...Origami: the ancient art of folding paper into different beautiful objects, like the classic crane. If you were asked me how it has affected me, or how I think it’ll affect me in the future, this is what I’d say. Origami has not affected me, but I think it will in the future, through the things I used to do with it, and being complete trash at it, I think it will affect me later though. As of right now, oragami has not inspired me or affected me. Is say this because as of today i have not made that much oragami items. As a child i did make fortune tellers, but, I wasn’t that good at the time. So, I got to work to get better, and in time, I was. Then I started trying more, and learned that there was much harder than i thought. But, I do not...
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...ARTS 105 Art Appreciation Summer 2016 Session (15-55) May 30 , 2016 – July 23, 2016 Course Description Introduction to the place of visual art in modern society, to the vocabulary used in discussing a work of art, and the studio techniques artists use to produce two and three-dimensional works Prerequisite: None Proctored Exams: None Instructor Information Dr. Patricia Rooney, PhD American Studies-Visual Culture, St. Louis University M.A. Art History, Webster University parooney@cougars.ccis.edu Textbooks Frank, Patrick. Prebles’ Artforms 11th Edition. 2014. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-205-96811-4 Textbooks for the course may be ordered from MBS Direct. You can order * online at http://direct.mbsbooks.com/columbia.htm (be sure to select Online Education rather than your home campus before selecting your class) * by phone at 800-325-3252 For additional information about the bookstore, visit http://www.mbsbooks.com. Course Overview Art Appreciation is an introduction to the principles and concepts used in the study and analysis of the fine arts, in order to achieve a basic understanding of art and artistic concerns. Art Appreciation studies the major cultural achievements and significant artistic works that have shaped Western culture. The approach to this course is to study the arts in an historical context beginning with the earliest artistic expressions of ancient societies...
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...1-Scavenger Hunt |Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 2 |Read:http://www.apus.edu/ctl/students/skills-development/test-taking.htm Assignment #2 - Topic for Final Paper |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.usnews.com_edu20130220131239-1.URL Week 2: Making the most of your time. Forum (Personal) |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.elearners.com_20130220131239.URL Quiz #2 - Policies and Procedures Quiz |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.elearners.com_20130220131239-1.URL Assignment #3 - Managing Time - Creating your own Personal Calendar |Read:http://www.studygs.net/timman.htm Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 3 |Academic skills Test Taking |4 Time Management Tips for Online Learners (Personal) |How to avoid Feeling Isolated in your Online Classes Week 3:What is my style |Time Management for Online Learners |Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 4 |Assignment 5 Annotated Bibliography The Writing Process |The Process and Types of Writing Week 4: Personal Essays vs Research Papers: What is the Difference? (Personal) |Conduct an internet search and find articles that describe the difference between personal essays or expository writing and research papers so to inform...
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...be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Ruggiero, V. R. (2009). The art of thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought (9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Longman. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Developing Awareness Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Describe the importance of critical and creative thinking in today’s society. 1.2 Explain conceptual foundations of thinking. 1.3 Determine methods to overcome hindrances to the critical thinking process. 1.4 Distinguish between perception and reality in messages. Reading Read Ch. 1 of The art of Thinking....
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...directing, playwriting, producing, theatre history, theatre design and technology. This course satisfies the Arts Foundation General Education requirement. It is intended to introduce the student to all aspects of theatre by way of active participation including group projects and creative thinking. Theatre is an interactive art form, which requires active participation from the student. Class participation includes attending the University’s productions and discussing them: students will be encouraged to build their own opinions and share them with the rest of the class. This course will foster the students’ personal creativity while promoting an understanding of the theatrical process and the integral role of theatre in society. Goals: 1. To gain an appreciation for theatre as a fine art. 2. To become familiar with the components of theatre. 3. To become familiar with the various types of theatre artists who collaborate to create the art form. 4. To develop a critical and informed appreciation for theatre in performance. 5. To understand the importance of working collaboratively. Texts: Wainscott, Ronald and Kathy Fletcher. Theatre Collaborative Acts. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson, 2009. Evaluation: Participation at my discretion Syllabus approval 5 points Play Attendance and Responses 45 points (15 points each) Play Reaction Papers 40 points (20 points each) Group Presentation 50...
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...Technology 229 100-05 -- 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. MWF – Sondheim 409 Instructor: Ellen Gorman Office: Fine Arts 424 Office Hours: By appointment E-mail: elg@umbc.edu; elgorman@msn.com Required Texts Celebrity Culture and the American Dream, Karen Sternheimer The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Junot Diaz Shoplifting from American Apparel, Tao Lin It's Bigger Than Hip-Hop: The Rise of the Post-Hip-Hop Generation, M.K. Asante Films: The Social Network (Fincher 2010); Mean Girls (Waters 2004); Bomb It (Reiss 2007); Objectified (Hustwit 2009), The Bling Ring (Coppola 2013) Course Description: In this course we will engage in an interdisciplinary analysis of oral, written, visual, and material representations of American life and culture and the historical and social contexts in which they are produced and consumed. Our analyses will necessitate a survey the interplay of the popular arts and American society, using American studies interdisciplinary methodologies. The framework of the course is the development of critical thinking and writing skills. All students are encouraged to avail themselves of the free services at the University’s Writing Center, http://www.umbc.edu/lrc/writing_center.htm List of assignments and percentage of grade Formal Assignment #1/Critical Analysis 20% Formal Assignment #2/Creative Production 30% Response Papers (4) 20% Participation 15% In-class Quizzes (3) 15% General Policies Grading Assignments...
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...of student work, is conducted by faculty using tests, research papers, projects, presentations or standardized examinations to discover how well students who have passed a course actually achieved the expected learning goals. Faculty members analyze the results so they can develop strategies to help improve student learning in future classes. Course # ART 107 Course Name: Survey of World Art: Prehistoric – Gothic Semester: Fall 2013 (1st 8 weeks) CRN: 40185 Course Procedure Sheet (Syllabus) Instructor Information: Instructor Name: Jeff Henley Email: henleyj@cochise.edu Course Information: Course Description: A survey presentation of the art and architecture of western civilizations through the Gothic era, including prehistoric cultures of the world. Prerequisites: RDG 122 or concurrent enrollment or exemption or permission of instructor Minimum Course Objectives: 1. Students will demonstrate a general knowledge of art and architecture of Western civilizations from prehistoric times through the Gothic era. 2. Students will compare relationships between art and culture. 3. Students will utilize a vocabulary pertaining to the world of art. 4. Students will apply aesthetic principles to the world of art, past, present, and future, and share ideas and reactions. Required Materials and Supplies: Janson’s Basic History of Western Art, 9th ed. ISBN-10:...
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...What Makes Art Art? Art for me is a drawing, painting or hand created object that evokes a response in you. I am first attracted to art that appeals to me visually. Once attracted to the art then I am interested in the feelings and ideas that are generated from reviewing the piece of work. I am visually drawn to pencil drawings. Kolliwtz’s drawing’s of Hand to Forehead is an example of one of my visual attractions. You begin to wonder what she is feeling, and then as you analyze those ideas you begin to have an emotional response to the artwork. In this drawing I think she is illustrating a state of frustration. Then Kolliwtz’s Mother with Child in Arms, has the same visual attraction but a different emotional response. You have a happy playful emotional response that is generated from the content in the drawing. Color patterns that are bold or soothing also attract me. Mucha’s The Moon, the Evening Star, the Polstar, and the Morning Star, is an illustration of a color pattern that catches my attention. Unknown what each of the girls are expressing or the difference in the stars, I am drawn to the painting and feel light on my feet while experiencing it. I can appreciate bold expressions and messages in art as well. The content of Bottle Nude, by Margritte, isn’t for everyone to see and appreciate. The uniqueness in expression creates an interest in what you are supposed to see. She could be showing that a woman’s body is shaped like a bottle. Or there could be an underlying...
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...Kelly Joyce 2-D Foundations March 12, 2012 Museum Response When I visited the museum, I was in awe of all the variations of art that took place there. It was my first time there and I was impressed by the masterpieces. I was not expecting the museum to have that many art pieces and ones that would catch my interest. Three caught my interest the most, however. The first one was called Bust of a Woman. I did not see the title at first when I was writing down notes about this art piece but when I did I started asking myself, why did the artist Richard Henry Park title it this? It was a pure white statue made of an old fashioned woman. It only shows a little below her shoulders to her head. She is wearing what seems an old fashioned dress that flows and her hair is up in an old fashioned bun. It did not say how it was made but I’m guessing with clay of some sort. The whole statue seemed old fashioned and it was also created in 1875, which gave me a clue. I think he created it to show the beauty of a woman. The second art piece was a painting by Anna Mary Robertson Moses (“Grandma Moses”). It was a scenic painting and was so beautiful. The title is Out on the Lake. The painting was oil on masonite. I really liked this technique. It showed texture and lots of different colors that caught my eye. It also caught my interest because it reminded me of me on my lake up at my cabin. The painting made you feel like you were there in the boat with the person in the painting and just...
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...suggests that art therapy began in Australia in 1950’s. Artists like Guy Grey-Smith and psychiatrists like Eric Cunningham-Dax and Ainslie Mears were pioneers in this field. Cunningham-Dax (1908-2008) a leading psychologist who migrated from UK emphasised on the separation of art activity and art psychotherapy (Westwood & Linnell, 2001). The period of 1950s and 1960s marked the growth of art therapy in UK and USA. Several Australians travelled overseas to undertake education and returned in 1980s to contribute to this growing profession. Art therapy in Australia has been largely influenced by these returning Australians and conferences that supported the professions emergence (Westwood & Linnell, 2001). As art therapy...
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... ACTA and the Enforcement of Copyright in Cyberspace: the Impact on Privacy Iryna Ievdokymova* Abstract: As the reach of the Internet expands, governments increasingly seek to introduce initiatives aimed at controlling individuals’ online activity. One such initiative, aimed, inter alia, at introducing enhanced online copyright enforcement standards, is the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The paper analyses a possible effect of Art. 27(3) of the agreement on the data protection and privacy rights, as spelled out in the EU legal order. Firstly, the EU legal framework on Internet surveillance for copyright enforcement will be addressed. Next, the principles and safeguards applicable to data processing in the context of communications surveillance will be illustrated with reference to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. It will be argued that ACTA, if interpreted broadly and implemented without safeguards, would provide an incentive for graduated response systems, which, as it will be shown on the example of the French graduated response, may trump privacy rights on a massive scale. I Introduction Could cyberspace be considered a zone of liberty, for the most part unrestrained by government regulation and intrusion into individual rights and freedoms? On the one hand, the Internet has served to expand the boundaries of information sharing to an unprecedented degree. However, as the dividing line between the online and ‘real’ world is...
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...LECTURER: Dr. Patrick Oloko Introduction: This paper attempts an exploration of pragmatics, pragmatism and pragmatic theory as perceived by scholars from different intellectual tradition with focus on drama as a genre of literature. From the classic to the contemporary period, dramatic theorists and dramatists have been involved in the polemics on functions of drama, whether it is an instrument of communicating ideas or just a genre of literature that only entertains. Whether drama entertains or bears the ideological or moral burdens which the author through his art intends to pass to the readers, drama unequivocally has a function which, according to Philip Sidney, is to “teach and to delight”. With this in mind, it can be established that every piece of drama sets out to achieve a function though critics and dramatists have disagreed on what the ideal function of drama should be. It is this light that the current paper explores the pragmatic theory of drama in Plato and Aristotle, or, simply put; how Plato and Aristotle perceive the ideal function of drama. Definition of Terms: Pragmatism is a theory that emphasises the dual function of a work of art. It stipulates the heuristic function of literature, that which preaches that a piece of art should teach and delight; it must be didactic while providing a means to delight and entertain. This theory opposes the notion of “art for art sake” Pragmatic Pragmatic and pragmatism are both...
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...ART 1223, ART SURVEY | Instructor: Todd Parker Class Participation–Look! Chapter 1 Look! Chapter 1 Answer the following questions over chapter 1 from Look! by Anne D'Alleva. Type your responses in a WordTM document or similar format. Submit the paper to the assignment dropbox titled Class Participation 1 in Canvas. Bring your response to class and be prepared to discuss your answers. 1. At this moment, how would you personally define art? * I would define art to be anything that someone took the time to make or craft together in a creative way or required skill. 2. How much better or worse if our experience of art using the more traditional definition of art? * If I’m understanding the question. Our experience with art would be worse if everyone defined art in the more narrow minded traditional way. It would be nice to have one single definition that everyone could agree on but most art would look the same and fall under the same certain categories. There would be little variation and lots of things would get left out. 3. What is useful in using the definition of art that D’Alleva provides on p. 13? * It is useful because she gave us her definition of art and what all she would refer to as art, and the definition also covers anything and everything that maybe considered as art around the world and from various periods in time. 4. Are there other reasons why a learner would want to study art history? * Other than for...
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...Contemporary Art is unique in nature that defines an artist’s skill, technique, and imagination to challenge the original concept of art in the 20th century. The style varies between artist to artist that reflect on individual belief or cultural influence with both new and old types of media. Yulia Brodskaya is a talented fine artist that developed an interesting style with paper and glue known as Quilling. Her art highly responses to the concept of Contemporary Art by using basic use of colorful paper to create astonishing pieces of work. Yulia Brodskaya was born in 1983, Moscow/Russia and moved to the United Kingdom in 2004. Yulia’s interests were diverse in creative practices ranging from textile painting, origami, and collages to traditional Fine Art practices. Following an MA in graphic communication at the University of Hertfordshire in England about 2006. Yulia continues to experiment and explore with paper in different ways to produce highly detailed paper designs for worldwide clients, such as her piece “Gypsy.” (paper) Large companies such as Starbucks, Nokia, Godiva, and etc. promote more than 100 projects over the five years....
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...INTRODUCTION The following paper will serve the purpose of analysing the policy response to HIV and AIDS in Kenya as a case study in East Africa. Kenya has the main organisation which facilitates and controls various HIV and aids policy strategic response which is the national aids control council (NACC). It is the mandate of the Kenya Ministry of Health (MoH) to deliver quality, affordable health care to all citizens of Kenya. Various strategic documents have outlined plans towards achieving this goal, including the Second National Health Sector Strategic Plan (NHSSP II, 2005-2010) and the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP, 2005-2010).They are various other documents which include the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act, 2006 Sexual Offences Act, 2006 Children’s Act, 2001 Medical Laboratory Act, 1999 Science and Technology Act, 1980 Public Health Act (Cap 242) HIV prevalence in Kenya is estimated based on the Demographic and Health Survey (2003 and 2008/9), AIDS Indicator Surveys (KAIS 2007 and 2012) and Antenatal Clinic (ANC) sentinel surveillance. A trend analysis starting from 1990 shows that prevalence in the general population reached a peak of 10.5% in 1995‐96, after which it declined by about 40% to reach approximately 6.7% in 2003. Since then, the prevalence has remained relatively stable. The decline of the prevalence from 1995 to 2003 is partly attributed to high AIDS related mortality while the stabilisation of the epidemic in the last 10 years is...
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