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Ap Human Geography Chapter 1 Analysis

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1. This week’s readings focused on the first metropolis of the New World and what happened next in the next centuries. The Europeans discovered Tenochtitlán which was in the middle of the greatest empire in Mesoamerica. Many considered this city as magnificent and beautiful. The first Europeans to set foot on this city were Hernán Cortés and his men. The Aztec ruler of this empire was Montezuma. Montezuma greeted Cortés and the two exchanged gifts. The city had a well divided market full of live animals, fruits and vegetables, flowers, cooked food, and crafted goods. The streets of Tenochtitlán were kept clean all of the time by a thousand men. Besides the well-organized market and clean streets, the city provided public toilets on the roads. All of these elements support the city’s system of organization. The social structure of the society can be distinguished by the physical appearance of the homes of the people. The significance of money impacted the structure. Unfortunately, this great city was destroyed and the epidemic of smallpox was present in 1520. Near the end of the nineteenth century, immigrants were entering into the New World: specifically New York. The federal authorities dealt with the immigrants on Ellis Island. Ethnic groups were isolated from the rest of the city. They examined every single immigrant for any medical problems and afterwards questioned them what was their purpose for coming over. These federal authorities represent as …show more content…
My “Ah-Ha!” moment was the mentioning of the public toilets and collection of human excrement. The purpose of the public toilets was to collect the excrement for “the manufacture of salt and the curing of skins,” and to fertilize the soil. I knew that farmers used excrement from the farm animals, but I never knew that people used their own for fertilization. Another “Ah-Ha!” was the long process the immigrants have to go through. I always thought that they come to America and settle down once they find

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