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Arguments Against Planned Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood one of the nation provider of health services to low income women, men, teenagers and young adults have been on the media lately. Planned Parenthood have been accused by some of the politicians from the Republican that they have been using government money to fund abortions clinics and also receiving money for fetal tissue sale. Due to these allegations the government is trying to strip Planned Parenthood of its funding; there are ways Planned Parenthood can still receive government funding and avoid the controversy.
Before taking a closer look at the different options Planned Parenthood can consider; Take a look at the services they provided and the budget that this organization operates. According to the Washington post, Planned Parenthood performed only three percent abortions. Which is way less than sixteen percent of the cancer screen and prevention; in addition thirty five percent is prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and another thirty five percent on contraceptives. Planned parenthood also provide reproductive services, as well as providing referrals services for pregnant patients, some of the Planned Parenthood locations provide services based on the needs of that community. (Klein). For example the Rocky Mountain location has a program called the …show more content…
If abortion forms only three percent of the services that are provided by Planned Parenthood therefore doing without the three percent might be taken into consideration. For example the Planned Parenthood branch location in Louisiana that does not perform abortions. The Planned Parenthood location in Louisiana does not perform abortions; it is not that abortion is illegal in Louisiana. If abortion is legal in that state, but not done by Planned Parenthood, than the question is where do low income women that do not have any insurance go to have

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