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Pages 10
MARKING SCHEME – Assignment 5

CANDIDATE: Daniel Strong CENTRE: AEA group


Your 5th and final assignment for the CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership will be to Conduct a Management Project and to Write a Report on that project. As a KTP Associate, you are advised to use your KTP Project (or a substantial segment of that project) for your assignment.

As this is a Level 5 qualification, your report must demonstrate your knowledge (by citing relevant theorists, concepts and models) and your understanding (by showing practical application and/or examples). You will need to fully address the following Learning Outcomes:

• Unit 5006 Conducting a management project

• Unit 5009 Project development and control

• Unit 5002 Information based decision making

Before commencing your assignment, you should again familiarise yourself with the syllabus coverage for these three units. This appears in the Course Packs that you received when attending your residential Modules 2, 3 & 4.

You are advised to use the Assignment Planning Document to ensure that you address each Learning Outcome and every sub-point in full.

Your assignment (Project Report) including all three units, should be not less than 7,500 and not more than 8,500 words.

You should begin your report with a brief ‘Introduction’ (perhaps 1 or 2 paragraphs, giving a background to the report) and finish your report with a brief ‘Conclusion’ (perhaps 1 or 2 paragraphs). The main section of your report should include subheadings based on the Learning Outcomes listed in this document.

NB: In order to pass this assignment, you must specifically address each Learning Outcome and every sub-point in full. Unit 5002 Information based decision making


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