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Operation Neptune Spear

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Never forget— the Twin Towers collapsed as people echoed this mantra in an indignant campaign against terror throughout the last decade. On September 11, 2001 the lives of 3000 American citizens were taken in a terroristic incursion. In comeuppance, the United States has since engaged in a questionably extenuated war. However, this war targets no adversary defined by the borders of any nation— no, this war plans to eliminate those directly responsible. This war is against those who defile liberty. This war is against terror, and it will not be forgotten.
That day fourteen years ago, four commercial planes were hijacked by Al Qaeda terrorists. Two of them hit the World Trade Center in New York and one hit the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Miraculously, …show more content…
The new president, Barack Obama, enters office in the midst of this war on terror. Under Obama’s leadership, the United States takes initiative to claim one of the greatest American victories of the century— the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. Operation Neptune Spear was enacted in 2011. Tracing one of Osama Bin Laden’s couriers, the United States armed forces located him in Pakistan. President Obama devised a series of meetings to plan and delineate this operation. Vice Admiral William H. McRaven, commander of the US Joint Special Operations Command, accompanied the president in one of these meetings.
Intense training by the DEVGRU, also known as the Seal Team Six, took place in the months prior to this operation. On May 1, 2011, President Barack Obama gave the order to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden. The team forced their way into the compound using explosives and cleared the gate of hostiles. From there they evacuated women and children and captured them outside. On the third floor of the compound, the team confronted Osama Bin Laden, and shot him down. Operation Neptune Spear “ultimately led to the killing of Osama bin Laden (Operation Neptune

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