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Brady Speech Outline

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What-After giving a speech, Reagan was shot by an insane man with three names. The president was saved because of the man’s inability to shoot and by Press Secretary James Brady. Significance-Brady’s protection of Reagan led to the introduction of the Brady Bill. Now, background checks were required before being allowed to buy a handgun. 2. Beirut Barracks Bombing (1983) What-Some operatives from some underground terrorist group decided to crash a truck carrying many explosives into the U.S Marine barracks in Beirut. This caused the death of many Americans. Significance-This prevented America from staying detached from the world when it came to military conflicts. Reagan ended up withdrawing the troops instead of reinforcing them, …show more content…
George W. Bush (2001-2009)
1. Hurricane Katrina (2005) What-This was a devastating hurricane in the Gulf. President Bush sent aid, but people said he was too late and didn’t provide enough aid. Significance-It destroyed regions of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. It also led to criticism of the Bush administration because of its inability to provide enough aid at the right time. 2. No Child Left Behind Act (2001) What-This reaffirmed the Elementary & Secondary Education Act. It states that if states want the federal government to fund their schools, then they have to administer standardized tests for students to demonstrate their skills. Significance-This caused states to start implementing assessments in order to receive this money. It caused students all over the nation to suffer for years on end, and it still does to this day. 3. September 11, 2001 What-This was a terrorist attack on America. Planes flew into both of the World Trade Center Towers and into the Pentagon, killing many people. The terrorists who were involved in the attack were involved in al-Qaeda. Significance-This led to the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security. Also, the Patriot Act was created. 4. Invasion of Iraq …show more content…
The purpose was to end Iraq’s leader’s terrorism support in addition to freeing the people of Iraq and getting rid of Iraq’s nuclear weapons. Significance-This is what started the Iraq War that ended in 2011. Lots of people, including civilians, were killed and many people were accused of war crimes. 5. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2006) What-In this U.S. Supreme Court case, it was debated whether or not Congress could pass laws that wouldn’t allowed the Supreme Court to hear a military combatant’s case before his military commission. It was ruled that the military commissions were not powerful enough to try Guantanamo Bay detainees. Significance-This reinforced the Geneva Conventions’ Common Article 3. It was also decided that the courts were allowed to enforce those articles. 6. Patriot Act (2001) What-The purpose of the act was to bring America together to figure out how to find and stop terrorism. It ensured that everyone’s rights were protected for the cost of a people’s privacy. Significance-This gave people less privacy which was not acceptable to many people. It also helped to protect the country from more terrorist attacks as best as it

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