civilisation’ – a contrasting attitude to the one displayed in the initial stages of the Second World War (WW2) when he boycotted the recruitment drive. At the start of the war in 1914 Britain was the world’s dominant power however WW1, although concentrated in Europe, threatened global British diplomatic authority and it was John Buchan who stipulated that the war only ‘blew the dry winds toward the Indian border… where the parched grasses await the spark’. In context, his prognosis prophesises the effects the war would have on not only the British government but on Indians also, whose tide of nationalist thinking was to be fortified. Word count: 292 Word count: 292 Word count: 558 Word count: 558 A sharp increase in anti-seditious government policy illustrates the embedded British fear of an Indian uprising as a result of the war, how it changed both the social and political landscape of India and enforced the Western ideals of democracy. The focus on the war effort in France, although with logical intentions, exposed the fragility of...
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...security dilemma is when one state’s security becomes another state’s insecurity. Vague signals along with lack of communication can cause uncertainty, which can result in unwanted fighting. The big question is whether or not we can resolve the never ending security dilemma spiral through globalization and international institutions. Is it possible to learn from past mistakes and learn from new perspectives in order to obtain peace, I believe so. This essay will provide explanations from all of the International Relations theories, and will furthermore discuss how global order can be achieved through careful cooperation between states. To begin with liberalism is optimistic about cooperation, and believes that decision makers are rational and human nature is good. Liberalism focuses on three main concepts: international institutions, democratic peace, and economic interdependence. Liberalists view war as avoidable if government is reduced and if more international institutions are created. They hold international institutions with a lot of merit. Firstly, they consider international institutions to create peace because the institutions reduce transaction costs, make state commitments more credible, enable states to discuss issues multiple times, and encourage countries to join in multilateral collective security mechanisms ( Textbook p. 117118). International...
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...How far did ‘luck’ play a part in Margaret Thatcher’s leadership election victory of 1975? As is typical of history, Margaret Thatcher’s leadership election victory of 1975 has produced many differing views from historians on the extent of Margaret Thatcher’s good fortune in her ascent to power within the Conservative Party. The central focus of the debate is whether her election had mainly been due to luck- events that she had no real control over and had ‘fallen her way’, or whether, although some luck may have been involved, it had mainly been Thatcher’s own personal attributes and doing that allowed her to gain an unexpected majority over Ted Heath. Andrew Marr focuses predominately on ideological transitions within the Conservative Party. The general feeling conveyed in his chapter is that it was good fortune that had played the main part in her rise to power. Edward du Cann, and Keith Joseph, in his view, would have been worthier opponents more desirable to the Tory party, and it was their personal failings to stand for election that meant that Thatcher obtained votes ‘by default’; she had been the only reasonable candidate left standing, and thus obtained the votes necessary to win. Marr puts forward the idea that Thatcher essentially ‘adopted’ the Josephite figure and had good fortune as she inherited a policy that he had laboriously created and promoted, and had only received a large amount votes purely due to her association with the increasingly attractive Josephism...
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...“History is written by the victors”. My curiosity for the past has increased with age due to growing political enthusiasm influencing my own beliefs. I am determined to study History and Politics at as high a level as possible. If the option to study this was not available it would not stop me from broadening my own knowledge in the subjects. The saturation of WW1 in A-level bored me, leading to my own research into events happening at this period in time, in particular the Russian revolution and economic depression of the US that followed after the war. These events and subsequent political ideologies that arose initially sparked my interest in broader political theories and led to me undertaking Politics at A-level. I find the parallels between history and modern day politics intriguing, especially subjects such as the inequality prevalent in Victorian and Post-War Britain. The first political book I read was Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilisations’. In conjunction with growing global hysteria I felt that it was, and is, most applicable to our social climate. The book motivated me to join my college's debating club; an activity that allowed me to further experience the kinds of discussions that have always engaged me. For two years running I sat on the Sixth form Student Council, which, alongside the debating club, allowed me to develop my arguments; a skill key in investigating historical sources and understanding political controversies. Along side this I learned how to deal...
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...words “terrorist” or “terrorism,” instantly triggers a flashbulb memory of where they were when the Twin Towers fell on that fateful day, September 11, 2001. Many people continue to struggle with the notion that there are groups out there, brought together by their unanimous hatred for Americans. The 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon is arguably the most disastrous act of terrorism of all time, forcing Americans and the rest of the world to see the threat of terrorism in a new light (Borum, 2003). The 20th and 21st centuries saw new developments in technology that may have changed the game of terrorism, however, extremist ideology and justification of violence, is not a new political strategy (“Terrorism in the,”). Rebel groups have been establishing roots and sprouting up all over the world since the beginning of human history (*CITE #3). The formation of such groups has occurred across centuries, but the term “terrorism” wasn’t coined until the 18th century, during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Revolutionary officials—referred to as terrorists—and their subordinates, enforced the policies of “The Terror,” but the first recognized terrorist organization was established well before the French Revolution. This rebel group was known as the Zealots and they were founded approximately around the first century. They sought and killed Roman forces and any Jews that collaborated with Rome, in defense of the true dictates of Judaism that they believed...
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...Especially when we take the minor but critical unaccountability of the Gospels into consideration, we can see that the understanding of Jesus’s teaching can be blurry, subjective and even manipulatable to favor different doctrines of Christianity or Gnosticism. For example, regarding the nature of Judas’s betrayal to Jesus, gnostic doctrine has completely different interpretation from the canonical Christianity. The Gospel of Matthew, representation of orthodox Christianity, portrays Judas as ‘who betrayed him’(Gospel of Mathew 26:25) because orthodox Christianity believes in God, in the canonical gospels and executes atonement. Base upon their belief, Judas who sold Jesus’s life for money is undoubtedly considered evil and bad, and as the Gospel narrates, he ended his own life in a sense of guilty. Hence, it’s clear that canonical Christianity portrays Judas as the betrayer was an endeavor of elevating Jesus’s divine figure and exemplifying their religious principles with the story behind Jesus’s crucification. Similarly, gnostic...
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...that for instance, Rorschach was compelled to become a superhero with a mask by the abuse, neglect, and abandonment he experienced as a foster child. Similarly, we can deduce that his self-proclaimed ideologies are constructed to...
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...children study history? There is no doubt that the primary purpose of schooling is to prepare students to function effectively in the world, and thereby to assist society to function effectively as well. We study the past in school not because students need to know a collection of old facts, but because history helps them understand how the world works and how human beings behave. Knowledge of the past is required for understanding present realities. When people share some common knowledge of history, they can discuss their understandings with one another. What does history give?Human self-awareness is the very essence of history. Arnold Toynbee said, “History is a search for light on the nature and destiny of man.” R.G. Collingwood wrote, “History is for human self-knowledge…the only clue to what man can do is what man has done. The value of history, then, is that it teaches us what man has done and thus what man is. Psychologist Bruno Bettleheim asserted that human self-knowledge is the most important role of education.” Most of all, our schools ought to teach the true nature of man, teach about his troubles with himself, his inner turmoil and about his difficulties in living with others. They should teach the prevalence and the power of both man’s social and asocial tendencies, and how the one can domesticate the other, without destroying his independence or self-love.” Read more: http://socyberty.com/education/teaching-history-is-important/#ixzz21GQnYhj0 Why history in the elementary...
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