...CJS 240 Week 1-Appendix B – Statistics CJS 240 Week 2-Assignment - Individual Theories CJS 240 Week 2-Checkpoint - Delinquency Deterrence Response CJS 240 Week 3-Checkpoint - Sociological Theories Response CJS 240 Week 4-Assignment - Gender and Family CJS 240 Week 4-Checkpoint - Case Study Critique CJS 240 Week 5-Appendix D - The Justice Systems CJS 240 Week 6-Assignment - Corrections and Treatment CJS 240 Week 6-Checkpoint - Probation Presentation CJS 240 Week 7-Appendix E - Gang Development and Control CJS 240 Week 8-Assignment - Drug Czar Presentation CJS 240 Week 8-Checkpoint - Drug Use and Delinquency Response CJS 240 Complete Class Purchase here http://chosecourses.com/cjs-240-complete-class Description CJS 240 Week 1-Appendix B – Statistics CJS 240 Week 2-Assignment - Individual Theories CJS 240 Week 2-Checkpoint - Delinquency Deterrence Response CJS 240 Week 3-Checkpoint - Sociological Theories Response CJS 240 Week 4-Assignment - Gender and Family CJS 240 Week 4-Checkpoint - Case Study Critique CJS 240 Week 5-Appendix D - The Justice Systems CJS 240 Week 6-Assignment - Corrections and Treatment CJS 240 Week 6-Checkpoint - Probation Presentation CJS 240 Week 7-Appendix E - Gang...
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...CJS 240 Week 1-Appendix B – Statistics CJS 240 Week 2-Assignment - Individual Theories CJS 240 Week 2-Checkpoint - Delinquency Deterrence Response CJS 240 Week 3-Checkpoint - Sociological Theories Response CJS 240 Week 4-Assignment - Gender and Family CJS 240 Week 4-Checkpoint - Case Study Critique CJS 240 Week 5-Appendix D - The Justice Systems CJS 240 Week 6-Assignment - Corrections and Treatment CJS 240 Week 6-Checkpoint - Probation Presentation CJS 240 Week 7-Appendix E - Gang Development and Control CJS 240 Week 8-Assignment - Drug Czar Presentation CJS 240 Week 8-Checkpoint - Drug Use and Delinquency Response CJS 240 Week 9-Final Project - Justice System Position Paper - Juvenile Justice System Item #: CJS 240 Complete Class CJS 240 Complete Class Purchase here http://chosecourses.com/cjs-240-complete-class Description CJS 240 Week 1-Appendix B – Statistics CJS 240 Week 2-Assignment - Individual Theories CJS 240 Week 2-Checkpoint - Delinquency Deterrence Response CJS 240 Week 3-Checkpoint - Sociological Theories Response CJS 240 Week 4-Assignment - Gender and Family CJS 240 Week 4-Checkpoint - Case Study Critique CJS 240 Week 5-Appendix D - The Justice Systems CJS 240 Week 6-Assignment...
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...156 Week 1 Individual Research Plan (Appendix D) COM 156 Week 1 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 1 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 1 DQ 3 COM 156 Week 2 Individual Strategies for Gathering and Evaluating Sources (Appendix E) COM 156 Week 2 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 2 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 2 DQ 3 COM 156 Week 3 Individual Writing an Annotated Bibliography and Quoting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing a Source (Appendix F) COM 156 Week 3 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 3 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 3 DQ 3 COM 156 Week 4 Individual Thesis Statement (Appendix G) COM 156 Week 4 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 4 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 4 DQ 3 COM 156 Week 5 Individual Outline (Appendix H) COM 156 Week 5 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 5 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 5 DQ 3 COM 156 Week 6 Individual Body Paragraphs COM 156 Week 6 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 6 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 6 DQ 3 COM 156 Week 7 Individual Introduction and Conclusion (Appendix I) COM 156 Week 7 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 7 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 7 DQ 3 COM 156 Week 8 Individual Revision Analysis (Appendix J) COM 156 Week 8 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 8 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 8 DQ 3 COM 156 Week 9 Individual Research Paper COM 156 Week 9 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 9 DQ 2 COM 156 Week 9 DQ 3 Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of COM 156 v5 Complete Class in order to ace their studies. COM 156 V5 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/com-156-v5-complete-class/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM COM 156 V5 COMPLETE CLASS COM 156 Week 1 Individual...
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...COM 155 Week 1 DQs Set 1 (5 DQs) COM 155 Week 1 DQs Set 2 COM 155 Week 2 Writing Process Assignment COM 155 Week 2 DQs COM 155 Week 2 Homework COM 155 Week 3 DQs COM 155 Week 4 Appendix D selecting topic brainstorming COM 155 Week 4 DQs COM 155 Week 5 DQs COM 155 Week 5 Thesis Statement COM 155 Week 6 Appendix F Outline Thesis Guide COM 155 Week 6 DQs COM 155 Week 7 DQs COM 155 Week 7 Rough Draft COM 155 Week 8 DQs COM 155 Week 9 DQs COM 155 Week 9 Final Deconstructing the Controversy between Online and Traditional Education COM 155 Assignment Identifying Errors in Writing COM 155 Assignment Sentence Structure Review COM 155 Week 5 Homework COM 155 Week 6 Homework COM 155 Week 7 Homework COM 155 Appendix E COM 155 Appendix F COM 155 Week 4 video transcript Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of COM 155 VER 4 ENTIRE COURSE in order to ace their studies. COM 155 VER 4 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/com-155-ver-4-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM COM 155 VER 4 ENTIRE COURSE COM 155 Week 1 DQs Set 1 (5 DQs) COM 155 Week 1 DQs Set 2 COM 155 Week 2 Writing Process Assignment COM 155 Week 2 DQs COM 155 Week 2 Homework COM 155 Week 3 DQs COM 155 Week 4 Appendix D selecting topic brainstorming COM 155 Week 4 DQs COM 155 Week 5 DQs COM 155 Week 5 Thesis Statement COM 155 Week 6 Appendix F Outline Thesis Guide COM 155 Week 6 DQs ...
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...tutorialrank.com FIS 240 Week 1 CheckPoint: Is Time on My Side (UOP) FIS 240 Week 1 DQs (UOP) FIS 240 Week 2 CheckPoint: Risk Assessment Matrix (UOP) FIS 240 Week 2 Exercise: Risk and Reward: First 10% (UOP) FIS 240 Week 2 Assignment: What’s In It for Me? (UOP) FIS 240 Week 3 DQs (UOP) FIS 240 Week 3 CheckPoint: Primary and Secondary…Not Just Schools (UOP) FIS 240 Week 4 CheckPoint: Investment Comparison Problems (UOP) FIS 240 Week 4 Assignment: Embracing Diversity (UOP) FIS 240 Week 5 CheckPoint: Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Other Investment Techniques (UOP) FIS 240 Week 5 DQs (UOP) FIS 240 Week 6 CheckPoint: So Many Businesses, So Little Money PART 1 OF 2 (UOP) FIS 240 Week 6 CheckPoint: So Many Businesses, So Little Money PART 2 OF 2 (UOP) FIS 240 Week 6 Assignment: Analyze This (UOP) FIS 240 Week 7 DQs (UOP) FIS 240 Week 7 CheckPoint: Income that Sticks PART 1 OF 2 (UOP) FIS 240 Week 7 CheckPoint: Income that Sticks PART 2 OF 2 (UOP) FIS 240 Week 8 CheckPoint: Lifetime Investment Matrix PART 1 OF 2 (UOP) FIS 240 Week 8 CheckPoint: Lifetime Investment Matrix PART 2 OF 2 (UOP) FIS 240 Week 8 Assignment: Living the Easy Life (UOP) FIS 240 Capstone Discussion Question (UOP) FIS 240 Final Project: Investment Policy and Portfolio Evaluation (UOP) ____________________________________________________ FIS 240 Week 1 CheckPoint: Is Time on My Side (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Resources: Appendix D and the Time Value of Money...
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...E-TENDERING REPORT SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Module Leader: Module: Project Management e-Tendering Report | An appraisal of e-tendering for Local Authority | Date: 25.02.08Author: Rev: A/001 | Contents 1. General 3 1.1. Introduction 3 1.2. Assumptions 3 2. Executive Summary 4 3. Normative Definition 5 4. Local Authority Benefits 6 4.1. Tangible Benefits 6 Time Reduction 6 Cost Reduction 6 4.2. Intangible Benefits 7 4.2.1. Management of the Tendering Process 7 Standardisation 8 Transparency 8 Dispute Occurrence 8 Security 8 5. Local Authority/Supplier Disadvantages 9 5.1. Procedural Change 9 5.2. Staffing Resources 9 5.3. Staff Training 9 5.4. Material Resources 9 6. Supplier Benefits 10 6.1. Improved Communication 10 6.2. Global Inclusion 10 7. Types of E-Tendering Solutions 11 7.1. Hosted Package 11 7.2. Recommendation 11 8. Method of Implementation 12 9. Appendix 13 9.1. Appendix A- Average Quantity of Tenders 13 9.2. Appendix B- Glossary 13 9.3. Appendix C- In-House Developed Package 14 9.4. Appendix D: Key Performance Indicator Example 14 9.5. Appendix E- Programme of Implementation 0 10. References 16 11. Bibliography 17 General Introduction Jeffreys & Associates have been commissioned by Sheffield Local Authority to address e-tendering as a possible solution to replace the existing traditional...
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...deductible business expenses and nonbusiness deductions. 4. Calculate depreciation, bad debts, and losses. 5. Apply the rules for capital and ordinary gain and loss recognition. 6. Demonstrate conversance with available individual tax credits. 7. Articulate the fundamentals of the taxation of corporations and partnerships. Course Syllabus—Course Essentials S-3 Required Textbook In addition to the Course Syllabus, which consists of “Course Essentials,” “Course Calendar,” “Written Assignments,” and two appendixes, you will need the following text to do the work of the course. West Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes, 2008 Edition, ed. William H. Hoffman Jr., James E. Smith, and Eugene Willis (Thomson SouthWestern, 2008) Course Structure Federal Income Taxation is a three-credit, twelve-week course, consisting of ten written assignments and two...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |Axia College/College of Natural Sciences | | |MAT/116 Version 7 | | |Algebra 1A | Copyright © 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces basic algebra concepts and assists in building skills for performing specific mathematical operations and problem solving. Students solve equations, evaluate algebraic expressions, solve and graph linear equations and linear inequalities, graph lines, and solve systems of linear equations and linear inequalities. These concepts and skills serve as a foundation for subsequent coursework. Applications to real-world problems are integrated throughout the course. This course is the first half of the college algebra sequence, which is completed in Algebra 1B. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must...
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...GLG 101 - Week 6 Assignment: Metamorphic Rocks Lab PART 2/2 (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.glg101tutorial.com Resources: pp. 108–116 of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendixes K & L Identify and classify the rock examples in Appendix K. Answer the Appendix L questions from your lab book. Write your responses in Appendix K. Complete All of Appendix K & L. Post completed Appendix K & L in the individual forum. Due day 7. ================================================= GLG 101 Assignment Deserts Lab (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.glg101tutorial.com Resources: pp. 265–276 of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendix M Answer the Appendix M questions from your lab book. Write your responses in Appendix M. Complete ALL of Appendix M. Post completed Appendix M to the individual forum. Due day 7. ================================================= GLG 101 Assignment: Earthquake Technology Lab (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.glg101tutorial.com Resources: pp. 156–170 of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendix F Answer the questions listed in Appendix F from the lab book. Write your responses in Appendix F. Complete ALL of Appendix F. Post the completed Appendix F in the individual forum. Due day 7. ================================================= GLG 101 Assignment Groundwater Lab (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.glg101tutorial.com Resource: pp. 213–227 of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendix N. Answer the Appendix N questions from...
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...course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A+ SPM 220 Week 1 CheckPoint: Moral and Nonmoral Values SPM 220 Week 2 Assignment: Principles and Exceptions SPM 220 Week 2 CheckPoint: Moral Principles SPM 220 Week 3 CheckPoint: Intimidation in Sport SPM 220 Week 4 Assignment: Kids Speak Out SPM 220 Week 4 CheckPoint: Violence in Sport SPM 220 Week 5 CheckPoint: Eligibility and Elimination in Sport SPM 220 Week 6 Assignment: Exploitation in Sport SPM 220 Week 6 CheckPoint: Commercialized Sport SPM 220 Week 7 CheckPoint: Ergogenic Aids in Sport SPM 220 Week 8 Assignment: Advantages and Disadvantages of Sport Technology SPM 220 Week 8 CheckPoint: Technology in Sport ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPM 220 Week 1 CheckPoint: Moral and Nonmoral Values(UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: A+ Select one of the three scenarios presented on p. 18 of the text. Describe the moral values, nonmoral values, and ethical dilemma in your chosen scenario. Post a 200- to 300-word response to the Assignments Link forum by Week One Day 7 to the following questions: How you would resolve the dilemma without violating an ethical principle? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPM 220 Week 2 Assignment: Principles and Exceptions(UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank...
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...Capstone Project, Executive Summary: We wanted to put the old saying that the more education you have, the more money you will make to the test. We collected survey results using the website Survey Monkey, www.surveymonkey.com. We emailed a link to the survey to friends and family asking them to take the survey and forward the link to their contacts. The survey was open for two weeks. We collected 78 responses, 4 of which had to be discarded due to the extreme pre-tax monthly income value. Using the Excel software to conduct Stepwise forward regression analysis, we determined that the three factors with the most statistically significant impact, based on our survey results were: gender, education and experience. It was determined that an individual made more money if they: are male, have a 4-year college degree, and have 8 – 10 years experience in their industry. After reviewing the data and the Excel analysis, we realized that if we had asked for the amount of education completed as a quantitative value instead of qualitative the results could be used to predict the amount that a person’s income potential increases with each year of education completed. We also realized that a question about the number of hours the respondent worked should have been included in the survey. We also felt, with more time and resources, that a more in-depth survey could be done using a more even sampling across the industry fields. This would show how a person’s education impacts their...
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...documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials McLean, S. (2011). Writing for success (1st ed.). Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge, Inc. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Supplemental Material Associate Level Writing Style Handbook MyWritingLab® |Week...
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...GSU MBA 8115, Syllabus, Aderhold Room 204, 4:30-7pm, Wednesday, Spring, 2010 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING This course introduces you to a select set of topics on managerial decision-making and control, including basic cost concepts, inventory process systems, budgeting, performance measures, segments and transfer pricing. We will examine the current practices of these elements of managerial control in decentralized business organizations and conceptual issues related to designing effective managerial decision-making and control systems. The general aim of this course is to help you develop a basic but solid understanding of how management systems function, and to help you to develop a conceptual framework for critically analyzing managerial control systems. Students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. The University Policy on Academic Honesty is explained in detail in the student handbook On Campus and is available online at www.gsu.edu/oncampus. The course syllabus and class schedule provides a general plan for the course; deviations may be necessary. Attendance – Each student is expected to attend all scheduled class meetings for the entire duration of the class. Most students will find MBA 8115 to be very demanding. Poor attendance will almost certainly result in poor course performance. Exams – There will be three exams, each covering specified chapters. Exams may contain any content contained in the reading assignments...
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...COM 155 (VER 4) Appendix E For more classes visit www.indigohelp.com Appendix E Sentence Correction and Changes in Writing Review the following sentences. Some of them are correct, whereas others contain an error with a commonly confused word. Identify those with errors by marking each of the errors in bold. Make the correction in parentheses after the error. For those that are correct, write correct at the end of the sentence. ………………………………………………… COM 155 (VER 4) Appendix F For more classes visit www.indigohelp.com Appendix F Summary, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation Review the four paragraphs below. There is one paragraph matching each of the following types: summary, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Once you have read each paragraph, complete the following chart to identify the type of paragraph for each. Paragraph Number ………………………………………………… COM 155 (VER 4) Assignment Identifying Errors in Writing For more classes visit www.indigohelp.com Appendix D Identify Twenty Errors in the Passage Below Review the passage below, which contains 20 errors. Identify these errors by marking each of the errors in bold, and make your correction in parentheses after the error. Example: My cars interior is black. This must be marked as follows: My cars (car’s) interior is black. The 20 errors are in the following categories: comma usage (six errors); question marks, apostrophes, and quotation marks (five errors); capitalization (six errors); and colons...
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...learnyourcourse.com/cjs-250/83-cjs-250-full-course.html CJS 250 Full Course - WEEK 1 CJS 250 Week 1 CheckPoint - Historical Laws and Security CJS 250 Week 1 Assignment - Allan Pinkerton CJS 250 Full Course - WEEK 2 CJS 250 Week 2 DQ: - 1 - Security gaps analysis for real-life locations CJS 250 Week 2 DQ: - 2 - Consider the definition of security given on pp. 71-72 of the text. Can any target environment ever be 100% stable or 100% predictable? Why or why not? Why does the author stress that security efforts for any target environment will be a “never-ending process” and that security objectives will change over time? How can complacency pose a problem for security professionals? CJS 250 Week 2 Appendix B - Threat and Risk Assessment CJS 250 Full Course - WEEK 3 CJS 250 Week 3 CheckPoint [Appendix C] - Risk Management CJS 250 Week 3 Assignment - Security Objective Components CJS 250 Full Course - WEEK 4 CJS 250 Week 4 DQ: - 1 - While it may be ideal for security planners to utilize or install the latest technology, it may not always be practical. How do you think a security professional can balance the limitations, such as budget or space, of a particular environment with the need for keeping abreast of the latest industry technology and trends? How much knowledge of technology do you think security professionals should have? How broad or detailed should that knowledge be? CJS 250 Week 4 DQ: - 2 - What are some of the most common features of physical security...
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