...ésta reflexión quiero, antes que nada ambientar mi trabajo en la opresión de la que son objeto las mujeres afganas: Dos años después de haber llegado los Talibanes al poder en Afganistán, su milicia religiosa ha llegado a un punto tan extremo de reinstaurar la burka, obligarles a memorizar el corán, golperlas con cables de acero y en público si infringen las normas... De la noche a la mañana los talibanes ocuparon Afganistan e impusieron las antiguas tradiciones culturales del país. Lo que pensaban que era un progreso religioso y humano para llevar una vida religiosa más profunda, se está convirtiendo en una degradación para la mujer. Se está retrocediendo y volviendo a la primitividad con la que trataban a las mujeres. Se supone que el hombre ha ido a través de la historia civilizandose progresivamente. Es cierto que conjuntamente con la civilización, el hombre se ha ido volviendo corrupto, pero eso de atajar los vicios sometiendo a las personas a llevar una forma de vida religiosa en contra de su voluntad, esta arrancando de raíz la libertad humana. Entre las victimas de este movimiento procedente de los seminarios coránicos de Pakistán, se dice que se encuentran profesoras de universidad, a las que les es imposible si quiera trabajar en limpieza ni lavando ropa. Desde Afganistán nos llegan documentos aterradores de la situación que están viviendo, testimonios de mujeres que se han visto expulsadas de su trabajo, muchachas en cursos universitarios superiores...
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...[pic] [pic] This report is submitted as part of the fulfillment for the study of International Business BB 304 Exporting Bottled drinking water to Afghanistan Lecturer: Mr Stanley Hii Geng Hing Group Members Table of Content Page Introduction 3-5 ▪ Corporate Information -TaJiTaLi Sdn Bhd ▪ Vision ▪ Mission statement ▪ Business goals ▪ Business strategy ▪ Management Team Background of Supplier – Sime Oleander Sdn Bhd 6 Background of Afganistan 8–9 ▪ Economic and demographic profile ▪ Political perspective ▪ Currency ▪ Other challenge faced by Afghanistan: o acute shortage of clean and safe water Opportunity for TaJiTaLi Sdn Bhd 10 Marketing Strategy 11-12 • Price and Product • Distribution • Promotion Barrier and political risk 12-14 Source of Finance 15 Market Forecast 15 Term of Payment 15 Sales Budget 17 Landed cost 20-22 Budgeted Income statement 23-25 Budgeted Cash Flow Statement 26 Internal Rate of Return 27 Conclusion 28 TaJiTaLi Sdn Bhd Proposal on Exporting Bottled drinking water to Afghanistan June 2006 to June 2010 Prepared...
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...Afghanistan Diaz, Aida Helen Steinhofer April, 3, 2015 The War on Terrorism: The War in Afghanistan. It was this state of chaos and confusion from which extremist governments like Taliban and fanatics like Osama bin Laden emerged. 86). similarly, their policies about marriage, divorce and other legal proceedings are also derived from their religion (Aronoff, p. He wanted to give back Germany its past glory and respect in front of the world, and for that he wanted to create more living space for Germans and thus he conquered the surrounding German speaking areas and created hatred among the leaders of those countries. This is the only way to co-exist peacefully in today’s world. This is important because it is seen in the past that attempts to bring democracy and socialism in the Arab world have failed so badly that it has made the people of the Arab world to denounce these ideas altogether. This attack is important not only because of how widespread it was; but it is also important because of the way it changed the course of the West towards Islam. With that, the West needs to incentivize the Muslim world to adopt democracy and liberalism so that they see the benefits of these systems themselves. ISLAM AND THE WEST – AN INTRODUCTION Islam and the West are different entities in many ways, but because of the globalization in the world; we see that there is an increasing interaction between these two entities, which becomes a reason for conflict...
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...Eduardo Hernandez Professor Paisey ENC1102 11/22/2014 How the War in Afghanistan Affects Afghan People The war in Afghanistan is well known all over the world. It might not be as big and important as the first and Second World War, but the world is not the same as 50 or 70 years ago. We are becoming more and more civilized every day and a war like Afghanistan is considered a big deal nowadays. Whether war is not considered in some places as it should be, it is important for us to know the extent of damages a war causes in soldiers nor citizens. There are three important aspects we should know: does the Afghanistan people agree with the war? what are Afghanistan soldier’s impressions of the war? and what are the causalities results for Afghanistan troops during the war in Afghanistan? There is not as much coverage of what Afghanistan people think about the war as it should be. All the authors that had written against the war and the United States government agree in one thing: the only reason why USA attacks Afghanistan is for its petroleum. USA and others allied countries want to control the petroleum extracted from Afghanistan in a way to suffocate the high prices of gasoline and its derivatives. On the other hand, do the Afghan people want the war? Jhon Dear in “we do not want the war: the plea of Aghan youth.” Mentioned the words of a Afghanistan citizen named Abdulhai “we do not want this war to continue. We hope that this war will end soon and that all people will...
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...Inledning, bakgrund, aktörer Afghanistan har länge haft en utsatt placering på grund av dess läge i centralasien med Iran, Pakistan, Indien och kina som gränsande länder. Makthavare i dessa länder har upprepade gånger invaderat Afghanistan och rivaliteten mellan olika krigsherrar har dominerat landets politiska scen och skapat obalans. Sen 1933 var Afghanistan diktatorstyrt men förhållandevis fredligt land men i takt med att kalla krigets fronter blev hårdare ökade oroligheterna i Afghanistan. Monarkin avskaffades i samband med en militärkupp år 1973 och de kommande åren skulle bestå av politisk turbulens och 5 år senare kom kommunisterna till makten. Då samlade sig islamistiska grupper till en motståndsrörelse (Mujahedin-heligt krig) i strid mot kommunisterna. För att säkerställa att kommunisterna erhåller makten uppmuntrade de som styrde landet sovjetunionens begäran till invasion i Afghanistan år 1979. Det hela upptrappade det kalla kriget som efter Kubakrisen varit lugn och man hade nu USA som fiende då man var på sovjets sida. USA stöttade motståndsrörelsen, liksom andra islamister från andra arabiska länder som såg detta som ett heligt krig. Efter ett hårt krig med över 1 milj döda, och 5 milj flyktingar drog sig sovjet ur 1989 Maktvakum uppstod och gamla konflikter kom upp till ytan och utan yttre fiende kom motsättningar inom Mujahedin och gamla allierade förklarade krig mot varandra i en kamp om den politiska makten. Kommunistledningen tappade kontrollen inom landet...
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...Name BSHS 345 Date Instructor MHF Module: Understanding Differences Understanding Differences Worksheet Research a culture from a country that is different than your own. Complete the table below for the culture you chose. Include 50 to 150 words for each response. Culture: Afganistan |Topic |Cultural View of the Topic | |Raising children |Many children are introduced to violence, abuse, exploriation, and negect in Afghanistan. For more than 30 years of| | |war, many of them have been killed (Swanson & Swanson, 2011). Hundreds of children are used as suicide bombers, and| | |are put in harms way daily. According to Swanson & Swanson (2011), “Conflict and political violence force millions | | |of children and their families to flee their homes and as a result displaced families spend years in situations of | | |uncertainty and insecurity” (para. 3). | |Role of genders |Discrimination is common among girls and women. Throughout early childhood, about 70 percent of school-age girls, | | |do not attend school, while 94 percent of girls are not even registered births (Swanson & Swanson, 2011). The men | | |are the...
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...INTRODUCTION: [pic] PICTURE: MAP OF SOUTH ASIA. South Asia comprises the countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan, as well as the island nations of Sri Lanka and the Maldives. All told, some 1.73 million square miles make up South Asia. South Asia comprises eight countries including Afghanistan. Agriculture accounts for a significant part of GDP throughout the region, and has grown at a remarkable overall rate during the past 30 years as a consequence of the Green Revolution. Nevertheless, the region has a greater number of undernourished and poor than any other developing region, and more than two-thirds of these reside in rural areas. Most of this region is a subcontinent resting on the Indian Plate (the northerly portion of the Indo-Australian Plate) separated from the rest of Eurasia. It was once a small continent before colliding with the Eurasian Plate about 50-55 million years ago and giving birth to the Himalayan range and the Tibetan plateau. It is the peninsular region south of the Himalayas and Kuen Lun mountain ranges and east of the Indus River and the Iranian Plateau, extending southward into the Indian Ocean between the Arabian Sea (to the southwest) and the Bay of Bengal (to the southeast). The region is home to an astounding variety of geographical features, such as glaciers, rainforests, valleys, deserts, and grasslands that are typical of much larger continents. It is surrounded...
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...Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and the Military Tanya Jackson Ener Mid-Continent University PSY 3113Abnormal Psychology December 19, 2011 Abstract Living with PTSD is like waiting for a time bomb to go off. Never knowing what will set it off or how bad it will be. More and more of our military are coming home and being diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, more than ever before and understanding the way this disorder manifest itself is necessary for anyone diagnosed with it or living with someone who is diagnosed with it. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a silent but very deadly reality of war that has captured the attention of the American public especially during this time of war. The men and women that are returning from combat are not the same men and women that we sent into combat. They are coming home forever changed by the violence that they have witnessed and experienced, they will never be the same. Just because they may not have a visible injury does not mean that they are not suffering just as much as the soldier with the missing limb, you do not have to be blown up with and IED to sustain lasting effects from a warzone. Due to the escalated violence in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, many soldiers are affected by the violence and the trauma associated with conflict. PTSD is defined in the dictionary as a mental condition that can affect a person who has had a very shocking or difficult experience (such as fighting in a war)...
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...Tema čija svrha mi se ponajviše svidjela iznad svih ostalih jest street art i aktivizam zbog svoje tendencije za promjenom stagnirajuce realnosti koja se odvija u trenutku stvaranja same ideje aktivističkog pokreta. Osovni element street arta i aktivizma koji poziva na sudjelovanje je mogućnost doslovno svakog pojedinca da predstavi svoj pogled na svijet, bilo to s namjerom mijenjanja u nekom društveno političkom kontekstu ili s namjerom podizanja svijesti o nečemu pozitivnom ili negativnom. Umjetnici su misli i ideje,a ulica je kolektivan um koji im posluži kao muzej za izložbu svojih radova javnosti, pozivajući ju na dijalog. Drugim riječima,aktivistički street art je iznošenje istine necenzuriranom slobodom govora koji se emitira na globalnoj razini. Veliku pažnju na toj sceni zaplijenio je umjetnik anonimnog identiteta "Banksy" čiji radovi često odišu kontroverznim i provokativnim temama koje "trljaju sol na rane" kapitalizma,ratova i korporacijske propagande. Svojim prepoznatljivim aktivističkim radom čak i pod krinkom skrivene osobnosti uspio je dotaknuti publicitet skoro cijelog svijeta dovodeći street art do nivoa "ulaska" sa ulice u instituciju muzeja. "Šablonski" prikazujući tri američka vojna helikoptera u formaciji leta aero flote koja služi za transport vojnika,oružja i municije,te bombardiranje neprijateljskog teritorija. Naime,na prvom helikopteru u nizu jasno možemo uočiti rozu mašnicu,čijim uplitanjem Banksy kao da degradira ozbiljnost i vjerodostojnost vojnih...
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...como en el mundial, como una vía abierta a todo acto violento, degradante e intimidatorio, y aplicado sin reserva o preocupación moral alguna. Los objetivos marcados por estas organizaciones no convencionales pueden tener fines políticos, religiosos, culturales o simplemente es por la toma del poder por un medio totalmente ilícito. Por dichas causas, el mundo se ve sacudido diariamente con noticias de atentados producidos en la vía pública, donde pierden la vida, gente inocente y totalmente ajena a esa “guerra” o intereses diversos. Historia de Al Qaeda Al-Qaeda es creado por Osama Bin Laden a finales de 1980 para unir a los árabes que lucharon en Afganistán contra la unión soviética. Son ayudados en financiamiento, reclutamiento, transporte y entrenamiento por los islámicos sunni, extremistas de la resistencia de Afganistán. Su meta es establecer un califato pan-islámico en el mundo. Trabaja para derrocar a los regímenes que...
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...Society is based upon a set of rules created for all men and woman. It represents that all people of all race, religion, and ethnicity should be treated equal. The unfortuante part about society is that not all people do accept the fact that everybody is the same. You wouldn't think that this has been going on for a very long time, but really, it has. It started in the past, it still occured in the century I know best, the twentith century, and it is still occuring to this very present day. The nature of mankind is corrupt, it always has been and it always will be. I believe that this is what will happen because based on the evidence I have read, heard, and watched on television, the nature of mankind is bad. Mankind led a hard life, men and women worked long, hard hours out in the fields, just so that they would be able to survive. People knew one way of doing things, and the thought of a different and easier way to do things was out of the question. So when it came to the discoveries of certain things, people were outraged. This goes back to the early 1600's when Galileo Galilei was inventing and discovering. He came up with an invention, the telescope, to see into the outer limits of the earth. He spent endless nights, and came up with the conclusion that the moon was actually made up of craters, mountains, and jagged surfaces. He announced to the public his discovery, and many people, including scientists, were...
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...Agasi 9/21/2009 The Importance of the Afghanistan Foreign Policy World affairs today, include the conflict with Al-Qaeda as an Islamic fundamentalist organization in the world. As a result of the terrorist action on the world trade center by Islamic extremists, the Bush administrations reaction was to attempt to quell the source of the attacks on the United States. The original idea being that it would be possible to neutralize this threat wherever they live. This resulted in the war declared by the former president, which has continued to the present day. Financing the war, with little help from our allies has been very costly, while pursuing an almost unilateral approach. Our current administration with president Obama, has encouraged our allies to take on a greater share of the responsibility to fight Al-Qaeda at the same time as we transfer Iraq’s security back to the Iraqi people. However, with the current state of affairs, it is important that the United States foreign policy continues to support the fight for the security of the people of Afghanistan. The security of the world is threatened by militant islamic factions such as Al Queda. Mr. President, the popularity of the war within the United States may have lost much of its appeal to the American people, and we could just vacate the previous administrations efforts to fight Taliban extremists in Afghanistan. This however, is not in...
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...reprezintă: a. procesul general de schimbare a numărului populaţiei b. indice al natalităţii, mortalităţii, sporului natural c. schimbarea numarului populatiei datorită factorilor naturali 7. Cei mai mici indici ai natalităţii au: a. Europa şi America de Nord b. Africa şi Asia c. Australia şi Oceania 8. Cei mai mari indici ai natalităţii au: a. Europa b. Africa c. America de Nord 9. Cele mai mici valori ale mortalităţii infantile se înregistrează în: a. SUA, Canada, Germania b. Afganistan, Kuweit, Iran c. Japonia, Suedia, Germania 10. Cele mai mari valori ale mortalităţii infantile se înregistrează în: a. Nigeria, Sudan, Mauritania b. Mali, Mozambic, Malawi c. Algeria, Kenya, Mali 11. Mortalitatea cea mai redusă este în: a. Kuweit, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Costa Rica b. Afganistan, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh c. Germania, Franţa, Elveţia 12. Mortalitatea cea mai ridicată este în: a. Kuweit, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Costa Rica b. Afganistan, Sierra Leone c. Germania, Franţa, Elveţia 13....
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...Informes estadísticos de comercio mundial /Informe Detallado País-Productos País: Producto/s: * Estados Unidos 091020 Informe solicitado para el periodo: 2009 - 2012 Contenido: Estadísticas mundiales / Estados Unidos Pág. 2 - Comercio Mundial Pág. 3 - Exportación (Productos) Pág. 5 - Clientes de los cinco principales productos Pág. 8 - Principales productos en crecimiento Pág. 8 - Clientes de los cinco principales productos en crecimiento Pág. 11 - Importación (Productos) Pág. 13 - Proveedores de los cinco principales productos Pág. 16 - Principales productos en crecimiento Pág. 16 - Proveedores de los principales productos en crecimiento Estadísticas de los productos seleccionados / Estados Unidos Pág. 19 - Exportación (Evolución) Pág. 20 - Principales clientes Pág. 22 - Proveedores de los cinco principales clientes de Estados Unidos (Valor) Pág. 25 - Proveedores de los cinco principales clientes de Estados Unidos (Crecimiento) Pág. 28 - Importación (Evolución) Pág. 29 - Principales proveedores Pág. 31 - Clientes de los cinco principales proveedores de Estados Unidos (Valor) Pág. 34 - Clientes de los cinco principales proveedores de Estados Unidos (Crecimiento) Comparativa Estados Unidos / AMERICA DEL NORTE / productos seleccionados Pág. 37 - Estados Unidos-AMERICA DEL NORTE** (producto/s). Comparativa para mayores mercados destino de la exportación (Valor) Pág. 39 - Estados Unidos-AMERICA DEL NORTE** (producto/s). Comparativa para mayores mercados destino de...
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...Hi everbody, today I am going to talk about cold war, so what is cold war, he Cold War was a period of tension and subdued hostility which gripped most of the world between the 1940s and the early 1990s. The primary actors in it were the United States and its allies, countered by Russia and countries aligned with that nation. Rather than engaging in a potentially devastating out and out war, the countries involved in the Cold War jockeyed for position in more subtle ways. Many major events in global history including the rise of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis were related to this war. So the things that I am going to talk about is what are some effects that USA made during cold war to other countires? I think first of all, many countries get rich because of their buy of aliiances, for example, During the 1950s, U.S. propaganda, as an instrument of the Cold War, was intended "to expose the fallacies of communism" and to warn of its dangers. Other goals for the Middle East included strengthening "Western-oriented elements," increasing awareness of the Soviet threat, and building "greater willingness to cooperate both regionally and with the West." In Iraq, "an emotional response" overcoming antagonism toward the West was sought, since "A realization of a common, global foe" could "forge a common, global bond between Iraq and the Western defense powers." In Iran, propaganda promoted the view that close relations with the West would "provide the "most profitable...
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