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Article Analysis


Submitted By rajbahadur51
Words 1454
Pages 6
SWOT Analysis of Target Corporation
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1. Introduction
Target Corporation specializes in detailing business, having origin of America, and its headquarters is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At start, this company took birth with the name of Dayton Dry Goods Company, further, which was renamed to the Dayton Corporation. The very 1st store of this organization started working in 1962. “Rapid growth of Target as division of Dayton Hudson Corporation; compelled the owners to rename it as Target Corporation in 2000” (, 2014).
“Target Corporation is considered as second largest retailer providing discounts on its produce in the United States after Walmart” (Dudley, 2013). Target Corporation stood at 30th rank in 2010 and Fortune 500 list, and it is a component of Standard & Poor’s 500 index. The basic business in which the Target Corporation deals are, general merchandise stores, which comprise of food items along with general merchandise. “In the report of fiscal year 2013 Target stores having this collection of food items which include perishable items along with dry, dairy and frozen food items” (, 2014).
2. Mission statement.
The mission statement of the company describes the core objective of the company described in a statement form. Mission of Target Corporation is to make its most favorite and perishable shopping destination for all types of customers from every walk of life by delivering outstanding products, including continuous innovation and providing a great and exceptional experience of shopping (, 2014).

3. SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a strategic management tool used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A business or non-business organization poses in the market. Following is a brief SWOT analysis of the Target

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