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Apple Rvb Analysis


Submitted By culprit13
Words 257
Pages 2
Group: 6

Apple Inc.

Value Chain Category | Observed Activity* | Rating (S, E, I) | Recommendation | Primary | | | | Inbound Logistics | * Manufacture products in China rather than in California where their research is done. * Higher transportation costs from outsourcing | I | Manufacture and have R&D in same area to improve innovation and faster releases of products like Samsung | Operations | * Apples “greenest lineup of notebooks” were energy efficient and used recycled material. * Low cost producer of computers with mass market appeal | S | | Outbound Logistics | * Apple uses direct and indirect distribution channels: retail stores, 3rd party cellular networks, etc. * Expanded retail stores worldwide to ensure quality buying experience | E | | Marketing and Sales | * Apple promoted itself as hip alternative. * Advertised not only in computer tech publications but other popular and fashion magazines. * Endorsed by fierce loyal customers | S | | Service | * Provides customer support 24/7 around the world. * Updates of the software are released frequently | E | | Support | | | | Firm Infrastructure | * Cutting out the middle man and speaking directly to customer * In store buying experience | S | | Human Resource Management | * Apple employs less people than Samsung. | I | They should employ more people for research and development. Samsung is able to produce more and has a small lead on Apple because they have a larger workforce. | Technological Development | * Cutting edge tightly integrated user experience * Superior design/quality * They do things other competitors are incapable or unwilling to do. * Find technological solutions that make significant changes in the market place that deliver value to customers * Disruptive technologies | S | | Procurement | *

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