...Case Study Review BSHS/335 The case study number I have chosen is 14. Tavion’s father brought him to the Methodist Hospital for a broken arm and he was reluctant to leave son’s side. Tavion’s father said that Tavion has fallen from the jungle gym in the playground and broken his arm. During X-ray, nurses didn’t allow his father inside and asked him about the fall and his statement matched his father’s but the injuries were clean and proved the statement wrong. He was asked if he is scared of getting beaten at home, his answer was negative. Before leaving the hospital Tavion’s father requested to not release the medical reports to anyone, and just the next week his mother who is divorced asked for the report. To my belief, she deserves to get the report especially if she thinks that Tavion’s father abuses him and this gives the hospital authority right to investigate further. Tavion’s mother knows the father of her son better than the hospital authority and the reports should be looked into if she has concerns. If she believes that Tavion’s father abuses him, she can go to certain departments to ask for help; such as the hospital, department of children and families and the police for further investigation. Police even has the legal right to talk to the child alone for clarifications. Some internal and external impacts are here, which are – father doesn’t want the reports to be released while the mother wants them, and the story doesn’t seem...
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...Review the typical schedule for successful teamwork in BSHS/305, as shown below. Typical Schedule 1. Each team member checks the team assignment in the syllabus by day 1 (Tuesday). Questions and suggestions for organizing the assignment are posted in the discussion area under the assignment. 2. Team members complete the readings relevant to the assignment early in the week so they can contribute meaningful ideas to the team discussion. 3. Team members complete assigned tasks and post their work in the discussion area for review no later than day 4 (Friday night). 4. Team members read and comment on each other’s work no later than the end of day 5 (Saturday). Comments can include questions if information is unclear or incomplete, suggestions for changes if needed, and approval if the information is ready to be included in the final assignment. There must be evidence of true collaboration in this step. Do not consider your work finished when you post your own ideas or portion of the assignment. 5. The team leader compiles all contributions into a single assignment and posts it for the team’s review no later than mid-day on day 6 (Sunday) to allow time for all team members to review it before submission on Monday. 6. All team members review and approve the final assignment. This is the time to proofread carefully to correct any spelling or grammar errors, check APA formatting as needed, and verify that all assignment requirements are met. Each team member...
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...Managing Diversity Summary Diversity is those human qualities that differ from our own and outside the groups, to which we belong, but are present in others. Diversity is an important part of the workplace and there are many things that make us diverse. For example sex, ethnicity, age, race, and religion. There is a need for everyone to be treated equally. It’s importance that managers recognize the differences and bring them together to make a strong team and workforce. Having a diverse workforce helps people learn to work together without judgment because everyone is equally offering what they can. “Managers who hire need to value fairness and objectivity in selecting employees and focus on the productive potential of new recruits (Robbins, Judge 2011).” It’s important for managers to focus on team goals, set them and define them and understand that diversity is good for the workplace. Employees and managers need to know that they can all work together in a safe environment and accept diversity in a way that everyone understands the reasoning for it. “Diversity management must be an ongoing commitment that crosses all levels of the organization (Robbins, Judge 2011).” Team member Nicole currently works where there is some diversity, but not a lot. She stated that “it may be the area that she lives in is a predominately white community. We advertise on the internet for job openings and are free from judgment. “Managers need to take their training and respect all employees...
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...Vanessa’s questions 1. As an advocate for the elderly do you find it difficult when you come across family members who have no desire are concerns of the well beings of their family member. 2. How does she as advocate handle the death that often comes with working with the elderly? Roger questions? 1) How are the funds allocated for human service organizations? 2) What is the difference between a non-profit and for-profit human service organization? 3) What are some of the guidelines for allocated funds from the federal government? 4) Does the funds give them the authority to dictate the organizations day to day operations? Conduct an interview with a social services lobbyist within your state legislature. Use the same form of interview questions as in previous group interviews but include the following: • Discuss the role of the lobbyist as a social advocate. • How do his or her positions as a lobbyist affect social policy changes? • How are dollars for human services acquired? What role do they play? • Does the interviewee see his or her role as a policy changer or as a funding advocate? Why? • What does he or she envision as the future for human services? Will we as a society fund more or less to those in need? As a group, prepare a 2- to 3-page paper summarizing this interview As a group, discuss all three interviews and summarize the role of advocate, mediator, and lobbyist in the field of human services. Choose a role and discuss its social importance...
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...Human Trafficking Human trafficking is a problem that is suffered all over the world. Contrary to what many believe, human trafficking is not just a problem that affects women. Human trafficking affects women, men and children all; and not just in the United States all over the world. Human trafficking comes in forms of work labor, sex-trafficking or both. Human trafficking up to this day has not been a forefront issue; but there are some organizations as well as government agencies that are trying to make human tracking a top priority. And assist the victims of this morally inhuman act. Human trafficking in many cases the victims are lured away from their homes and forced to work in prostitution, sweat shops, on farms and many other types of labor. Children are unfortunately one of the most common victims of trafficking. The buyers go to impoverished parents in every country in the world and offer them money for their children. “At least 2 million children are trafficked annually for child labor and sexual exploitation.” ("World vision-fighting child," 2011) Although the human trafficking of children is normally associated with international trafficking; children human trafficking is also an issue domestically. ; With runaway children being lured to different states by their traffickers. Here in the United States, the trafficking problem, though our problem is mostly sex trafficking where young girls and women, and occasionally boys...
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...In identifying the complex factors concerning generational poverty, many factors are of concern. Approximately 61 percent of Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers (MSFW) “live in poverty, with half earning less than $7,500 per year”. (Anthony, 2011,p.123) According to (Son’s &Bauer, 2010) Single or divorced mother’s find themselves in low paying jobs, with little flexibility, impacting their own ability to provide adequate structure for their children, along with the significant stress to just survive. Generational poverty affects many of us on several different levels. Women out number men in majority of circumstances. And due to this a woman’s long term outcome is determined by two different factors. Being married or ending up single, could perhaps be the deciding factor as to how the single or widowed woman ends up in life. Being married the woman does have the expectation of out living longer than the male spouse. Thus making life a lot less affordable for the older woman. In terms of financial support and healthcare coverage. Medicare is geared primarily toward healthcare for acute illness and covers realtively fewer expanses incurred by chronic illnesses. Whereas older women are more likely than men to suffer debilitating chronic illnesses; older men contract fewer long-term chronic illnesses but are more pronenet to acute illnesses. Hence, Medicare meets the healthcare needs of older men fully than those of older women are more prone to acute illnesses. Hence, Medicare...
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...Child Welfare System Article BSHS/302 October 8, 2012 Joe Spalding Child Welfare System Article This article examines the characteristics of child welfare caseworkers, their views of the child welfare system, their clients, their agency of employment, and child welfare policies, and whether these views vary according to caseworkers' characteristics. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze in-depth interviews conducted with caseworkers in New York and Chicago. The major themes that emerged from the analysis indicate caseworkers believed that the child welfare system does not meet the needs of the children in care, lacks the resources to appropriately serve clients, and often establishes goals that cannot be attained by the biological parents. Caseworkers held negative views of the biological parents and, although most described their organization as well equipped, almost as many reported that their organization lacked technical, administrative, and personnel resources. Caseworkers' views of child welfare policies emphasized the need for reforming the system and reevaluating funding priorities.( Zell, M. C. (2006). Child welfare workers: Who they are and how they view the child welfare system. Child Welfare, 85(1), 83-103.) Response This article shows results among two cities Chicago and New York on the child welfare system. The results for the article show the interest of the case workers and how they can affect the individual they serve as clients...
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...Maintaining Ethical Standards Angle Robinson- Tanner BSHS/335 7/13/2014 Anjali Soni Maintaining Ethical Standards Ludwig is a counselor who is trained and educated within individual counseling as opposed to family counseling. After working with Ella for some time, Ludwig realizes that Ella would benefit from family counseling sessions. Ludwig would like to refer Ella to someone who is capable of doing family counseling, but is worried that Ella might feel as though he is abandoning her. Therefore, he decides not to refer her and continues just to help her on an individual basis. As a caseworker, there are multiple ethical issues that could arise within this case. The first ethical issue that I face is not referring Ella to the person who will be able to give her the proper care. It is my job as a caseworker to help my client to understand the issues involved within their individual life. If there is, something I cannot do, then it is my duty to explain to the client what needs to happen and by transferring them to a family counselor will benefit them better. Another ethical problem that I could be faced with is not being able to adequately accommodate the client's need due to missing information that could be brought up within family counseling. Most of Ella's issues are influenced by her family, and I would not be able to make accurate decisions because I do not have everyone's side. If I directly referred Ella, then the appropriate caseworker would be able to understand all...
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...BSHS 325 Andy Chi 12-7-2015 SANDRA MATHEWS For my case study is about on Tina who is a 45 year old female with three children. Tina’s relationships have changed from young adulthood to now. Her children live in her house with her. Her ex-husband left Tina for a attractive female who younger than Tina. Therefore, Tina very cares about her appearance. She takes a lot times to work out at the gym. She is not satisfied with her progress at the gym so she has increased her exercising routine to 4 hours a day. Because of it, she don’t have much of a social life. Tina spends a lot of time away Michael, whom she has been dating for 5 years. She is obsessed with exercising and the way she looks is affecting their relationship. Michael wants to marry her, but he also worry about her life style. Michael is not sure how much longer he can stay if Tina cannot spend much time for their relationship. He doesn’t want be to alone time with Tina with the others in the house and her exercising routine. So when Tina asks Michaels motives and has trust issues because of her past relationship. She thinks she is not that attractive and Michael may betray her like her past relationship. She hurts a lot from her past relationship. After her ex-husband left her for younger women her role changed and she began to exercise daily and focus on her appearance. She also thinks that Michael is too old for her, even though he is her same age....
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...Reliability and Validity Paper Jessica Cruz BSHS/382 Angela Colistra April 16, 2010 Reliability and Validity Paper Reliability and validity are the two criteria are needed when conducting research in the human services field in which the researcher’s results would be ineffective and useless without reliability and validity. In this paper the types of reliability and validity will be defined and examples of each will be given. Examples will be given of a data collection method and what data collection instrument is used in human services and in managerial research. Reliability Reliability implies to consistency or stability but it may also imply dependability. There are many types of reliability that are used in research, beginning with Alternate-form reliability: The degree of relatedness of different forms of the same test and an example of this is when a psychosocial assessment’s questions are changed. Internal-consistency reliability: The overall degree of relatedness of all items in a test or all raters in a judgment study and an example of this is when a participant agrees that “I love hot days: and “I’ve enjoyed hot days in the past”, and disagreed with the statement “I hate hot days”. Item-to-item reliability: The reliability of any single item on average and an example would be two identical items such as coins. Test-retest reliability: The degree of temporal stability...
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..."What is Human Services" Jessica Wiegand BSHS/302 October 10, 2011 Tami Frye "What is Human Services" Human Services is an occupation for a group of individuals helping people overcome a assortment of social problems. The National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) defines human services profession in this way: “The Human Services profession is one which promotes improved service delivery systems by addressing not only the quality of direct services, but also by seeking to improve accessibility, accountability, and coordination among professionals and agencies in service delivery” (Martin, 2011). The human services field can include a variety of job titles some including social worker, caseworker, program coordinator, outreach counselor, crisis counselor, and victim advocate. The goal of human services is to support individuals as well as communities meaning at their maximum potential, overcoming personal and social barriers as effectively as possible in the major domains of living (Martin, 2011). Achieving goals to help others in many different ways is what a human service professional strive for. They are there to help so many different kinds of people with many different kinds of problems in their lives. As a human services worker the goal is to; 1) develop, increase and maintain our clients self sufficiency skills, 2) level of independent functioning, 3) to improve their quality of life, 4) to provide empowerment, 5) to develop and increase our clients coping...
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...Web-Based Software for Human Resources “Effortless HR” BSHS 352- Technology in Human Services After exploring Human Resources several where found that offered information of web-based programs, the paper will show focus in Effortless HR. Various points will be looked into such as, “How human resources enhance the functional area within the human service organizations?” Furthermore it will cover how to utilize the software, explain how the size of the organization helps determine which software package to choose, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of using the software. Last we will explain how a company can use software for networking. Human Resources departments within an organization would be almost dysfunctional without the use of technology. To maintain an organization competitive and in motion Human Resources departments should be equipped with the proper technology and software to meet the organization’s needs. According to the size of the organization could determine the program system, workflow automation, and software needed to operate. Within the human services system; systems as the ultimate 2,000 MB, and CUSSN among others, are systems that could function to link users to the agencies’ freeware, shareware, online programs applications, etc. Systems, as CUSSN offer organizations diverse categories of software, essential in the area of human services delivering because of the variety of categories that the system control. According to HUSITA (Human...
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...Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence Where does a person develop the lesson of personal growth and learning? I believe it is through the values and ethics they will carry through life. Most lessons are learned from the family who one is raised in, while others may be learned from peers or society in general. My own values are a mixture of all those along with the experiences I have had throughout my lifetime. Having overcome many obstacles in my own life, helping others find ways to overcome their own obstacles has long been a goal of mine. This has helped me reach my goals, and to show my children that you can accomplish anything in life. Just to do it! I am a Master Level Register Addiction Specialist. Currently, I work with Lifers in the State of California Correction system. My duties include consist of individual sessions, group settings, treatments plans, and DAP weekly notes. I enjoy my job. Working with this population many of the men have been in prison over a period of fifteen years or more. The only problem with this position is that there is no opportunity for a promotion, which is a little discouraging. Managing the environment “A human service manager will need to monitor trends in the environment constantly, from the local and state levels to the federal and, sometimes, the global level. Political trends including devolution of formerly federal responsibilities, privatization of services, and increased accountability demands are likely to continue...
Words: 1736 - Pages: 7
...University of Phoenix Material Final Exam |Name: | Indicate your answer to each of the following questions by highlighting your choices. Each correct answer is worth .5 points. 1. Which one of the following skills best helps the human services professional understand the client’s environment? a. Listening b. Report writing c. Problem solving d. Advising 2. Ethical codes adopted by a profession are usually based on the premise that a. the solution to every problem can be found in the ethical code b. professions can police themselves. c. professionals cannot be trusted to make their own decisions d. ethical codes will eliminate mistakes in service delivery 3. The concept of less eligibility was introduced in 1834 to a. punish criminals b. limit the expansion of services to the poor c. promote institutional reform in prisons, almshouses, and asylums d. emphasize the benefits of social engineering 4. Which of the following would be consistent with the medical model approach to delivering human services? a. Providing parenting classes for pregnant teens b. Prescribing antidepressant medications c. Providing subsidized housing d. Running alcoholics anonymous group meetings 5. Managed care has influenced human services...
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...Ethics and Compliance in Finance In present day, conducting business ethically and honestly becomes a vital factor in the success of an organization, and Starbucks’ has excelled with its standards. Starbucks strives to always do the right thing and facilitates legal compliance and ethics training for their employees. Their seriousness with the matter became reflected upon them in 2011 when they became ranked as one of 38 of the most ethical companies by Ethisphere magazine. Commitment to strong ethics in operations became distinguished as a positive pointer to financial performance. “The evaluation also considers companies’ legal compliance and litigation track record, reputation in the marketplace, concrete examples of local, national, industry or global initiatives, governance and corporate citizenship, including environmental stewardship, supply chain engagement and corporate philanthropy.” (Environmental Leader, 2011). Starbucks includes in their business, nationally and internationally, a high standard of honest transactions and representation for their products and stakeholders. Following legal guidelines becomes an important factor in their ethics and a Code of Ethics has become established for the CEO and financial leaders to acknowledge and sign. Responsibilities to include protect and preserve stakeholders’ interests and executing duties honestly, fully, accurately, timely, and in good faith with no misrepresentation. As it takes time for the market to grasp...
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