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Assess the View That Women Are No Longer Oppressed by Religion


Submitted By abrisham
Words 704
Pages 3
Assess the view that women are no longer oppressed by religion
There are some aspects that show that women are no longer oppressed by religion as they are given more roles and responsibilities for example The Church of England has allowed women to be become priest since 1992. But in everyday life female followers of world religious leaders are often significantly more limited than males with regards to where they can go with whom they may associate. In this essay I am going to examine both views and examine whether women are no longer oppressed by religion.
Everybody focuses to Muslim women worldwide as oppressed, more specifically the Muslim women in Afghanistan. People often fail to distinguish between culture and religion, two things that are completely different, In fact, Islam condemns oppression of any kind where it is towards a women or in general.
Sometimes, people see covered Muslim women and they think oppression. This is wrong. Muslim woman are not oppressed, but they are liberated. This is because they are no longer valued for something material such as their good looks or she shape of her body. They compel others to judge her for her intelligence, kindness, honesty and personality. Therefore, people judge her for who she actually is.
Women cover their hair to be modest. When they wear loose clothes, they are trying to be modest. In fact, nuns cover their hair out of modesty. Also, when we see the frequent pictures of the Virgin Mary, she is covering her hair out of modesty as well. Therefore, Muslim women are doing the exact same thing as righteous Christian Women.
The two great roles a woman plays in life are a wife and a mother. The prophet once said to a group of men: "The best among you are those who are the best to their wives." This shows that Islam highly encourages the well treating of the wives. This should be shown love, respect and

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