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Peer Advisor Student Coordinator Position

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Why do you believe you are a good candidate for the Peer Advisor Student Coordinator Position?
I believe that I qualify for this position because as a current Peer Advisor, I have a little background on what the peer coordinators do. Working close with the advisor as a work study student has also opened my eyes to see that there is still more to learn. Also, with the help of the current Peer Coordinators assisting me, it will help me thrive for more success in the tasks assigned to me. With my personable character, I can work well and communicate with others to contribute to team efforts. As a public administration student planning on going into the public health, I need to widen my horizon and understand what is going on in the workplace. With that being said, I feel that my experience as a work study student and also as a peer advisor qualifies me for the Peer Coordinator position.

2) What aspects of the Position are you most looking forward to? …show more content…
When I was in high school, my counselor told me that the advisor over at the colleges do not have time to help students out because they have thousands of students to take care of, I was so afraid that I will not know anybody who will help guide me in picking classes that are relevant towards my major. Coming from high school, I was able to get into the EOF program, and with their help, I was able to adapt to the college resources because they taught us steps by step. With that feeling, applying for the Peer Coordinator position, I want the student to feel comfortable with the resources in Rutgers, and also to ask questions when they do not know what they are

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