Premium Essay

Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Pages 3
Animal testing is using animals in experiments for educational, commercial or for the

purpose of research. For centuries, animal testing have been used in scientific and medical research.

Each individual look upon animals in a different way; some consider animals as their mates while

others consider animals to be their subordinates which can be used for their own good. Numerous

medical research centers use a variety of animals as testing subjects. During animal

experimentations, some animals are experimented on to check the reliability of some medication

while others are used to gather information about human behaviors in specific conditions. It is also

used in testing of medications, medical strategies, consumer products and military weapons. …show more content…
Animal testing is unreliable because animals are different to humans and their testing

results cannot be always useful or practical for human comparisons. Hackam and Redelmeier

(2006) claims that Animal experiments have helped us to understand the mechanisms of different

diseases while, the reliability of these experiments in clinical trials cannot be predicted. Animal

testing cannot be reliable because new medications sometimes cannot be predictive. Similarly,

Stachura (2008) suggests that animal bodies and their systems do not react like humans.

Moreover, she states that it is agreed by eighty-eight percent of the doctors that animal

experiments can be misleading because animals and humans are different physically and

physiologically. Matthews (2008) also note that an animal that responds like humans to one

medication may not necessarily respond the same way to another medicine. However, Brown

(2012) claims that humans and animals may differ and may not be same, but as they have

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