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Arguments Against Droidism

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Droidism Draft Introduction: Ever feel like you’re being ignored by friends because they are always on their phones? People this era have been known to use their phones majority of the time. Younger people are extremely guilty for this act. Society has changed drastically due to electronics and their digital communication. Nowadays, one more than likely will not go anywhere without their phones. The use of electronics has changed the view of society. Even when students go out to have lunch, they are always on their phones. They are more than likely on their social media, trying to figure out who liked their photo or who snapchatted them. An answer to this question is simple, humans are turning into droids. Humans becoming droids will definitely …show more content…
What does it look like? Effective communication is being to talk or connect with another. Effective communication is a type of communication that is easily understood. Effective communication is a needed skill in order to communicate with others or to make sure one gets their point across. Many people are victims of this case. Nowadays, one sees people with their faces stuck in their faces stuck in their phones texting. An example of this would be students at school. When students go out to have lunch, the first they do is pull out their phone instead of talking to friends sitting across from them. When one wants to gossip with their friend, the first thing they do is pick up the phone and text them. You would think that it would be easier to just call their friends and just chat with them, however some people do not feel comfortable enough to do that, because they are too attached to their phones. Next thing you know our whole society will have to take classes on how to be social or to show effective …show more content…
Joseph Mercola, a physician, author and web entrepreneur who has written many articles and books pertaining to health and nutrition addressed the dangers of digital interaction as a substitute for face-to-face interaction. In the business realm, Dr. Mercola states that despite the money saved and the stress related to traveling, “audio and video conferences may not provide the same impact that a face-to-face meeting can provide” ( In the “The Power of Face-to-Face Meetings in a Digital World,” Dr. Mercola continued by stating, “Face-to-Face communication involves the integration of ‘multimodal sensory information,’ such as nonverbal cues” and “Face-to-Face communication involves more continuous turn-taking behaviors between partners, which has been shown to play a pivotal role in social interactions and reflects the level of involvement of a person in a communication” ( The importance of face-to-face communication can most certainly be applied to one’s personal life as

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