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Aristotle's Use Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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Women’s Rights Violation
Greek philosopher Aristotle describes and defines three main rhetorical appeals in the art of persuasion over 2,000 years ago. He argues that this is the writer’s ability to convince the audience by using different techniques. Three basic ways to move the public to your point of view are ethos, logos, and pathos. Ethos refers to the credibility and authority of the speaker. Logos is the use of logical patterns to persuade the audience. Finally, pathos is the emotional component of any influencing process. All these three fundamental elements play a huge role in any attempt at convincing whether in a speech or a text. When the author works all of them properly, then the audience is more likely to be persuaded. It is …show more content…
Her pathetic appeal is not as strong as it should be. She tries to appeal to two different even opposite audiences, and at this point her pathos becomes weak. When she appeals to women as one of her audience, we see how strong her pathos. She loads the article with emotionally-charges words and phrases, like “avoid pregnancy,” “illegal,” “unsafe conditions,” ”fear,” “negligence,” that creates a sympathetic image. Diniz notes that some “women can’t avoid bites.” Moreover, according to the law, “they are forced to carry their pregnancies in fear.” She evokes the image of suffering women, and the reader feels sympathy for them. Further, Diniz appeals to the government. She accuses the government of giving a few possible situations when an abortion can be done legally, for instance, “the life of the women is in danger of complications, or she was raped, or she is carrying an anencephalic fetus.” That causes a lot of deaths and suffering when women decide to do abortion illegally and in unsafe conditions. Diniz constantly meets women who take care of “their disabled children” and a lot of them “wonder how many more will have to suffer or die before abortion is a right.” Through her article, we see Diniz as a woman and as a lawyer but her womanish side gets over her legal side. From the middle of the article during her calls to the government instead of using a weak word “should,” she starts using a strong word “must” several times that makes her appeal too strong and too emotional. It also has a negative effect because strong words create aggressive attitude from the government’s side. She gives possible solutions to these problems but an aggressive tone of the language makes all that

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