...It is irrefutable that christianity is one of the dominant faiths in today's society, but how did it become so successful? Christianity and the development of the Church owes its success to key figures and aspects including: The Apologist that defended the true meaning of the doctrines, Athanasius, who refuted the false teachings of Arius, the Council of Nicea that drafted a creed affirming Jesus Christ, and St. Basil who clarified the ambiguous terminology put forth by the Council of Nicaea. Christianity started out as small and illegal movement. The First Apology states that classical philosophers believed Christianity was an atheistic and lower class religion(Placher, 33). However, Tertullian, a highly educated Roman citizen was convinced...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements and Speaking in Tongues Submitted to Dr. Timothy McAlhaney in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course CHHI 525-D08 Spring 2015 LUO History of Christianity II By Fred Martin May 13, 2015 Contents I. Introduction…………………………………………………….................................1 II. The History and Theologies of Pentecostals and Charismatics…….……….………2 a. Brief History of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements……..……….2-3 b. The Beliefs of the Pentecostals and Charismatics…………………..............3-5 III. The Bible and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit……………………..……….…….....5 IV. The Bible and Gifts of the Holy Spirit…………………………………….………..6 V. Scholarly Perspectives on Speaking in Tongues ………………………….………..7 a. Speaking in Tongues: A Reversal of the Babel Event at Pentecost….……..7-8 b. Psychiatric Views of Speaking in Tongues……………………….…......….8-9 c. Speaking in Tongues as Spiritual Warfare…………………………….…....9 VI. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….…....10 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………......…11 I. Introduction Author Paul Enns presents his perspectives on the supernatural gift of speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit in his book The Moody Handbook of Theology, Revised and Expanded. However, Enns believes that gift ceased at the end of the Apostolic Age. This view is flawed because it does not take...
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...For my Social Justice Paper I will be researching Abortion in the two religions Christianity and Judaism. For Christianity I selected to research the Roman Catholic branch of Christianity. Abortion is not a modern issue. It dates back to the early days of religion, where the Ancient Jews believed that God created the child in the mother, and brought it to life. The Palestinians, and later, the Greeks and Romans practiced infanticide, sacrifice and abortion. In the Roman Empire, a child had no legal status until accepted by the head of the family. The anti-abortion stance of the Catholic Church began in its early days (The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles) states "You shall not procure abortion. You shall not destroy the newborn child". Christianity...
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...THE FORMULATION AND RECOGNITION OF THE CANONICAL BOOKS A PAPER SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR C. PAUL KING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR HISTORY OF THE CHURCH I 301 DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH HISTORY BY GLENN ROGERS LYNCHBURG. VIRGINIA 10 NOVEMBER 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Reason or Need for Adoption of a Canon of Scripture 4 Key Events that were Influential in Recognition of the Canon 5 Individuals and Councils that Helped Shape the Canon 6 Conclusion 8 Works Cited 10 Introduction The Bible is one of the most intriguing books ever written. There is no other book in history that covers the same amount of time or the comprehensive aggregation of people and cultures as found in the pages of the Bible. The mysteries and wisdom of the Bible have held the attention of Biblical and non-biblical scholars for centuries. We know from the study of history that not all Jews agreed on which books belonged in the Bible. As a matter of fact Christians also debated what to include and exclude in the New Testament Scriptures. This was a major problem in the first two centuries of Christianity. Biblical historian Paul Johnson wrote in his book entitled History of Christianity, “After more than two centuries since the resurrection of Jesus...
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...Western Religions This paper will reflect research on contemporary issues in Western Religions. The main objective is to elaborate on Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. The other key focus is to uncover the struggles within its historical and modern times. Islam is an interesting subject because it has plenty history surrounding Islamic cultures, and the contrast between Judaism, and Christianity. Nevertheless, revealing how time has change from than to now also captivate some attention. Exploring the foundation surrounding Islam such as Abraham, and the other forefathers is rewarding when searching the history of these three religions. Historical connections Islam and Judaism share connections starting very early in history with the patriarch Abraham. Abraham had two sons, Ishmael, and Isaac, who eventually went on to lead two different groups of people. Ishmael led the Arabs who later became known as the Muslims and Isaac led the Israelites who later became Jews. These two different groups of religions grew and traditions known today in modern religion. Each religion shares a monotheistic belief and has similar belief in prophets. The Tanakh tells the story of Exodus that God chose Moses to lead the Jews out of slavery into freedom (Molly, 2010). Muslims also believe that Moses and several other historical figures, including Isaac, and Ishmael were prophets of God. Judaism connection to Christianity is through Jesus, and the Old Testament. Christianity developed from Judaism;...
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...Within Tokyo metropolis, there is a plot of land adjacent to the main highway joining the city and Yokohama that is dearly sacred to the Christian Catholics of Japan. Approximately 400 years ago, on December 4th, 1623 more than fifty Catholics were severely executed by fire on the plot as a sign of martyrdom (Hangemann 27). This was one of the persecution measures taken by Tokugawa Shōgun to control and reclaim Buddhist religious doctrine and stop Christianity that was highly gaining popularity. A reflection by Teather the following years under the emperor of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the extermination policy flourished leading to the termination of missionary expedition in the entire Japan in an attempt to monopolize the society to pure Buddhism and...
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...Evangelism in the Early Church [Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, November 14, 1985] by Joel L. Pless The primary mission of the Christian Church is to preach the gospel to all nations, it is to win souls for Christ. The fact that there are approximately one billion at least nominal Christians in the world indicates that Christ’s Great Commission has been at least partially carried out. This monograph will research how and by whom was the Great Commission enacted in the “early days” of the Christian church, during its first four centuries (100-500 A.D.) This research paper will not contribute creatively to the study of theology or methods of evangelism, but it will rather compile from a representative bibliography facts concerning evangelism in the early Church. Granted, research on this topic has been undertaken before by individuals with far greater academic credentials than the writer of these lines. But this monograph will attempt to condense the vast amount of material written on this topic into a monograph on evangelism in the early Church which is long enough to adequately cover the subject but still short enough to be interesting. This essay will approach the topic by asking the basic questions, why?, what?, who?, to whom?, and how?( William C. Weinrich, “Evangelism in the Early Church,” in Concordia Theological Quarterly, vol. XLV, (January-April 1981), pp. 61-74.) When possible, primary sources from the early Church fathers will be quoted in translation. The ultimate...
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...REL/134 1 Course Syllabus College Of Humanities REL/134 World Religious Traditions Il Copyright © 2010, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides a survey of the major historical developments, structural cosmolo gy, symbolic interpretation, and values of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religious traditions. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Molloy, M. (2010). Experiencing the world’s religions: Tradition, challenge, and change (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: The Nature of Religion Details Objectives 1.1 Describe the common elements of religion. 1.2 Identify issues in the study of religion. 1.3 Describe the sacred in indigenous traditions. Reading Read Ch. 1 of Experiencing the World’s Religions. Reading Read...
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...in Cultural Studies HUMA215-1301A-36 Vernacular language is native of a particular group, region or country; mainly spoken as opposed to written. Until the 12th century, Latin was the language used among the educated and within literature. It is no surprise that Latin had such an impact on the medieval world. Latin owes its dominance to the rise of the Roman Empire from several hundred years B.C. to its demise around 1200 A.D. All through the time that it reigned supreme, Rome exported not only its values, architecture, law and art, but also its language. When the empire began to fall, the Latin language began to lose its hold on the people of Europe and North Africa. Since the empire began shrinking as early as the eighth and ninth century it is not surprising that the people living furthest from Rome itself were the first to undergo a cultural and ethnic revival, an integral part of this revival would be the use of their own vernacular language rather than the use of Latin. Latin became widely spread with the expansion of the Roman Empire. Latin eventually became the dominant the dominant language in the western half of the Empire. There were several Italic languages all belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family, Latin was among languages and its development was influenced by other tongues, including Celtic, Etruscan and Greek languages. All languages undergo development and changes and in each period of its evolution, significant...
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...Paganism VS Christianity Paganism VS Christianity Jeff Pierce University Of Phoenix Online (Axia) Frank Muller February 25, 2012 World religions have become a great debate in the last hundred years. People push their religion on any one that is willing to listen to the person that is explaining their belief system that they practice. The religion for this paper is Paganism. Paganism or Neo-Paganism is a newer version of the old religion of Paganism. Paganism is a religion that has really no temples other than Mother Nature and father sky. Pagans believe in the world around them and worship everything. There may have been temples for the religion long ago but they have been ether forgotten or fade into the annals of history. Pagans were one of the first organized religions of the world. The fact of the matter is that Paganism is one of the few oldest religions that are still practiced. The interviewee for this paper is Mrs. Cassella. Mrs. Cassella has been practicing Paganism since the age of fifteen. The method for this interview was over the phone on at Saturday at my place of residence. There was no particular site do to the fact that her religion is primarily practiced in the outdoors. Her child hood was open as far as religion was concerned. Her father jumped around from religion to religion no really settling on one. At the age of fifteen she was introduced to Paganism from a child hood friend who...
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...Purpose Statement The purpose of this paper is to educate our readers about the two largest religions in the world: Christianity and Islam. Religion has served in many societies as a mean of structure or social control, with rules that govern how people interact socially. We will be looking at the origin, similarities, differences, beliefs and festivals of each religion. Invariably, our aim is to ascertain through research data and interviews why Christianity is the world’s most popular religion, but more so why it is deemed most superior. Statement of Qualification. Our group strongly believes in the fundamental teachings of Christianity, having been exposed to its teachings from early childhood. We are respecters of all religions hence our research topic, to bring about a greater level of understanding of both, while identifying the beliefs and values these two great religion is built on. Based on our own individual experiences and personal realization of nature and how things are interconnected, we conclude that there is definitely a higher power that oversees everyone and everything, and it’s faith in this higher power that brought birth to Christianity. Review of Literature Religion is a controversial topic that has been debated with great enthusiasm by sociologists, theologians, and even students; some argue that the belief in religion is for closed minded individuals. One sociologist aimed to defend the fact that religion...
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...After researching methods including internet and passage, we were able to discover the humanities and the belongings and expansions that the humanities of the Early, High, and Late middle ages had on civilization. The studies of humanities allow us to see the sights in which the changing concepts of temperament and the entity fluctuate in each chronological period and help us differentiate the significant developments of each era. In the humanistic Tradition book, there was a distinctive chapter provided on the middle Ages. Evaluation of the precise mechanisms of the Middle Ages permits us to portray our observations of the modifications that occur and assists to give details how and why the perceptions developed the way they did. After examining several research methods we were able to discover some attention-grabbing results and come up with some stimulating conclusions. The Early Middle Ages In order to speak on Humanities, there must be a clear view on what the meaning of it is. Humanities are a clear investigation of human beings and how they act. This includes their self expression and their culture. The purpose of this paper is to explain how humanities replicate changing concepts of life and individuals in diverse historical periods. In today's civilization human beings are ignorant to the past history of our people. Our ancestors have contributed too many areas that we participate in frequently. The result of researching humanities provides us with a better understanding...
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...of C. H. Spurgeon……………………….………………………………..8 Personal Application………………………………………………………………………9 Conclusion…………………………………………………….…………………………………..9 Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………………9 Introduction Theology is defined as the systematic study of the nature of God and the nature of religious belief and truth. Given the broad history of Christianity, one can imagine the difficulty in summarizing the basics of Christian theology. Though the scope of this paper is not to inform the reader of historical data and information regarding theological foundations, a foundation must be laid down in order to fully understand the content within. An in depth definition and brief history of pastoral theology will be presented in order to provide clarification for the topic of this paper. Among Christians, mainly from the realm of seminary and other educational settings, Charles H. Spurgeon is commonly known as the “Prince of Preachers.” The impact that C.H. Spurgeon has had on modern day Christianity is legendary and all aspects of his pastoral ministry should be studied and fully understood. It is the intent of this research paper to educate, investigate and solidify the question that still remains, what was the specific theological foundation for Charles H....
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...Introduction: In America, the Amish religion began in the early 1700s--its small following has been growing in America ever since. Scientology has roots in the 1950s, and has significantly grown in popularity due to endorsements from very influential celebrity followers. The Branch Davidian once held a considerable following; however, in 1993, that came to a fiery end. In the United States, there is a growing interest in smaller religious groups; groups, that when looked further into, are at the center of much adversity. With growing popularity, juxtaposed with growing controversy, what is it that compels society to join these almost secular groups, instead of the traditional ideologies the nation was founded upon? At the arrival of this...
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...Research Paper Living the Christian Life : According To Romans 8 By Randy E Brown Bible 425-D11 Presented To Prof. Jerry Hall Department of Religion Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va Date: Introduction The Christian Life, according to Romans 8, should not be based on condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Based on the fact through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death (verse1-2). In the early Christian Practical Issues, The Apostle Paul forms the main character in relation to examining the respective entities attached to the issue. He was charged with three different assignments which were; preaching the gospel to the gentiles, providing the church leaders with the biblical instructions and encouragements, and lastly to teach the Christian community ways to live righteously in an unsaved world. Through endless efforts and dedication, Paul was able to accomplish these tasks via his ongoing missionary journeys plus the letters he wrote to various churches. It is evident that while Jesus’ life and teachings tend to offer Christianity with the required foundation...
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