...Falls are very common in the geriatric population. They are the leading cause of injury and death by injury in adults over the age of 65 years (Lee, 2013, p.37). Falls can have devastating results in the geriatric population. Fear of falling is a defined geriatric syndrome that may contribute to further functional decline in an already frail patient. When people experience something unpleasant, their natural response is an aversion to that experience. People may begin to limit their activities after a fall or as they become weaker and less agile with increasing age. This leads to a more sedentary lifestyle and physical atrophy, which further predisposes them to falls (Lee, 2013, p.37). According to Al-Aama (2011): A fall is a complex multifactorial phenomenon. In order to understand the mechanism of falls, it is essential to understand the prerequisites of normal gait. Essential substrates for a normal gait include fine neural networks such as the cortical–basal ganglia loop and the basal ganglia–brainstem system, exquisite musculoskeletal structures with appropriately regulated muscle tone, and proper processing of sensory information (p. 772). A fall in the geriatric population could be the result of various long-term or short-term factors. A short-term factor could include an acute illness or an adverse drug reaction. Normal gait and balance requires freely moving joints; muscles contracting at the right time with the appropriate strength; and accurate visual, vibratory...
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...10. Identify Mr. O’Brien’s predisposing risk factors for a fall. There are many risk factors that increase the likelihood of a fall that nurses should be aware of to take precaution. Every patient in the hospital are at risk for falls if they have a IV pole, or medications such as pain medication can make you fall. However, there are patients who are at a higher risk of falls in the hospital including if the patient has to ambulate with an assistive device, frequent toileting, and if the patient has had a history of falling (Ganz, 2013). Mr. O’Brien has many of these risks factors including pain medication, using an assistive device to ambulate, history of falling, and frequent toileting. These factors increase the risk of Mr. O’Brien getting out of bed to use the restroom tripping over his walker or cane and the medications can cause lightheadedness and dizziness predisposing him to fall. This factors are important when considering care for this patient so the nursing staff can take precaution. 11. The use of a vest could be considered for Mr. O’Brien to prevent another fall. Define a “restraint” and provide examples of physical and chemical restraints. What actions must be taken before restraints can be used? What alternatives must be considered first?...
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...Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management Compensation and Benefits HRM541 Supervision by: Dr. Padmakumar Ram Saad AbuRiyah 1302487 Fall 2013 Your Turn; Job Evaluation at Whole Foods; 153 Whole Foods Market, Inc. Who are we? Well, we seek out the finest natural and organic foods available, maintain the strictest quality standards in the industry, and have an unshakeable commitment to sustainable agriculture. Whole Foods Market has more than 350 retail and non-retail locations in the US, Canada and UK. Core Values Selling The Highest Quality Natural And Organic Products Satisfying And Delighting Customers Supporting Team Members Excellence And Happiness Creating Wealth Through Profits And Growth Serve And Support Local And Global Communities Practice And Advance Environmental Stewardship Create Ongoing Win-Win Partnerships With Our Suppliers Promote The Health Of Our Stakeholders Through Healthy Eating Education Job Structure is a layout that defines what a particular career entails. The structure has well defined job descriptions of a particular job, responsibilities, qualifications, and salary structure and performance matrix. Job Evaluation is a formal and systematic approach to analyzing jobs and categorizing them in regard to their relative worth in an organization. Job Evaluation Methods Ranking: simply orders the job description from highest to lowest based on a global definition of relative value or contribution to the...
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...Running Head: Risk Management Assessment Summary Risk Management Assessment Summay HCS/451 Jodie Sapaugh August 6th, 2012 University of Phoenix Quality Management When it comes to quality management in health care it has changed and developed more over the years. Quality management is a continuous development that health care organizations use to distribute merchandise and services that will make sure to meet or exceed consumer expectations (McLaughlin, & Kaluzny, 2013). Quality management in health care has evolved over the year to address increased demands from consumers related to the quality care and services, as well as to address problems in patients' outcomes (McLaughlin, & Kaluzny, 2013). When it comes to risk management, it is a vital part in health care. The purpose of risk management is to enhance patients' safety, ensure compliance with the law, avoid legal exposure, and prevent accidents. In health care and long term care (LTC) you are dealing with patients' in life or death situations. Risk management in health care organizations helps physicians and nurses limit the risks that are associated with their jobs. By having risk management in long term care facilities this helps reduce potential risks because it ensures that the medical staff are following all of the safety protocols that are set in place as well as making wise medical decisions. Legend Senior Living is...
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...Child Interview Allie Brown September 21, 2014 ECE3: Child Growth and Development Yuba College Introduction A child's physical, cognitive, and social development is vital at a young age while the brain and body are still developing; Because this is the age that the brain is putting itself together, this is the age children obtain most of their lifelong morals and values! Every child develops differently depending on the environment they are put in; for example, if a child is raised around negative situations and violent scenarios, whether it's media or actual life, that child will most likely turn out aggressive and angry; it is very important parents help children to acquire skills in all developmental domains to help them live to their fullest potential and be the best they can be. Method Allison is 7 year old girl who is mix of American, Irish, and German. She was born in Roseville and moved to Lincoln shortly after. Allison's parents have joint legal custody of Allison, or the custody in which the parents share the right and responsibility to make decisions regarding the child's welfare and, share the child (Papalia, Martorell, & Feldman, 2013, p. 403); She spends fifty percent of the time at her moms apartment in Lincoln and the other fifty at her dads house in Sacramento. At her moms house, she has her little sister (from a different dad) and sometimes her moms boyfriend comes over; at her dad's house she has her dad's wife, along with her dads wife's...
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...professional internship with a Physical Therapy Practice. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: My years of academic studies and experience as a student athlete in volleyball and track and field have helped me develop the technical knowledge, skills, and discipline required to make a significant contribution in a professional Physical Therapy Practice. I am a hard worker who is committed to positive outcomes; I am well-organized with strong communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills; I can work independently and in a team; and, I am honest, loyal and discreet. I am seeking "hands-on real world" professional work experience in Physical Therapy to achieve my career goal of becoming a Certified Physical Therapist. EDUCATION Florida International University (Bachelor of Science Degree) Miami, Florida Anticipated Graduation: Spring 2018| Concentration: Sports Fitness | GPA: 3.6 Tallahassee Community College Tallahassee, Florida 6 sem. Hrs. | GPA: 3.6 | Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 HONORS AND DISTINCTIONS Florida International Dean’s list (2014-Present); Invitation to join FIU Honors College (2014); National Honor Society (NHS); Selected works of Art/Photography displayed at the LeMoyne Art Gallery (2012-2014) Tallahassee, Florida ; Florida State University Schools Directors Award for Academic Excellence (2013) LEADERSHIP AND AFFILIATIONS Florida International University Women’s Track & Field Team | Fall 2014- Present; FIU Academy...
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...Brian Mac, (2013) Nutrition: Sarcopenia (loss of muscle), the undiagnosed epidemic. Retrieved on March 17, 2013 from http://www.brianmac.co.uk/articles/article036.htm Burton, L. A., McMurdo, M. T., & Struthers, A. D. (2011). Mineralocorticoid antagonism: a novel way to treat sarcopenia and physical impairment in older people?. Clinical Endocrinology, 75(6), 725-729. Ignatavicius, D. D., & Workman, M. L. (2010). Medical-surgical nursing: Patient-centered collaborative care (6th Ed.). St. Louis, Mo.: Saunders/Elsevier. Meng-Yueh, C., Hsu-Ko, K., & Ying-Tai, W. (2010). Sarcopenia, Cardiopulmonary Fitness, and Physical Disability in Community- Dwelling Elderly People. Physical Therapy, 90(9), 1277-1287. Scott, D., Blizzard, L., Fell, J., Giles, G., & Jones, G. (2010). Associations Between Dietary Nutrient Intake and Muscle Mass and Strength in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: The Tasmanian Older Adult Cohort Study SCOTT ET AL. DIETARY NUTRIENT INTAKE AND SARCOPENIA. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society, 58(11), 2129-2134. Silvestri, L. (2011). Saunders comprehensive review for the nclex-rn examination. (5th Ed.). St. Louis: Saunders/Elsevier. Tabloski, P. (2010). Gerontological nursing (2nd Ed.). Upper Saddle River. NJ: Pearson Education, Incorporated. ----------------------- Physiology Aging individuals with Sarcopenia would exhibit a gradual loss of muscle mass and function, will have frail physical structure,...
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...Lack of sleep has harmful physical and mental effects to the human body. As is commonly known, the human body needs at least eight hours of rest each night. These eight hours are used by the body to recover the health of cells in bones, muscles and organs. However, most people in actuality do not sleep enough time. As a result of this, we can observe different pathological conditions on people who don’t have more than two hours of rest daily. Some of the effects that lack of sleep produce in the human body are muscular injuries, depression and behavior changes. The muscles make us what we are. One of the functions of the muscular system is to give us shape and form. At the same time, the muscular system is in charge of supporting the weight of the different systems that compound our body, like nervous, skeletal, digestive, reproductive, etc… Moreover, the most important function is to produce movement. Different fibers form a single muscle. They contract and stretch hundreds of times to give movement to the whole body. This constant stretching starts damaging the fibers. Not enough sleep to recover the muscular cells in the fibers result in injuries and muscular pain all over the body. After two days without enough sleep the body start feeling fatigued. Blurry vision, high blood pressure, abnormal high body temperature and muscular pain give a bad mood to the body and a hurry to sleep. On the other hand, on a day full of responsibilities there is not time to stop. These stressful...
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... "Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity." mayoclinic. Mayo Health Clinic, 23 July 2011. Web. 16 Jan. 2013. . In the article “Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity.” the authors talk about the benefits of exercise, from boosting your mood to improving your sex life. The first topic of seven is how exercise controls weight. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn. Therefore causing weight loss and making you a healthier individual. The second topic exercise combats health conditions and diseases. Regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls. The third is exercise improves mood. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. The fourth topic is exercise boosts energy. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. The fifth topic is exercise promotes better sleep. Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. By exercising you use energy therefore making you drowsier and making it easier for you to fall asleep. The sixth topic is exercise puts the spark back into your sex life. Regular physical activity can lead to enhanced arousal...
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...theories associated with this type of abuse. Since most abusers are caretakers who have been entrusted with the tending to of those who are unable to care for themselves, we will examine possible causes that lead them to their cruel behavior. We will also address how the maltreatment of helpless victims falls into two classifications, abuse and neglect, and they both can be physical and/or emotional in nature. These theories will be compared and contrasted as we investigate the characteristics of caretakers involved in the abuse and neglect of children, the elderly, and folks with special needs. Comparing and Contrasting Caretaker Theories Most perpetrators who abuse children, the elderly, and special needs individuals are caretakers who have been entrusted with the tending to of those who are unable to care for themselves. Many are usually either family members or someone well known to the victim (Daigle, 2013). The maltreatment of the helpless falls into two classifications, abuse and neglect, and they both can be physical and/or emotional in nature (Malley-Morrison & Hines, 2004). The three theories in regards to maltreatment that we will be discussing here fall into three common categories and they are: a) Sociocultural explanations b) Social learning c) Intra-individual theory. These theories will be compared and contrasted as we explore the characteristics of caretakers involved in the abuse and neglect of children, the elderly, and folks with special...
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...Institution: University of Limerick Programme of study: MA in Business Management Year of Submission: 2013 Names: Kevin South, Kevin Doherty and Michael Griffin Student ID’s: 13023543, 0751294, and 13051539 Module Title: Management Principles MG6111 Lecturer: Marese Kelly Table of Contents Introduction Page. 1 Mission Statement Page. 1 Vision Statement Page. 1 Problem 1: Planning Page. 2 Strategic Planning 1.1 Page. 3 Contingency Planning 1.2 Page. 4 Problem 2: Lack of internal & external analysis during the planning process Pages. 5-9 Problem 3: Inadequacy of micro-environmental analysis while planning Pages. 10-13 Recommendations Page. 14 Recommendation 1.1: Strategic planning Page. 14 Recommendation 1.2: Contingency planning Page. 15 Recommendation 2: SWOT analysis Page. 16 Recommendation 3: Competitive environment analysis Page. 17 Conclusion Page. 18 Bibliography Pages: 19-20 Introduction: In 1921, HMV’s first official store was opened in London’s Oxford Street by the very well-known British composer and conductor, Sir Edward Elgar. Through the years the company steadily increased in size but “it was really in the Eighties, through the combined catalyst of Liveaid in 1985 and the advent...
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...the high number that the topic was chosen but because it affects people of the age between 23 and 27 with few cases reported among children and adolescents (Weiner, 2013, p.101). . The affected are young generation and represent the future of humanity. The disorder affects mainly women compared to men. One of the astonishing facts is that 35% affected individual contemplate committing suicide (Weiner, 2013, p.102). This essay, therefore, will look into the definition, symptoms, how it affects those close to the individual suffering, treatments and options for dealing with the disorder. Seasonal affective disorder is a recurrent type of depression that is related to the seasonal variation of the light. The majority of seasonal affective disorder cases are reported in late fall or early winter seasons and change to normal in the summer. 10 million people are reported to suffer from this mood disorder every winter in the United States of America. The disorder is often diagnosed as either major depressive disorder, bipolar I or bipolar II. Major depressive disorder is the most common diagnosed of the three. A diagnosis of the disorder is made after three consecutive winters where the individual shows the following symptoms that then followed by a complete change of symptoms in the summer seasons (Weiner, 2013, p.102). . Many of the individuals suffering from seasonal affective disorder reported being in a depressed mood where they felt hopeless and loss of self-esteem...
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...proper and appropriate questions for the survey to collect the most valid and reliable data. Conducting and presenting the survey is just as crucial as the creation of the questions. If either of these areas is neglected or not handled appropriately the entire research process is wasted. The purpose this paper is to critique a survey I created and issued to 10 random individuals. Included in the critique of this survey is a discussion of the reliability and validity of the survey and the results collected. Survey and Content The survey under review is a short eight questions developed to understand general health of individuals through diet and exercise. The survey was completed using two forms of questions. The first type question falls under the definition of a rating scale. “Rating scale is used when participants score an object or indicant without making a direct comparison to another object or attitude” (Cooper, Schindler, 2011, Ch. 12). Under these guidelines individuals were asked to answer questions pertaining to how often they exercise, how often they eat each day, and how often they eat fast food. These questions are created so there can be no comparisons made, but rather a numerical value selection. The second sets of questions are a version of ranking scale inquiries. “Ranking scales constrain the study participant to making comparisons and determining order among two or more properties” (Cooper, Schindler, 2011, Ch. 12). This set of questions asks the...
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...LaGuardia Community College Academic Calendar 2012-2013 2012 FALL SEMESTER - SESSION I Tuesday Aug. 21 Monday Sept. 3 Tuesday Sept. 4 Wednesday Sept. 5 Thursday Sept. 6 Friday Sept. 7 Sunday Sept. 9 Monday Sept. 10 September 10-15 Thursday Sept. 13 Thursday Sept. 13 Saturday Sept. 15 Sept. 16 Sunday September 16-21 September 17-18 Thursday Sept. 20 Friday Sept. 21 September 22-26 September 25-26 Wednesday Sept. 26 Last day to Apply for Readmission (for Fall Session I) No Classes - College Closed First Day of Coop Internship Orientation New Students (By invitation A-L) Opening Sessions for Faculty & Staff Orientation New Students (By invitation M-Z) 100% Tuition Refund Period Ends First Day of Weekday Classes Fall Session I 75% Tuition Refund Period Honors Night Last Day to Add a Course or Change Course Sections First Day of Saturday Classes Fall Session I First Day of Sunday Classes Fall Session I 50% Tuition Refund Period No Classes Scheduled Irregular Day – Classes Follow a Tuesday Schedule Commencement - No Classes Scheduled 25% Tuition Refund Period No Classes Scheduled Census Day / Last Day to Drop a Course – No Grade Issued / Last Day to Change Major for Fall Semester / Last Day to Submit Independent Study Contract Last Day to Apply for the following Candidacies: Nursing (not including LPN), Occupational Therapist Asst., Physical Therapist Asst., and Veterinary Technology Last Day to Apply for Fall 2012 Graduation No Classes – College Closed Irregular Day – Classes Follow...
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...CEREBRAL PALSY Presented to Cerebral Palsy is defined as an abnormal development or damage affecting the motor centers of the brain, accompanied by neurological and physical abnormalities. According to CDC, Cerebral Palsy is the most common motor disability found in children. It affects movement, posture, and balance. In the majority of cases children are diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy by the age of three. Statistics show that on average every two to three children in one thousand fall victim to this disorder. The combined total of all children and adults in the United States living with Cerebral Palsy is estimated to be around 800,000. Symptoms vary from child to child as well as the age of onset. Some signs to look for are any disturbances in the development of learning. Such as if the child is having trouble learning to crawl, walk, rolling from side to side, or sitting by the appropriate age that developmental milestones should be achieved. If the child is only using one hand to grab things while keeping the other hand balled up into a fist. Another common behavior to look for is the child dragging one entire side of the body while trying to crawl with the use of only the opposite side. More causes for concern would be stiff muscles, exaggerated muscle reflexes, muscles not stiff enough resembling a flopping of the limbs, and difficulty with speech and eating. The website Cerebral Palsy Help http://cerebralpalsyhelp...
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