...Melissa Shaw Assignment 4 Achilles Heel and the Appraisal Interview The appraisal interview is the Achilles’ heel of the entire evaluation process. Some managers think of performance appraisal meetings and recollections of torn Achilles' heels or root canals immediately surface. They're sort of "been there, don't want to go again" situations. The more it can be put off, the better (zeepedia). Study after study shows that both managers and employees are very dissatisfied with performance appraisals and often view them as a necessary evil to get over with quickly. According to our textbook appraisal interviews have the potential for confrontation and belittling the goal of motivating employees? “To minimize the possibility of hard feelings, the face-to-face meeting and the written review must have performance improvement, not criticism, as their goal.” (Mondy) It is important that the employee fully understand the system used in evaluating their job performance. Performance appraisal is a system of review and evaluation of an individual or team's job performance (zeepedia). An effective system assesses accomplishments and evolves plans for development. Performance management is a process that significantly affects organizational success by having managers and employees work together to set expectations, review results, and reward performance (Chegg). Its goal is to provide an accurate picture of past and future employee performance. To achieve this, performance...
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...1. What do you think of the boss’s ratings and his defense of them? The boss’s evaluation is not good and fair for Sandy. And it is not helpful for Sandy to improve. Rating against a standard permits a supervisor to classify employee performance independently from that of other employees. Both supervisor and employee have a reference point for accurately looking at an employee’s long-term performance growth. Ratings against a standard do not preclude comparisons. While employees may typically compare themselves to others, there is little to be gained by having the organization promote such comparisons. They are likely to create envy, vanity and dysfunctional competition. In this case, boss lets Sandy to compare with Charlie. It may create envy, vanity and dysfunctional competition. In a healthy organization, one employee’s success need not mean another’s failure. If all can succeed, much the better. Those who prefer an absolute standard tend to give lower scores to employees, as they fear new workers who receive high marks will not feel the need for further improvement. In contrast, raters who feel a worker has done superior work considering his time in the position, may rate him as such. An evaluation six months or a year later yielding a superior mark would require a corresponding improvement on the part of the worker. I prefer the latter approach, because it seems more positive. Supervisory evaluations often suffer from rating deficiencies: • One particularly good...
Words: 2014 - Pages: 9
...CASE STUDY: THE FIRST APPRAISAL INTERVIEW Name: Benjamin Van de Walle Lecturer: Ms. Mai Kim Thoa Course: Managerial Skills & Leadership – KS 402DE02 1. What do you think of the boss’s ratings and his defense of them? * * He gives Sandy an average rate for every single point. She doesn’t know if this is a good or a bad rate. He is not fair cause’ he bases his ratings on one single point, namely the wine service and generalizes this for the other points. In my opinion his comments are not constructive and well-intentioned. * * He focuses his defense only on her less developed skills and doesn’t mention her good skills. Also his defense is very flat. With that I mean that he doesn’t give any specific and descriptive feedback. He doesn’t define the performance problem, doesn’t makes his standards clear and he doesn’t work with the employee to set goals for improvement. The boss focuses on the person and not on the behavior, it’s personally hurtful. * 2. How do you think Sandy feels? Will she be motivated to improve? Is it enough to know you are not going to lose your job? * * Sandy went to the appraisal interview with confidence. But I think she lost her confidence after the interview. Due to the average score she doesn’t know where and how to improve. * * By not focusing on employees needs in a highly effective way, the employees will not be motivated. He does nothing to support Sandy, whereby she also loses her motivation...
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...Table 1: Degree (˚) of subjects' peripheral vision with green shape. | | | | | | Colored Shapes | Degree (˚) of peripheral vision | | | Subj. 1 | Subj. 2 | Subj. 3 | Mean | Green Triangle | 10 | 20 | 10 | 13 | Green Rectangle | 9 | 15 | 0 | 8 | Green Circle | 1 | 17 | 10 | 9 | Green Square | 20 | 12 | 10 | 14 | | | | | | Table 2: Degree (°) of subjects' peripheral vision with yellow shape. | | | | | | | Degree of peripheral vision | | Colored Shapes | 1 | 2 | 3 | Mean | Yellow Triangle | 0 | 20 | 5 | 8 | Yellow Rectangle | 10 | 15 | 0 | 8 | Yellow Circle | 20 | 15 | 1 | 12 | Yellow Square | 20 | 12 | 10 | 14 | | | | | | Table 3: Degree (˚) of subjects' peripheral vision with red shape. | | Degree of peripheral vision | | | Colored Shapes | Sub. 1 | Sub. 2 | Sub. 3 | Mean | Red Triangle | 9 | 10 | 10 | 9 | Red Rectangle | 0 | 11 | 10 | 7 | Red Circle | 0 | 9 | 0 | 3 | Red Square | 20 | 10 | 10 | 13 | | | | | | Table 4: Mean of degree (°) of subject's peripheral vision according to the colored shape. | | | | Colored Shapes | Mean of Degree (°) | | Green Triangle | 13 | | Green Rectangle | 8 | | Green Circle | 9 | | Green Square | 14 | | Yellow Triangle | 8 | | Yellow Rectangle | 8 | | Yellow Circle | 12 | | Yellow Square | 14 | | Red Triangle | 9 | | Red Rectangle | 7 | | Red Circle | 3 | | Red Square | 13 | | Table 5: Statistical analysis...
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...IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper Human Resource Management Subject Code-B102 Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks) MM.100 Part Two: Answer 1. Career planning involves efforts on the part of the organizations to provide avenues for growth to its employees. Certainly this growth should be accompanied by development. The other side of the coin is the role of employees in career planning. It involves effort on the part of employees to clearly think through and decided areas in which they would like to make a career for themselves. When employees have assessed their career needs and have become aware of organizational career opportunities, the problem is one of alignment. The crucial role has to be played by HRD in ensuring this alignment to build up morale in the organization. A systematic choice of development techniques like training, special assignment, counseling and rotational assignments should be made to ensure this alignment. Employees are often uncertain as to the type of work that would suit them best. There are a number of evaluation instruments available to determine basic aptitudes. Human Resource Development Managers should be able to guide employees by administering these instruments on them. Employees should also find out whether they are loners or socially active. These exercises with some assistance from HRD Managers should help in career need assessment. Realizing that employees have...
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...Shaquille Holloway December 7, 2014 HMSV 344: Career Develop Appraisal Adobe Connect Meeting Summary This adobe connect meeting basically an end-of-the semester wrap up. Professor Cooley talked about the final assignments due for the rest of this week, including the exam and the other final assignments. The final exam will be open from Monday Dec. 8th to Friday Dec. 12th. All final grades for the semester will be posted once everyone takes the final exam. The final exam will display around the same amount of questions that the first exam did, but it will be a lot easier than the first exam. After she discussed her final points for the class, the presentations started. The first presentation was “Victims of Intimate Partner Violence, Confidence Boosting Interviewing Skills”. They discussed background information and resources on things that would consider for an interview. They provided guidelines and tips on ways to help boost your confidence when being interviewed. I overall think they had a very good presentation. The second group was my group. We discussed Displaced or Dislocated Workers. We basically discussed statistical and demographical information regarding these workers, mental health barriers including stages of job losses (several people were interviewed for this), individual barriers such as job stability, training and education, financial and marital status, developing an individual success plan including making assessments, needs, and qualifications. My...
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...Internal assessment is an evaluation method that assesses employees from within a company as they progress from job to job through promotion and transfer systems (Phillips & Gully, 2015). Some internal review methods commonly used include: The nine box matrix which is a simple assessment tool that measures the past performance of an employee as well as their potential (Phillips & Gully, 2015). In addition to evaluating the employees, this method also helps the organization comprehend the general strength of the workforce. The Nine Box matrix is effective due to its simplicity and the ease with which the managers can use it. It is also cost effective. Performance appraisals the systematic assessment of an employee’s performance so as to be aware of the growth and development abilities an employee has. One significant role of this method of evaluation is to help the management within an organization outline promotion programs for those employees who have proven to be efficient. This role makes this method a very practical assessment method. Skill inventories are the activities that one can do well. Supervisors within an organization methodically record the most recent skills that the employees acquire in the database. Some internal assessment methods are not very useful. One of them is peer assessment where the employees rank and rate one another. Its advantage is that the workers know each other, and they may hence give first-hand information (Phillips & Gully, 2015)...
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...attention, damage can be caused and grounds given for complaints. Feedback to the rejected candidates can help reduce the disappointment because it can give unsuccessful candidates practical information about what to do differently in future and how to enhance their skills and experience. For the appointed candidate, it provides the beginning of their development in their new job. Making Win-win decisions The final decision to appoint or reject candidates is usually made after an interview. The information collected throughout the previous selection activities can be collated to form a report on each candidate. This report will include an assessment on each candidate against the pre-determined selection criteria and recommend which aspects are in need of further exploration. What interviewers look for Overall interviewers attempt to see evidence of well roundedness, competence and success. A survey of personnel executives found that personality and demeanor during the interview affects hiring decisions the most. The second most important factor was experience, followed by specific skills and qualifications. Expansive resumes were given the least importance. Candidate Assessment Report...
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...best be performed. It will also help decide what skills and qualities are required of the person who is to perform the job. By undertaking this process, the analysis will have a better understanding of things such as staffing levels, productivity, any adjustments that need to be made, and performance appraisals. Job analysis plays a major role in organisations and it is important to remember that it is an analysis of the job and not the person. Job analysis is also important when it comes to the selection process as this will be based on the job description which should be written from the job analysis provided. There are several methods in which a job analysis can be carried out. These could be; interviews, questionnaires and observation and all methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Interviewing the incumbent(s) The interview method of gathering information needs to be carefully structured and conducted in an open and transparent manner. They are a good way of obtaining valuable information, however the interviewer must have a rapport with the interviewee to feel comfortable enough for them to openly discuss their job role. Questionnaire Like an interview, the questionnaires should also be carefully structured to bring out the importance of the job aspects. These can usually be completed relatively quickly and are cost effective. However, the difficulty with a questionnaire is that the person answering the question may not interpret the question in the...
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...SOC 324 Mock Interview Essay Rubric Your Name: Romesh Gajanayake Instructions: 1. Read through all documents on interviewing inside “Required Readings”, plus the “30-Second Biography” in “Info Interviewing,” before you complete this essay! 2. Save this rubric to your computer. Do not delete or alter any portion of the rubric in the process of responding to the questions. If you delete or otherwise alter the rubric in any way other than adding your responses to the questions, your score for this essay will be zero. 3. Type your answer to each question directly below the question, itself. 4. Save your completed essay again; then submit it via Safe Assignments. Presentation-of-Self: 1. Tell me you are wearing (head to toe) for your interview; including: • Hairstyle, haircut • Face (shaven or not, makeup, earrings, etc. if any) • Clothing • Shoes • Watch, jewelry, etc. On the day of my interview I would wear a dark suit (preferably black) with matching belt and oxford shoes. I will be clean-shaven and have my hair combed back away from my face. I will not wear in jewelry apart from a simple watch. 2. Tell me how you are sitting in your chair, once you have seated yourself in front of the interviewer(s). I would seat myself to a slight right angle to my interview panel so I can good eye contact during the interview process. I would sit displaying good posture and slightly lean forward if necessary...
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...during a performance interview. Although many employees do rate in the middle, most employees think they’re above average. So what happens if an employee receives feedback that implies they are average, how would you expect them to react during a performance interview? It has been my experience that most employees know how they are performing either through their own inner insight or from the manager’s consistent feedback throughout the year. They react with little or no emotion. But what happens if the employee is truly surprised? To eliminate most surprises, employees were asked to provide self-evaluations which included their strengths, weaknesses and personal goals. This gave the interviewing manager insight to what the employee thinks of their own performance. It enables the managers to prepare for a more productive feedback interview. Therefore, the strategic and developmental purposes of performance management will change depending on the self-evaluation and reaction of the employee to the “average” feedback. It is without doubt that some employees are perfectly happy meeting standards and being rated “average”. Reinforcing this behavior is appropriate if the current behavior is satisfactory and acceptable to the organization. However, if the employee is surprised by the “average” rating and the performance behavior needs to be pushed up a notch, then developmental goals should be introduced. The performance appraisal or feedback interviews are the appropriate...
Words: 575 - Pages: 3
...Journal of Applied Psychology 2003, Vol. 88, No. 5, 852– 865 Copyright 2003 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0021-9010/03/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.88.5.852 An Investigation of Race and Sex Similarity Effects in Interviews: A Multilevel Approach to Relational Demography Joshua M. Sacco Aon Consulting Christine R. Scheu, Ann Marie Ryan, and Neal Schmitt Michigan State University This research studied the effects of race and sex similarity on ratings in one-on-one highly structured college recruiting interviews (N 708 interviewers and 12,203 applicants for 7 different job families). A series of hierarchical linear models provided no evidence for similarity effects, although the commonly used D-score and analysis-of-variance– based interaction approaches conducted at the individual level of analysis yielded different results. The disparate results demonstrate the importance of attending to nested data structures and levels of analysis issues more broadly. Practically, the results suggest that organizations using carefully administered highly structured interviews may not need to be concerned about bias due to the mismatch between interviewer and applicant race or sex. There is a large body of literature supporting the notion that demographic similarity affects important outcomes at work (see Riordan, 2000; Williams & O’Reilly, 1998, for a review). For instance, researchers have reported that demographic similarity is positively related to communication...
Words: 13590 - Pages: 55
...The Human Touch Performance Appraisal II Tr a i n i n g L e a d e r ’s G u i d e Coastal Training Technologies Corp 500 Studio Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23452 ©2000 Coastal Training Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Coastal Training Technologies Corp. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter. It is sold with the understanding that Coastal Training Technologies Corp. is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Table of Contents The Human Touch Performance Appraisal II Preparation Materials Introduction....................................................................................................................8 Training Session Checklist...............................................................................................9 Trainer’s Instructions for Using the Book The Human Touch Performance Appraisal.........................................................10 Tips for Transferred Learning ........................................................................................11 Possible Session Agendas ........
Words: 5521 - Pages: 23
...Career Development Plan Part 2 We want to introduce our new sales team that has been put together in the past few weeks to the company’s new strategy and sales program, we have taken the authorization to assign each member to their appropriate training and orientation. I have put together an appraisal performance form so we are able to evaluate the member’s performance of our team, and this will provide feedback so we are able to understand the voice and opinion of the management team from the employees. I will be reviewing each appraisal, and feedback will be given to each team member , feedback will help assist in the future to perform at a top level and if needed will offer educational opportunities. Feedback Feedback is important for the future of our sales team. Feedback is a issue that is based on the personality and character of the employee. We need to make sure that we stay on target and address the performance problems, given information on individual’s performance, discuss the performance that needs to be improved, we need to be critical but not cross the line. Since I am a manager and feedback advisor, we like our communication skills so we are able to guide, train, encourage, teach and refocus our team. I believe that we should give feedback almost once a month, so we can support each other and give the opportunity to communicate solutions to our problems. Performance /Dual Careers I will help the employees to reach a higher level of performance by providing...
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...EMPLOYEES’ PERCEPTION OF THE PROBLEMS AND PRACTICES OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: a Case study of Awash International Bank (AIB) BY: ZELALEM BAYISA GURMESSA A project paper submitted to the school of graduate studies of AAU in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration [MBA] Advisor: Dr. TILAHUN TEKLU Assistant Professor of Management Department of Management August, 2007 Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies MBA Program Employees’ Perception of the Problems and Practices of Employee Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of Awash International Bank (AIB) BY ZELALEM BAYISA Approval Board Committee ________________________ Chairman, Graduate Studies __________________ Research Advisor __________________ Examiner __________________ Examiner ________ Signature _________ Signature _________ Signature ________ Signature Dr. Tilahun Tek lu Assistant Professor of Management Department of Business Management Faculty of Business and Economics Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia C E R T I F I C A T E This is to certify that this project work, “Employees’ Perception of the Problems and Practices of Employee Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of Awash International Bank (AIB)”, undertaken by Zelalem Bayisa for the partial fulfillment of Master’s of Business Administration [MBA] at Addis Ababa University, is an original work and not submitted earlier for any degree either at this University or any...
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