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Assess The Role Of A Radiographer In Education

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Radiographer as Educator
An educator is defined as a person who teaches, informs or inspires others, and as Herbert Spencer once said “education is preparation to live completely”. A radiographer has the capacity to educate, not only to ensure the development of future professionals, but also to ensure the development of their own professional knowledge. A radiographer learns from experience. No two cases are the same. With dedication and passion for the profession, a radiographer has both a right and a need to educate themselves, whether it’s through personal experience, or through autonomous learning. Ideally, the radiographer would succeed in both fulfilling the role of a competent worker, and in furthering the knowledge of themselves and the public. However, in reality, who does the radiographer educate? Does the radiographer possess the time and the ability to educate?
The classroom is a very different place than the x-ray room- exposing information rather than radiation. It is important to state that education, in the medical profession, contrasts to other educational processes with regards to it’s importance in the lives of all human beings. There are many frameworks, systems and guides available to educational institutions to help teaching staff to become more effective-for …show more content…
In Australia through one of the studies carried out on opinions and attitudes of radiographers in relation to CPD a response rate of 64% was achieved for the metropolitan area (178/277). Among all respondents, 88% were currently engaged in CPD and the group of age 50+ had the highest percentage (78.1%) of respondents who believed CPD to be very important. Updating professional knowledge (79%) and maintaining professional competence (75%) were the most popular reasons for participating in CPD (5). Thus this statistic proves that yes CPD does have a positive effect on radiographers work quality and is beneficial to their

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