...John Wallis was born on November 22, 1616 in Ashford, in the United Kingdom. John Wallis’s father was also named John Wallis. His father worked as a minister and then became a minister. When John was born, his mother was Joanna Chapman. Joanna Chapman was his father’s second wife. John had four other siblings, and was the third born. However, when John was only six years old his father died. His first form of education was in Ashford, however, a plague there caused his family to move. When his family moved, he went to a grammar school in Tenterden, Kent. At the grammar school, he learned a lot of Latin. When he was only thirteen years old, he said that he thought he was ready to go to college. In 1631, he went to another school called the...
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...Business Ethics Gabe Galbraith BUS 610 Organizational Behavior Dr. Leo Smith 04/15/2013 Business Ethics There are many different perspectives on what leadership is. Everyone who writes or talks about leadership tends to have his or her own personal definition of leadership. In an organizational context, leadership involves influencing the behaviors of individuals and groups to work toward predetermined goals (Baack, 2012). Some of the primary qualities associated with leadership are vision, enthusiasm, trust, courage, passion, coaching, developing others, and intensity. Many people discuss the similarities and differences of leadership and management. . John Kotter (1990) argues that management focuses on coping with complexity using the basic managerial functions of planning, organizing, and control. Robert House and R. J. Aditya (1997) link the concept of management with the use of formal authority that arises from a person's organizational rank. In a perfect world, all companies would most likely prefer to employ effective leaders. Leaders can establish direction by communicating a vision and inspiring their employees. These leaders influence behaviors in positive ways. With the great things positive leaders do there, unfortunately, some outcomes have had a negative rather than positive way. One potential example includes the failure of leadership Home Depot Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Robert Nardelli, whose termination...
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...As am active student at Ashford University, there have been a few things I have noticed as a student that could potentially make not only my schooling better, but all other students’ better. I am an online student, and as an online student it is at times difficult to fully grasp concepts that are being taught that particular week in class. I am not saying that there are not classes like this at Ashford, but I believe that if Ashford employed their instructors to create more immersive and or more visual assignments there would be a greater chance for students to succeed in their pursuit of higher education. I understand that writing essays are a part of the processes of teaching, but when that’s all students are required to perform, in my belief, it takes away from the affirmation of what we are learning or have been taught . As a visual learner it is difficult at times to fully grasp all the concepts that are being presented to me. Out of the year and a half I have attended Ashford University, there has only been one class that the assignment was immersive and visual that helped put in to action what was being taught in that class. An article from the New York Times about Ashford, “Of the students who enrolled in 2008-9, for example, 84 percent in the associate degree programs were gone by September 2010 (63 percent had left the bachelor’s programs)”. The question that Ashford should be asking themselves is, why? What are so many first-year students dropping out? I am sure that...
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...The Need for Change YOUR NAME MGT435 – Organizational Change PROFESSOR DATE 2014 The Need for Change An organization that I am very familiar with and is in need for change is the military security approach. I will use Kotter’s Eight-Step Approach as it is one of the most widely used planning methods (Weiss, 2012, p 72). While change models do not provide the “one best way” or “the truth” of diagnosing organizations, they offer both theoretical and practical ways to understand complex situations (Weiss, 2012, p 48). Kotter’s eight steps change process is as follows; 1. Establish a sense of urgency, 2. Form a powerful guiding coalition, 3. Develop a vision and strategy, 4. Communicate the change vision, 5. Empower others to act on the vision, 6. Generate short-term wins, 7. Consolidate gains and produce more change, 8. Anchor new approaches in the culture. These eight steps can broadly be contained within three categories, namely, preparation (steps 1-4), action (steps 5-7) and grounding (step 8) (Sidorko, 2008). COMPANY OVERVIEW The military is made up five service branches with active duty, reserves and our veterans. Active duty is full time while reserves can be recalled at any point in case there is a war. Our veterans are those who at one point served under honorable service. Our military is beyond the world’s greatest group of personnel who sacrifice more than in any other job. We train mentally and physically, we deploy and we are away for many...
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...Final Paper Ashford University Introduction to Literature ENG 125 The difference between a poem and a short story starts with the structure but ends in the same way- their meanings and themes to tell the readers aim one thing, to entertain. For poems, the readers gets drawn to it through the different and interesting rhythms used in writing and reading them while for short stories, the characters, the settings and the plot of the story is what makes it interesting for readers. According to literature experts, creating a good plot with interesting settings is not enough for a story to be read but it also needs the reader’s imagination. Every reader can have their own visualization of what they are reading and sometimes, what they see and the way they interpret what they read might be different from the interpretation that the author want them to have. For example, the poem entitled “The Road Not Taken” and the short narratives entitled “A Worn Path” and “Used to Live Here Once” all have the same theme but when read together by different people and asked what do they think of the stories, they might give different descriptions. These stories and poem deal with one thing which is the main character’s journey towards the unknown and how the main character made decisions that will change the course their lives forever and their loved ones. The stories are presented in different ways. For Robert Frost, he presented his poem’s...
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...The effectiveness of the major techniques for promoting weight loss Weight Loss Effectiveness Name:------------------ PSY101- Ashford University Professor Wright Within the following paragraphs; I will touch base on the different techniques of weight loss, weight loss therapy and weight loss surgery. Upon analysis; I will summarize in my findings what would be the best course of action via the research provided. Weight loss: Dieting There are several different dieting plans that people can try in order to maintain weight loss.. Whether they work, depends on the persons' genetic makeup. If one diet works for one person; it doesn't necessarily mean it will work for another. There's the Adkins diet, grapefruit, gluten free, sugar free, high protein and several others floating out there. Best advice to give would be to go see your doctor to find which diet best suits you. Weight loss: Exercise Weight loss can be effectively tackled with an exercise regiment. You may find time is lacking in your life so going to the gym can be difficult. There are certain exercises you can do no matter where you're at. Simply walking for a half hour can increase your heart level enough to be considered valid exercise. If you do find the time. I would recommend the elliptical crossed with lifting small weights, so as not to get muscle mass; unless that's what you want. Weight Loss: Surgery ...
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...Necessary Attributes of Open-Mindedness Patricia Hough PHI103: Informal Logic (GSJ1424G) Prof. Andrew Stave June 15, 2014 Necessary Attributes of Open-Mindedness Open-mindedness is deemed as a readiness to give consideration to relevant evidence and argument. After carefully reading the “Open-Minded Inquiry” by William Hare and reviewing attributes, I feel the three most important attributes one needs when facing a problem are fallibility, humility, and veracity. As I carefully evaluate each of these attributes, I will prove that they are necessary and in fact, an asset to a person that possesses a willingness to know but to also learn. As William Hare views the intellectual quality and the essence of this trait, “To be open-minded is… to be critically receptive to alternative possibilities, to be willing to think again despite having formulated a view, and to be concerned to defuse any factors that constrain one’s thinking in predetermined ways” (2003, p.4-5). Fallibility is a philosophical theory that says people can make mistakes even if they think they do not and there is no way they can be certain. In other words, fallibility is the likelihood of making an error or failing at something but possessing an ability to bounce back and learn from it. I feel this attribute is extremely important as it allows one to be okay with making a mistake or failing at something while pushing through and realizing there is always more to know. Nobody is perfect and no one person...
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...WEEK 4 FINAL PROJECT OUTLINE- 1 KRYSTAL HOBDY WEEK 4 FINAL PROJECT OUTLINE HCA 340- MANAGING HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES SONYA PEDRO WEEK 4 FINAL PROJECT OUTLINE- 2 Topic selection: Analyze ethical and legal concepts, including specific federal regulations, required of health care organizations to ensure the delivery of high quality health care that protects patient safety 1. Title: The ethics and legalities of the modern healthcare system in the United States 2. Abstract 3. Body Thesis statement I. Ethical and legal aspects of healthcare a. Past aspect b. Present aspects c. Anticipated future changes II. Regulations a. State regulations b. Federal regulation c. Privacy Acts III. Medicare a. Pros b. Cons IV. Medicaid WEEK 4 FINAL PROJECT OUTLINE- 3 a. Pros b. Cons V. Higher care quality a. Patient safety b. Patient care c. The price of quality care VI. The US vs. Canada’s quality of health care VII. Recommendations to improve the quality of care 4. Conclusion 5. Citations * Better Health, Better Care, Lower Costs: Reforming Health Care Delivery | HealthCare.gov. (n.d.). Home | HealthCare.gov. Retrieved March 10, 2013, from http://www.healthcare.gov/news/factsheets/2011/07/deliverysystem07272011a.htm * Obtaining Greater Value From Health Care: The Roles Of The U.S. Government . (n.d.). Health Affairs. Retrieved March 10, 2013, from http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/22/6/183.full ...
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...GOOD PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT: AS EASY AS P.I.E. A paragraph is a group of related sentences detailing one clear point related to your thesis. A good paragraph is thoughtful, unified, coherent, and well-developed. If you are having trouble developing or explaining your key points within your paragraphs, check to see if your paragraphs have these three essential structural parts: a point, information, and an explanation. One way to understand and remember paragraph structure is to think of the word P.I.E. P = Point I = Information E = Explanation Point Often, the point is the TOPIC SENTENCE. What is the point of this paragraph? What claim is being made? What will this paragraph prove or discuss? Information The information is the EVIDENCE used to support/develop the point. How is the point supported with specific data, experiences, or other factual material? What examples can you use to support your point? Ideas for What Kind of INFORMATION You Should Include: Facts, details, reasons, examples Information from the readings or class discussions Paraphrases or short quotations Statistics, polls, percentages, data from research studies Personal experience, stories, anecdotes, examples from your life Explanation The explanation is the writer’s ANALYSIS, elaboration, evaluation, or interpretation of the point and information given, connecting the information with the point (topic sentence) and the thesis. What does the provided information mean? How does...
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...Ashford University Ashford University's campus was established in 1893 as Mount St. Clare Academy, a boarding and day school for women. The idea for this school came up when Father James A. Murray invited the Sisters of St. Francis to teach in Clinton, Iowa. The new Mount St. Clare building was made for this school in 1910 and remains in use to this day. Ashford University is a private school, it is located in CLinton, Iowa. But you can also work on your majors online at anytime you like. Today, Ashford University offers eleven Bachelor's degrees which has more to do with government jobs such as Business. They offer two Associates degrees in Education and Military studies. And finally, they also offer up to six master’s degrees also mostly...
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...Green Mountain Resort Mr. Gunter, one of the managers of change of Green Mountain Resort, had a vision for the resort; however he had a major problem retaining good employees, he had a high employee’s turnover problem that would interfere with his plan. The developers planned an excellent structure for the facility; however, they were unable to execute and facilitate growth that would take the company to the next level because the organizational leaders had not been able to carry out goals and visions for the future growth of the company. These major oversights made it difficult for the organization to prosper because they were spending more money on training and hiring new staffs (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2009, p. 40). As I examine Green Mountain Resorts, we will explore the identification of which image identified the assumption about changing. First I will start by discuss the six dominant Images a manager of change can use. He or she may utilize mental maps as a director of change, which can be a dictator, and one who has a plan and intend on caring it out, a navigator of change, and a care taker of change which falls under the category of management as control- historical characterization of management activities such as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling, and the organizational structure hierarchical. The next three images of managing, image of change coach, interpreter, and a nurture, which fall under the category management as shaping....
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...How Work-Stress Effects the Employee Todd Smith BUS642: Business Research Methods & Tools Ruizhen Hardin October 15, 2012 Introduction It is almost inevitable to experience stress in the workplace, regardless of what organization or industry an individual works in. Through history, the presence of stress has always been a reality that once must face in the workforce. However, with the current state of economy stress in the workplace is a growing concern due to employees facing increased conditions of overwork, decreased levels of job satisfaction, harsh work environments, job insecurity, and lack of self-sufficiency. In many organizations, employees as well as management are not completely clear about what their roles are in the organization, which ultimately leads to increased levels of stress. There have also been research and studies conducted that indicates that even with high levels of stress in the workplace, it actually exerts better performance in employees. In addition these studies also indicate that stress is actually needed in the workplace to increase levels of performance. Considering the implications of these studies, it is important to explore a hypothesis on how causes of work stress has an effect on motivation and job performance. This hypothesis is crucial in confirming that stress in the workplace has more of a negative impact on employees. Contributes to much health related issues. General Causes of Stress ...
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...SWOT Analysis: Starbucks Coffee Company Ravineel Chand MGT 450: Strategic Planning for Organizations (BII1607A) Professor John Bruning February 27th, 2016 Introduction SWOT Analysis is a useful technique utilized by organizations to understand the strength and weaknesses of the organization. Furthermore, it is also utilized to understand the opportunities which may be open to the organization and the potential threats that it may face. “Once a company has a firm understanding of where it stands financially, the next part of the internal assessment is conducting a SWOT analysis, which stands for a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.” (Abraham. S.C, 2012) Using a SWOT analysis allows organizations to carefully pinpoint where they stand against competition, where their weaknesses and strengths lie, and how to gain more opportunities within their respective markets. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a SWOT analysis of the Starbucks (SBUX) corporation This paper will also describe the history of the organization, its products and major competitors. History Starbucks Corporation, founded in 1971, is a retailer of specialty coffee. Starbucks retails a variety of drip brewed coffee, espresso-based hot drinks, other hot and cold beverages, complementary food items, coffee-related accessories and equipment, teas, ice cream, and items such as mugs, coffee beans, and music and other non-food products through retail stores in approximately 39 countries...
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...EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education Ashford Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/exp-105-personal-dimensions-of-education-ashford WEEK 1 Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 1 WEEK 2 Assignment, Writing Exercise 1- Motivation Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 2 WEEK 3 Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 3 WEEK 4 Assignment, Writing Exercise 2: Gardner’s Theory Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 4 WEEK 5 Final Writing Assignment, Transformational Learning Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 5 EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education Ashford Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/exp-105-personal-dimensions-of-education-ashford WEEK 1 Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 1 WEEK 2 Assignment, Writing Exercise 1- Motivation Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 2 WEEK 3 Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 3 WEEK 4 Assignment, Writing Exercise 2: Gardner’s Theory Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 4 WEEK 5 Final Writing Assignment, Transformational Learning Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 5 EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education Ashford Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/exp-105-personal-dimensions-of-education-ashford WEEK 1 Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Quiz 1 WEEK 2 Assignment, Writing Exercise 1- Motivation Discussion...
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...Industry Trends MGT 460 Instructor Stone August 6, 2011 Industry Trends In our business of custom consumer electronics sales and installation the internet can be seen as a double edged sword, offering both benefits to our industry and drawbacks. As the internet has grown and grown it has become used as a tool for many consumers around the world, specifically as a research tool for information gathering and comparative shopping. This can prove to be a good thing as it arms the consumer with enough information to asked educated questions about what they are buying from a company like mine that specializes in the sales and install of anything technology related. However, too much information has created huge challenges to overcome as more and more of our clients are getting their education online and performing self installs, it has taken a toll on our business. We have found that people sometimes will ask us to conduct a site survey of their needs for a potential project only to take our advice and purchase all of the equipment online after we reinforced what they already knew through online research. This has been a dilemma that has been haunting the industry for about 7 yrs now since the boom of online shopping and has shown great difficulty in overcoming. “First of all, the internet offers diverse kinds of convenience to consumers for them to search information, evaluate, purchase, and use products more efficiently...
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