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Platoon Leadership Case Study

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A recent issue that caused strife within my organization was the end-of-tour award process. In the Army, at the end of a deployment, members of the unit are presented an award to recognize them for their hard work and performance. As a Platoon Leader, I am in charge of 38 personnel conducting a dynamic and challenging mission set. Due to the overall success of the mission, the platoon leadership felt all of the soldiers deserved an award.
My supervisor wanted the awards to be unique and perfectly written, which lead to a problematic revision process that placed large amount of strain on the platoon leadership. These issues ultimately lead to a decrease in job satisfaction for the platoon leadership. The general negative feelings about the job …show more content…
Recognition is not only a natural human desire, but it maintains the covenant between leadership and subordinates by demonstrating that the soldiers’ hard work is appreciated (Fischer, 2009). The conflict arose because the company leadership and the platoon leadership had different ideas about how to achieve the goal.
In order to reach a shared understanding, learning had to take place for the platoon leadership. Originally, there was not an adequate transfer of knowledge between the two groups, a necessary step of learning according to Liu (2014). This problem was easily corrected through simple communication but it still failed to solve the major issue. Additional learning was required to actually write the awards correctly.
Solving the more complicated issue of writing end-of-tour awards required social learning, or learning through viewing and writing examples of correct awards (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Prior to this experience, most of the platoon leadership had little experience of writing awards. In the past, awards were written using a blanket award format which did not require a unique and vibrant citation. Therefore, the issue arose because the leadership had not adapted to the redesigned awards process, an inability to cope with temporariness (Robbins & Judge, …show more content…
Based on my Myers-Brigg Type, I have a preference for sensing and judging, which made it difficult for me to see the purpose for writing the awards perfectly. I felt the original awards were correctly written based on other units’ awards. My supervisor was taking a more intuitive approach and looking at the big picture: the Army has adjusted the award writing process and the awards had to be submitted to a higher echelon; therefore, the awards directly represented our company. While the learning process should have taken place sooner, my supervisor used Bounded Rationality model to make the best decision possible based on time and organizational constraints (Fischer,

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