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Art Appreciation Course Analysis

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Art is the process of thoughtfully positioning items in a way that inspires and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and understanding. It included a diverse range of human actions, creations, and modes of expression, such as music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings. After taking this specific Art Appreciation course, I learned that art plays a prominent role in one's life, be it music or any other art. It helps in development of the brain, habits, and relieves stress. This course was a great way to connect the with the arts; which did not require a talent. My view on art changed drastically, because I know understand that art is more than a painting on a wall. Art such as painting, sculpture and architecture, …show more content…
This is an art style that includes dark symbolism such as skulls, rotten food, and dying flowers; that reminds one of death and the brevity of earthly life. The interesting thing about these paintings was that it reminds people that death is inevitable. After creating a Vanitas collage project, it made me think more about life and how it needs to be cherished. Some examples, that I found very interesting were Still Life: An Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life' created by Harmen Steenwyck and Vanitas with Violin and Glass Ball created by Pieter Claesz. In my opinion, these However, if we take some time from our busy routine to appreciate the beauty around us life would be more meaningful. As a Biology major, prior to taking this course, I did not think art related to science. Conversely, looking back on all the knowledge gained from this course, I was mistaken. For example, think of a painter mixing the primary and secondary colors to get the exact shade of a particular color he has in his mind. The artist has to know the kind of colors to use, the ideas he wants to portray and the type of canvas. As a future physician, I would also need to be knowledgeable of the amount of medicine administered, the type of medicines needed, exact medical histories,

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