...Using material from Item A and elsewhere, assess the claim that the main aim of education policies in the last 25 years has been to create an education market Educational policies have been introduced by the government in order to guide or inform schools on how to function through the laws and strategies provided. Over the last 25 years- since 1988 there have been many educational policies in order to improve education. Some sociologists would argue that although these policies have improved education, the main aim of this was for marketisation. Marketisation meant that schools had to compete in order to attract students to their schools. However, this appears to be somewhat questionable when the outcomes of these policies and others are taken into consideration. Policies that have been introduced due to the 1988 Education Reform Act can be used to clearly show that the main aim of educational policies in the last twenty five years has been to create an education market. As item A states, policies such as league tables create an open enrolment to increase competition. The league table is where schools would post grades achieved by the students in their exams. This was introduced because it was able to give parents a choice in where they wanted to send their child based on what schools achieved the higher grades. Therefore this can be used as an example to support the claim that the main aim of educational policies have been to create marketisation, as league tables drive schools...
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...Rovio‐Johansson@gri.gu.se Stefan Tengblad@gri.gu.se th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Paper presented at the 19 August 9‐11, Bergen, Norway. Abstract The aim of the study is to investigate graduates’ strategies and attitudes towards employability and career development, and to construct a tentative model of employability by identifying inherent factors. Four theoretical perspectives have been used to discuss the concept employability and the empirical results, i.e., the Human capital theory perspective, Institutional theory perspective, Critical theory perspective, and Actor theory perspective. The research project takes its point of departure in changes of the European and the Swedish labour market during recent years and the ongoing restructuring of Higher Education in Europe. A fundamental principle underlying these movements is the formulation of “Employability” as a thesis that aims at making the European Union the most dynamic and productive Higher Education Area and labour market. A higher degree of “employability” is attainable if the relation between the employee and the employer depend more on market based contracts limited in time, and where the employees are willing to take a higher degree of responsibility for their careers. As a corollary of that principle is the belief that the individual has a personal responsibility to sustain his or her capability and competence in order to be employable. Preliminary results are presented from a questionnaire to 959...
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...Human Resource planning for Enterprise Rent A Car: 7 2.2 Outline the sages involved in planning its human resource requirements 8 2.3 Compare the recruitment and selection process of for Enterprise Rent-A-Car 10 2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques of the two 11 companies discussed above. Task 3 3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Enterprise Rent-A-Car 12 3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay 13 3.3 Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in two different work contexts 14 3.4 Examine methods that are being used by businesses to monitor employee performance 15 Task 4 4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with Enterprise Rent-A-Car 16 4.2 The Exit procedures in two different organisations. 17 4.3 The impacts of the UK regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements 17 Reference 19 Task 1 1.1 Personnel management and Human resource management. Since the introduction of the concept of HRM end of last century, there is much confusion about this concept. HRM is often seen as a development of Personnel management, but the principles of HRM are essentially different from Personnel management. Where Personnel management engaged primarily in staff care, HRM goes out of directing, managing,...
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...Bowen. Bowen suggested that business should consider the social implications of their decisions. Fortune magazine annually assess America's most Admired Corporations and does so by evaluating over 300 organisations against 8 criteria, one of the eight used is "Community and Environmental Responsibility". Firms such as Merck, Rubber maid, Procter and Gamble, Wal-mart, Pepsico, Coca-cola and 3 M have received consistently high overall ratings. The presence of strong social values such as social responsibility has a powerful impact on organisations and their actions. It leads them to use a socio-economic model of decision making in which both social costs and benefits are considered along with the traditional economic and technical values. “Corporate social responsibility in the form of corporate philanthropy, or donating to charities, has been practiced since early 1800 at least in the US (Sethi, 1977). It was legitimate in so far that it directly benefited the shareholders, and corporate donations were mostly on the agenda of those companies that could afford it. Today’s concept of corporate social responsibility was developed primarily during the 1960s in the USA with the notion that corporations have responsibilities that go beyond their legal obligations. Different schools of thought on CSR oscillate between two extremes: the free market concept (classical economic theory) (Friedman, 1970) and the socially-oriented approach (Freeman, 1984; Wood, 1991; Smith 1994)...
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...Mongolian Education Alliance Ulaanbataar, Mongolia All rights reserved ©2005 Mongolian Drop Out Study THE MONGOLIAN DROP OUT STUDY By Mercedes del Rosario International Educational Policy Studies Teachers College, Columbia University Research Associate, Drop Out Project In Collaboration with Battsetseg Donrov Officer Division of Monitoring, Evaluation and Coordination Ministry of Science, Education and Culture of Mongolia Bayartsetseg Bayarsaihan Assistant Faculty of Social Science Mongolian State University of Education Bolormaa Tsetsegee Unit Manager Needs Assessment Mongolian Educational Alliance Dorjnamjin Batmonkh Assistant Researcher National Center for Non-Formal and Distance Education Mongolia Tumendelger Sengedorj (M.A) Lecturer, Sociology Mongolian State University of Education Tsentsenbileg Tseveen (Ph.D) Researcher Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy Enkhbold Delger (M.A) Researcher Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law 2 Mongolian Drop Out Study Table of Contents Acknowledgement Executive Summary List of Acronyms/Abbreviations List of Tables and Figures List of Appendices 1. Introduction and Framework 1.1. Project Description and Rationale 1.2. Legislation, Regulations and Structures 1.3. Administration and Management of the Education System 1.4. Organization of the Education System 1.5. Structure of the Education System in Mongolia 1.5.1. Pre-School Education 1.5.2. Primary Education 1.5.3. Secondary...
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...Academic year 2014-2015 Migration towards Europe and the “welfare magnet”: “Determinants of Turkish Migration to EU-15” Master dissertation Student Kristýna Jedličková Home institution Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze Supervisor prof. Claire Naiditch Submission date September 2015 Acknowledgment I would like to express my sincerest thanks to prof. Claire Naiditch for her guidance, support, patience and valuable recommendations. Declaration of authorship I, Kristýna Jedličková hereby declare that the thesis Migration towards Europe and the “welfare magnet” was written by myself and that all presented results are my own, unless stated otherwise. The literature sources are listed in the Literature Review section. Prague, September 30th, 2015 ........................................................ Signature Key words Migration, welfare magnet, public social spending, inflows of migrants, EU’s migratory policy, European welfare system, Turkish welfare system, Turkey, EU-15, gravity model, fixed effect, random effect, Hausman test, country specific fixed effect, time specific fixed effect. Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to analyse which factors drive migration from Turkey towards Europe and whether the welfare benefits play a major role in the decision making process. The analysis is based on a gravitation model of migration in log-log form. The FE and RE methods were employed as estimation techniques and the Hausman test enabled to distinguish them. The present...
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...THE EDITOR Anthony Goerzen 1 THE DUTCH BUSINESS SYSTEM IN TRANSITION: AN APPLICATION OF WHITLEY’S BUSINESS SYSTEMS APPROACH FOR THE USE OF EXECUTIVES, MANAGERS, AND POLICY MAKERS Eric Brewis 2 SWENSEN’S MUST ENGAGE IN MARKET PENETRATION AND DIVERSIFICATION TO RETAIN ITS LEADING POSITION IN THE THAILAND MARKET Kailee Douglas 13 DISNEYLAND PARIS: EUROPEANIZING A RESORT Amanda Louie 22 IKEA: A STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS Garret Luu 31 COMPULSORY LICENSING IN THAILAND Simran Mann 38 CHANGING POVERTY AND INEQUITY THROUGH BUSINESS Matthew R. Tanner 47 SWEDEN IS A NESTING GROUND FOR YOUNG START-UP ENTREPRENEURS James Whyte 56 Note from the Editor In business today, “globalization” is a key concept with the firms across nations intertwined as never before. With overseas customers, suppliers, operations, and competitors, today’s managers need an international outlook. Therefore, the mission of the University of Victoria’s Bachelor of Commerce program is to give students the essential knowledge and skills they need to be effective and successful managers in the global economy. At UVic Business, we ensure that our students develop an international perspective through direct experience with issues in management and organization. In fact, UVic Business has one of the largest international exchange programs in Canada with 55 active partnerships...
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...Executive Summary: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices of some local banks and track the performance of these banks with superior ratings for environmental, social and governance practices in Bangladesh and these banks are: Eastern Bank Limited, One Bank Limited and Mutual Trust Bank Limited. The study specifically focused on the extent to which companies practicing CSR complied with basic legal labor standards involving their employees and my marking 0 and 1 (0 for Null for practicing CSR,1 for CSR Practice). The study involved identification of companies providing CSR, obtaining information about the details of the CSR practices adopted at these companies (though looking at their website and interviews few of employees) and an assessment of how well these companies complied with basic CSR standards. The research found that most CSR practicing companies practiced CSR in their own specific way. It was often unclear how much money companies spend on CSR and it also found that many of these companies, whilst providing CSR, did not comply with the law in providing basic labor standards to their employees. The study also showed the comparison among these three banks with graph where graphical technique is informative in the field of statistics used to visualize quantitative data. Statistics and data analysis procedures generally yield their output in numeric or tabular form; graphical techniques allow such...
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...HIGHER EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN From State control to State supervision Wasim Anwar Masther thesis for the Master of Philosophy degree in Comparative and International Education, Institute for Educational Research UNIVERSITETET I OSLO 31st October 2007 Acknowledgements Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor Carl. J. Hatteland for his continuous support for the completion of the thesis. Secondly, thanks to the faculty of Educational Research and all teachers for inspiration to choose research in the field of higher education. Thirdly, support of my parents and wife without which I would have been not able to complete this thesis. Oslo, October 2007 Wasim Anwar 2 Abstract. Higher Education forms part of every society. This study focuses on the higher education in Pakistan. It presents development of higher education in Pakistan in which the government has played a major rule for forty years. The higher education system in Pakistan for the majority of the years has remained under the state control; government has played a major role in policy making and implementation. This dependence has given growth to a higher education dependent on the government funds. With an increase in the student numbers, diversification of higher education and with the entrance of private sector has changed the scenario. The increase in number of private higher educational institutions with government finances shrinking, has given rise to a lot of challenges for...
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...to both individual and organizational development and growth. There is a need to develop a viable organizational culture in institutions of the National Agricultural Research System (NARS). This paper is concerned with how strong-willed and disciplined research and education managers, scientists and teachers can contribute to the development and operationalization of strong internal value systems in NARS. Three kinds of situations, where value conflicts can arise are identified. These relate to individual identity, identifying with the group in the work place, and organizational identity in society. By learning to identify each kind of value conflict situation, individuals can learn to resolve value conflicts in a practical way by a combination of self-inquiry and introspection with shrewedness and realism. The extent to which an individual can do this, without losing either his self-respect or his self-confidence determines the level of his personal satisfaction. With such an approach, each situation of value conflict can be converted into an opportunity for both personal and organizational growth. Though, the paper is directed at NARS, it is sufficiently general to be of relevance to most research and educational institutions in India....
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...not only for the continued success of a business or organization but for the well being and personal development of individuals. Megginson and Whitaker (2007:3) reflect on the personal opportunities afforded through CPD: ‘ It challenges us to make time for personal reflection and review. It reminds us that we have responsibility for developing ourselves…’ Remaining competitive in this ever changing global market is becoming increasingly difficult, putting pressure on managers to deliver consistently high standards of product/service delivery. Guskey (2001) asks that we recognise that professional development is a purposeful and intentional process, which is designed to evoke positive change within organisations. In order to maintain an effective and efficient workforce and to ensure that managers’ skills reflect this commitment to professional development then it is imperative that we, as managers, set personal and professional targets to ensure that our skills accurately reflect organisational goals and direction. Section 1: Demonstrate how you would assess personal and professional skills required to achieve strategic goals There exists a plethora of models to evaluate personal and professional skills but if we are to construct the most accurate and objective overview of our own development needs we must ensure that we do not interpret results in isolation; rather that we utilise a range of self evaluation models to illustrate a collective and more accurate profile...
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...An analysis of research and literature on CREATIVITY IN EDUCATION Report prepared for the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority by Anna Craft March 2001 2 Contents Page Numbers 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Aims and purposes 1.2 Approach taken and areas covered 4 2.0 A summary of the research and literature on creativity 2.1 Historical overview 2.2 The early part of the twentieth century 2.3 More recent directions in creativity research 2.4 Lines of study stemming from the 1950s 2.4.1 Personality 2.4.2 Cognition 2.4.3 Ways to stimulate creativity 2.4.4 Creativity and social systems 2.5 Background to creativity in education 2.6 Broader claims for creativity in the curriculum 5-12 3.0 What do we mean by creativity? 3.1 Definitions or descriptions of creativity 3.2 High creativity 3.3 Ordinary, or ‘democratic’ creativity 13-15 4.0 The development of creativity in education 4.1 Research into the development of creativity in education 4.1.1 Comprehensive approaches 4.1.2 Educational approaches 4.1.3 Psychodynamic approaches 4.1.4 Humanistic approaches 4.1.5 Behaviourist approaches 4.2 Teaching approaches to developing creativity 4.2.1 ‘Creative cycle’ approaches 4.2.2 Single-strategy approaches 4.2.3 Multi-strategy approaches 4.2.4 System approaches 4.2.5 Overall pedagogic criteria approaches 16-22 3 5.0 Assessment and creativity 5.1 Recording and assessing creativity 23-24 6.0 Conclusions and key findings 6.1 High and democratic creativity ...
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... Sustainable Development Policy Institute Report of the project “A Civil Society Initiative in Curricula and Textbooks Reform” A project of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute #3, UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave I, Islamabad Mailing Address: PO Box 2342, Islamabad, Pakistan Telephone: ++(92-51) 2278134, 2278136, 2270674-6 Fax:++(92-51) 2278135 URL: www.sdpi.org e-mail: main@sdpi.org SDPI is an independent, non-profit research institute on sustainable development Partial support from Eqbal Ahmed Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. 2 Contents Summary Recommendations Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction Insensitivity to the Religious Diversity of the Nation Appendix 1-1: Listing of Material in Curriculum Documents Appendix 1-2: Listing of Material in Textbooks Historical Falsehoods and Inaccuracies Glorification of War and the Military Omissions That Could Have Been Enriching Pedagogical Problems in Primary Education: A Critique of the Curriculum Gender Biases Human Rights Teaching of Urdu, Class 6 to 10 Teaching Social Studies, Class 6 to 10 Peace Studies: a proposed program of studies in schools Curriculum Documents Covered Thoughts on Curriculum Objectives List of participants in the project i iii 1 9 27 53 65 77 89 95 101 111 123 127 131 135 137 139 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Appendices I: II: III: 3 Summary Pakistan’s public education system has an important role in determining...
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...Graduate Unemployment in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Nature and Possible Policy Responses Research Report Compiled for Business Leadership South Africa Funded by Standard Bank March 2006 Development Policy Research Unit School of Economics, University of Cape Town Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701 http: //www.commerce.uct.ac.za/dpru/ Executive Summary Overview The Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) has been commissioned by Business Leadership SA to undertake an analysis of the growing problem of unemployment among South African graduates at the request of Deputy-President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. The research was funded by Standard Bank. Research of this nature is both timely and important, especially w ithin the context of the Accelerated and Shared Growth in South Africa (ASGISA) programme and the Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition (JIPSA). The ASGISA initiative recognises skill shortages and the poor quality of education as binding constraints to accelerated growth in South Africa. The first phase of the project involved a detailed review of the South African literature on the subject of graduate unemployment and more broadly, youth unemployment, as well as empirical analyses of various Labour Force Surveys (Statistics South Africa). The second phase attempted to acquire more practical insight into the problem through a series of interviews with some of South Africa’s largest companies, across a range of different sectors. The interviews, broadly...
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...Prejudice: Labour Market Discrimination on the Grounds of Gender and Ethnicity Despite some progress, there is still evidence of discrimination on the grounds of gender and ethnic or racial origins in OECD labour markets. Field experiments show pervasive ethnic discrimination in many countries. Indirect evidence shows that on average at least 8% of the gender employment gap and a larger proportion of the gender wage gap can be attributed to discrimination. Virtually all OECD countries have enacted anti-discrimination laws in recent decades, and evaluations as well as cross-country analysis suggest that, if well-designed, these laws can be effective in reducing disparities in labour market outcomes. However, enforcement of antidiscrimination legislation is essentially based on victims’ willingness to claim their rights. Thus, public awareness of legal rules and their expected consequences (notably, victims’ costs and benefits of lodging complaints) is a crucial element of an effective policy strategy to establish a culture of equal treatment. Moreover, legal rules are likely to have more impact if the enforcement is not exclusively dependent on individuals. In this respect, specific agencies may play a key role. 139 3. THE PRICE OF PREJUDICE: LABOUR MARKET DISCRIMINATION ON THE GROUNDS OF GENDER AND ETHNICITY Introduction Employment outcomes are far from being evenly distributed among the various sociodemographic groups. Although women’s rising labour market participation...
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