Premium Essay

Apa Sample Papaer


Submitted By Pink09
Words 2318
Pages 10
Running head description is flush left and in all caps. This may be a shortened form of the title. The words “Running head” precede the description on the title page only. See instructions for “how to” at
Margins are 1 inch all the way around

Header is 1 inch from top margin or at default for Word

Center and begin approximately 4 inches from top edge of paper

Title Here in Full
Student Name
Old Dominion University

Title Here in Full
[Since the introduction is clearly identified by its position in the paper, there is no heading called “introduction” even though a section in the grading rubric lists it as part of the requirements.] The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of APA format. The School of Nursing at Old Dominion University requires that all written assignments be completed using current edition of APA format. The information that follows is taken from the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010).
Typing Instructions
The typist must double space between all lines and leave uniform margins of at least one inch on all sides, including top and bottom. Do not justify lines so that the spacing is always equal on the left and right margins and word. The right margin should look ragged. Achieve double spacing by using the line spacing setting in your word processing software. To change the amount of line space between paragraphs in Microsoft Word, 2007, the typist must select the text in the document and then select the page layout tab and from the paragraph gallery. The typist should set the "Before" and "After" spacing. In Word 2007, the "After" spacing is set to 10 point by default. To remove the added spacing, the typist must set both the "Before" and "After" spacing to 0 point.
Font size should be size 12, and the font

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